Chapter 801
The more important the decision, the less time it usually takes to make a decision.

In just one meal, Shen Guanglin had already successfully persuaded Wang Yang.

Everyone wants to prove himself, even Wang Yang is no exception.

Everyone is a person who has realized the freedom of wealth, and now he has the opportunity to control greater wealth. For Wang Yang, this is a worthy challenge.

Moreover, after listening to Shen Guanglin's introduction, the Great Wall Group was involved in so many industries and the scale was so large that Wang Yang became numb after hearing it.

If you have any other good things, please take them out at once!

There are too many good things, and the stalls of the Great Wall Group are too big!Not to mention traditional electrical appliances, they are very good at OEM or self-production, and biopharmaceuticals, automobile manufacturing, textiles and clothing are also their strengths, and they are even developing semiconductors and new materials.

Even in fields that no one knows, the real estate of Great Wall Group is also in full swing.

Nowadays, it can also be said that Great Wall Group is the largest real estate development company in the country. Their properties are all held by themselves, especially the shops, which are basically not sold to the outside world.

With three generations of prosperity, Great Wall Real Estate vigorously develops real estate under the guise of improving the accommodation environment for faculty and staff. It is estimated that when the real estate industry really develops in the future, these houses alone will be enough for the Great Wall Group to be awesome for a lifetime.

So what other industries do you not do?Wang Yang was very curious.

It doesn't matter if they have covered such a wide range, the most important thing is that the Great Wall Group has succeeded in every field.

Even, just one Apple computer that can't be sold has pushed Fuso's Nintendo into a corner.

According to Wang An Computer's President Wang privately, Apple Computer has a lot of good things, but they don't know how to occupy the market.

Humph, are they really not going to take over the market?
How did Nintendo lose the market?
Shen Guanglin feels that the spring of computers and computers has not yet come, and there is no need to exert effort now.

Now, Apple Computer is not only researching computers, but also researching mobile phones. Whether it is a functional machine or a PDA, they are all conducting forward-looking research.

Shen Guanglin doesn't say how big the Internet market will be in the future. It is estimated that other people will not be able to imagine it.

Even as powerful as Jobs, there are times when he is kicked out of the house.

Now, the Great Wall Group has become a behemoth, and the profitability of each segment is very good.

In the view of Great Wall Group, there is no difficult business in the world.

Even the Great Wall Bank is actually profitable.

Moreover, the development speed of Great Wall Bank is astonishingly fast, which is also taking advantage of the opportunity of the rapid development of the domestic economy, giving them the opportunity to fully develop and expand.

In particular, Great Wall Bank's import and export business accounted for a small half of domestic foreign exchange settlement, and even some business of Poly Company was transferred to Great Wall Bank for transaction and exchange.

The Great Wall Bank's lending business has always been known for its flexibility. I don't know if it's luck or other reasons, but the bad debt rate of Great Wall Bank is not high at all.

They perfectly avoided all kinds of pitfalls on the road to entrepreneurship, and perfectly received every sum of money that should be collected.

Shen Guanglin also said that the entire Great Wall system is currently establishing a group company, and now there is a lack of a person in charge of the group.

Moreover, Great Wall Group's main business is manufacturing, and he has heard about the corporate management capabilities of Wanwan Plastic Company. He really wants Mr. Wang to come to the company to help us transform it.

Wang Yang admired it. In the few years since the Great Wall Group was established, his body size has far surpassed that of Wanwan Plastic. He is really watching the sky from a well.

This is an opportunity, but also a challenge. It is impossible to say that you are not tempted.

Such high-quality assets and such extensive management make people anxious.

Therefore, on the second day after the reception, Wang Yang had already gone to Great Wall Group to prepare for work before he resigned from his company.

At Wang Yang's request, Shen Guanglin did not directly appoint Wang Yang as the president of the group from the very beginning. There must be a transition period. The initial period is a process of learning and adapting.
Moreover, Shen Guanglin also wanted to persuade his old brothers who fought the world with him, like Su Youpeng and others who had been working hard for so many years, and if Wang Yang was really parachuted into the position, he also wanted to ask for their opinions.

As for democratic centralism, it must be democratic. If you agree, then it will be democratic. If you disagree, then it will be centralized.

Fortunately, these old people also think that Wang Yang has a good resume, so they can let him try it out.

That's good, Shen Guanglin's work assistant was handed over to Wang Yang. After Shen Guanglin explained the key points of work, he really let go of it, and he retired very thoroughly.

It seems that Professor Shen is really not interested in money, he is only interested in how to spend it.

Wang Yang went to work at Great Wall Group.

The media did not know where they got the news, and they reported it wildly: Wang Yang resigned from Wanwan Plastic, and is currently working part-time in a company in Xiangjiang.

What is a part-time job? Is it a vagabond?

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and this incident immediately caused an uproar in the whole Wanwan.

Who deliberately leaked or spread the news is not so important at this time.

What the outside world is guessing now is nothing else. What everyone is guessing is: What happened to the Wang family?Why did Wang Yang leave at this time period.

Even at this time, the people in Wanwan Plastic Company didn't even know that Wang Yang had gone to work elsewhere. This was because Wang Yang hadn't figured out how to explain it to his father.

In fact, there is no special reason, it's just that Wang Gongzi wants to show his ability, and Shen wants to be lazy.

Moreover, as the scale of the Great Wall Group became larger and larger, Shen Guanglin felt more and more that he did not have the ability to control such a large industry.

Wang Yang changed jobs, and the old man of the Wang family was the last person to know.

That's pretty cool!

After Wang Yang was called to the Taoist house, he was scolded so much that the old man even dropped his favorite white porcelain.

The old man of the Wang family is an extremely stubborn person. Although he is only 72 years old this year, still young, he is so stubborn that he doesn't want to hear any explanation from his son.

When Wang Yang resigned, he said harshly: As long as you walk out of this door today, the family property has nothing to do with you.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, since you are already riding on the tiger, it will be difficult to get off, otherwise I am sorry for Professor Shen's trust.

It's just that Wang Yang regretted being kicked out of the house and couldn't even look at the car.

It's too late to regret.

"President Wang, please get in the car." Even in the bend, the Great Wall Group has influence, so it is not difficult for them to mobilize a high-end car.

Now that this is the case, then Shen Guanglin really appointed Wang Yang as the president of the group.

Wang Yang took office very happily, and gave the first fire to the Great Wall Garment Group.

Without him, Great Wall Clothing is located in Shencheng, with a close geographical location, and most of Great Wall Clothing is OEM. Wang Yang has his own unique views on corporate management.

Sure enough, only half a month after taking office, the people from the Great Wall Garment Factory couldn't stand it any longer, and complained to Shen Guanglin: "Professor, that playboy is too rampant, he is so arrogant, when we were working here, he was still a slut Where's my young master?"

"Why, you are not convinced that he has the ability?"

Shen Guang and Lin Xin said that he is not stupid, it is Wang Yang who ruined the clothing factory, and the big deal is to lose a little wealth, which is impossible.

Wang Yang is indeed capable. The first thing he does when he takes office is to check orders, check materials, prepare to check inventory, and check the rate of good products.

All in all, in the field of production, he is more powerful than anyone else, and he criticizes many people because there are too many scraps and other "useless" things in the warehouse, which both take up inventory and waste money, and have not Generate benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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