Chapter 806 Li Wei
Don't use the suspect, but don't use it.

Since Shen Guanglin has already invited Wang Yang to be his second in charge, he must give him full trust.

Therefore, even if Wang Yuan, his good cousin, invited Boston Consulting Company to come over to study and do good deeds, he should help Great Wall Group do research and give lectures on success.

Shen Guanglin said that he does not take this kind of thing at all, his own success cannot be copied, and he does not want to copy the success of others.

Therefore, Shen didn't say anything else, and waved his hand directly at Wang Yang, the company is handed over to you, so you can do whatever you want.

Wang Yang was very moved and said that he would live up to Professor Shen's love.

However, when Wang Yang really took office, he found that things were not so easy to do, and there were still many obstacles for him.

The entire Great Wall Group, from top to bottom, has adopted a non-violent and non-cooperative method, all kinds of obedience and obedience.

Wang Yang is still making various efforts, but Shen Guanglin can't see it anymore.

What do you think of me?
Yes, I haven't managed you all these years, so I really can't control you?

There has always been a saying in Huaxia's official circles, "Help on the horse, and give it a ride."

Shen Guanglin realized that if Wang Yang was only supported on the horse, Wang Yang would not be able to carry out his work even if he had great abilities. Therefore, he decided to give him another ride.

In particular, Da Liu was the most despondent, and his behavior made Boss Shen even more dissatisfied.

This guy didn't get the position of president, so he played tricks behind his back, digging holes to make troubles, instigating other people's relationship with Wang Yang, and then pretending to be innocent to be a peacemaker later on.

Shen Guanglin is not a fool, he naturally knows who is doing what.

In particular, Boss Shen is familiar with history, and he has also read the 24 histories published by Mao Bian, so he has also learned the tricks of Grandpa Mao, and naturally he will not be easily deceived by them.

Therefore, in order to gain prestige and increase Wang Yang's prestige, after the appointment press conference, Shen Guanglin organized another banquet, just to let everyone accept Wang Yang's call.

After Shen Guanglin decided to make Wang Yang the president of the group, there were simply too many people who came to complain or act as lobbyists. All of them were for the good of the Great Wall Group, and they also used various methods. It was simply an intrigue. The feast of the rich and powerful.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin even thought of a word called "Qi shaking cold."

Therefore, not many people are eligible to participate in this Hongmen banquet, and the table is not full.

After everyone arrived and chatted for a long time on the sofa in the rest area, Boss Shen was the last one to appear.

Prior to this, they had already gone through several rounds of swords and swords.

The food and drink had been served a long time ago, and everyone was waiting for Shen Guanglin to come before they were seated. .

When Shen Guanglin came, he didn't say a word, and didn't care what everyone was doing, he picked up the chopsticks and pointed at the two Sixi balls, he took one away first, and immediately ate it.

Boss Shen's move really shocked everyone.

They have all followed Shen Guanglin for a long time, so it's not like they haven't had dinner with Professor Shen before.

In the past, Professor Shen always spoke politely and impeccably. What's wrong this time? Are you hungry?

Da Liu felt that Xiangjiang was his territory after all, so he greeted: "Everyone is welcome, let's sit down together, let's all sit down, Uncle Zhang sit down, Lao Su, sit down and eat, President Wang, you sit down too."

Then, Da Liu asked the waiter to start serving wine. He prepared two kinds of wine, one was red wine, which was for everyone to drink, and the other was Moutai, which was for Boss Shen himself.

Looking at the aroused Liu, Shen Guanglin said: "Don't pour it for me, I don't know how to drink."

This is a bit embarrassing, with a touch of anger, what does it mean not to drink, Boss Shen doesn't know how to drink, so every year a lot of Moutai goes missing, who bought it?
However, seeing that Shen Guanglin didn't look like he was joking, Liu could only pretend to be fine and continued to talk to others: "Let's order a red bar to celebrate President Wang's promotion. President Wang has only been here for a short time, and we haven't had dinner together yet." Woolen cloth,."

Wang Yang said politely, "I can do anything, I'm not picky eaters! I can do beer and wine, as long as it's fair to you. Although I can't drink, I dare to drink and I don't need to steal it."

Shen Guanglin quickly finished half a bowl of rice, and at the stall where everyone was shirking each other, he directly threw the chopsticks on the table, making a crisp sound.

These chopsticks are of good quality and should be made of bone, most likely contraband ivory.

Everyone fell silent when they heard the voice, looked at Boss Shen, and wondered what was wrong with him.

Shen Guanglin looked at Da Liu, and suddenly smiled, "Thank you Mr. Liu for giving me something to eat. The braised lion's head is good, and it made me half full."

The words were good, but this kind of yin and yang content suddenly made Da Liu unable to get down from the stage.

They also didn't understand the situation, and didn't know what Boss Shen was going to do. Did Shen Guanglin want to maintain the status quo? What he wanted was a revolution, and what he wanted was to integrate the resources of the entire group to face the challenges that were about to be launched in the future.

"The taste of this roast duck is not right. It's not as authentic as in the capital city. It must be roasted with electricity, not with fruit wood." Shen Guanglin still didn't look at everyone, but picked up a duck roll and tasted it. Except for the taste of sweet bean sauce, He didn't eat anything else.

Everyone knows that Boss Shen is taking this opportunity to express his dissatisfaction.

Seeing that everyone finally calmed down and was about to hear Boss Shen speak, Shen Guanglin picked up a hot towel to wipe his hands and was ready to speak.

"Wang Yang, Ph.D. from Imperial College, I'm sure you're familiar with the new president I've hired. Do you want me to introduce you again?"

Wang Yang has been in office for a while, but no one is willing to take over

"No, no, we have fully realized the ability of President Wang in the past month. He has done a good job in Great Wall Clothing, and his actions are swift and resolute, and the effect is immediate."

Da Liu still wanted to warm up the scene, so he said some scene words, just afraid that the words would fall to the ground.

It's just that Great Wall Clothing has always been Su Youpeng's territory, and Liu Yuezu is doing it for him.

Although the current size of Great Wall Clothing is not large, it has a lot of profits, and their number of employees is the largest, reaching more than 5 people.

When Wang Yang took over, he was also taken aback. A company with 5 people is still not visible, and the Great Wall Group is too good at hiding.

I just accepted a run on, and now Wang Yang smiled tepidly and said: "Everyone is doing things for Mr. Shen. This is my duty in life and doing things. You don't need to praise me. The next step is my The focus of work is to clean up financial problems and standardize financial behavior."

"What do you mean, you mean we've joined forces to engage in corruption?"

Zhang Peng couldn't bear these words. He felt that his status was higher because he was Li Rong's uncle, and he usually spent money freely, but he really didn't mean to take the company's property for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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