Chapter 82

Drinking and playing with Kent every day is not a problem, Shen Guanglin has more important things to do.

That is to help the lady review her homework.

It is estimated that Miss Li Rong mistaken love for love because of this.

Especially during the period before and after the holiday, Shen Guanglin was very enthusiastic. The course he taught had already ended, and he had no motivation to write a new paper in a short time, so he was very idle.

Therefore, he has more spare time and can actively help her prepare for the exam.

The college entrance examination questions in 79 have been repeatedly taken out and done several times, and the difficulty is quite small.

What will happen in 80?
Probably about the same.

In fact, Shen Guanglin himself is not good at exams, otherwise he would not have taken the TOEFL preparatory exam in his third year of high school.

If Shen Guanglin didn't have the ability to make money, it would be good for Shen Guanglin to be admitted to an ordinary school. It is considered that the old Shen family's ancestral grave is smoking.

He is just an ordinary urban village peasant, he can't do aerobics, and he can't be specially recruited by Wudaokou Technical School.

In order to help Miss and Sister to complete the review, during this period, Shen Guanglin conducted some in-depth research on the examination time and examination system of the college entrance examination.

If it wasn't for the wrong time, he could do full-time tutoring just like Teacher Zhang Xuefeng.

Since about last year, college entrance examination admissions have begun to be marked separately by province.

It seems that only the first year of the resumption of the high school entrance examination was to implement a unified national line, and this policy was never implemented again.

Zoning has a long history.

As early as the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there was an imperial examination examination. All the candidates admitted were from the south, and no one from the thirteen northern provinces was on the list.

In order to maintain the political balance, Old Zhu Kacha killed the chief examiner and the new champion, exiled the other candidates from the South, and then began to divide the North and South lists.

Now, in addition to dividing the line by province, the time of the college entrance examination is different every year.


The examination time set in 78 is July 7-20.

Last year was July, August, and September, and this year is the same.

It was the same time for many years to come, until 2003, when it was changed to the June 6 three-day exam.

Of course, there were college students before 77. College students before the resumption of the college entrance examination were recommended to study, also known as "worker, peasant and soldier students".

In academia, they are one of the least valued groups.

The last class of worker-peasant-soldier students in 76 finally graduated some time ago, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Many teachers sighed that from now on, those who study on campus will be pure college students, and they will be tired.

Li Rong chose liberal arts for the exam this time, which is the easiest to cut into.

In this way, for her, the only real stumbling block is mathematics, and the other subjects are memorized subjects, which are easy to be tutored and overcome if there are difficulties.

Only math is the most stressful, but unavoidable.

When it comes to mathematics, many people are very sad, and so is Shen Guanglin.

Because Shen Guanglin's mathematics is also a weak link.

He used to think that he was good at mathematics, much better than those foreigners, but now he realizes that he really can't.

When writing a thesis, he can list some formulas himself, but he can't calculate them, so he can only ask others for help.

Now that there is no computer, if you want to verify a formula, sometimes you can only rely on the planning disk as an aid.

It is no wonder that some units have also established mathematics institutes, which are specialized in theoretical calculations.

In later generations, there are supercomputers and servers in schools. If you want to verify anything, let them count, and set the program to run by yourself, which is nothing more than some electricity bills.

Electricity can be said to be computing power to some extent. With electricity, you can even mine Bitcoin.

Shen Guanglin had done such a thing.

When Bitcoin just rose, there were a large number of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants in the northwest that were idle. These were not able to be connected to the grid, and it would take many years if they were abandoned.

A friend of Shen Guanglin saw the business opportunity and used a container to pull the mining machine to go there directly to mine.

Heck, the electricity bill is almost free, so I make a lot of money.

Shen Guanglin bought a share and got a lot. Porsche bought it with his own money.

The northwest region is still fun, where in addition to sandboarding, you can also eat roasted whole lamb and handle meat.

It is said that the Tan sheep in Guyuan area is the most delicious, and it is definitely better than the sheep in Zhangjiakou.

Lai Hongmei used to herd sheep every day, but she didn't know if she understood these principles.

Lai Hongmei said that she used to raise a sturdy "Sao Hu" sheep, but later she broke her neck and died. The lamb was too muted after eating for a long time.

If you eat too much mutton, people will become tainted.

Shen Guanglin couldn't eat too much taint, so he could only drink a few cups of good tea with the money he got.

When it comes to computers, you should buy a few Texas Instruments scientific computers.

Also, Intel's 8086 processor should have been developed, what 286, 386, 486, hurry up and take it out.

In fact, 8086 created the X86 architecture, which is a very magical CPU. Even in 2020, these processors are still used in some industrial-grade control systems.

Let's go back to the exam.

For this year's college entrance examination, the specific test arrangement is to take two subjects a day, with a total score of 640. The order of the tests are: Chinese, Geography, History, Politics, Mathematics, and English.

For some schools, English is not required to be tested; for other schools, English is only 30% of the total score; but for schools such as Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School, English is calculated according to 100% .

Li Rong's exam location was assigned to 101 Middle School, and I don't know if it was random or human factors.

It only takes two or three minutes to walk from Fuyuanmen's house, which is closer than going to Beijing University.

The day before the exam, Lao Li's family also moved to Xiao Shen's house in Fuyuanmen.

It is also a door recognition.

Li Li didn't come, she really has something to do.

Lao Li and his wife were quite satisfied with the young man Shen Guanglin.

Xiao Shen is polite, knowledgeable, and handsome. Now, he even has a house.

There is nothing to be dissatisfied with, it would be nice if his parents were still there.

Since 101 Middle School belongs to the Fourth Ring Road, although it will develop into the center of the universe in future generations, it is still a bit remote now.

Although it is remote, there are still a lot of people who accompany the exam.

The first exam was Chinese, and Shen Guanglin and Lao Li took the exam in person.

The two were carrying chess, carrying maza, carrying watermelon, and each had a big fan.

In this era, there are people who accompany the test, those who carry food, those who hold water, those who line up, those who hold umbrellas, and it is very lively.

However, among all the people who accompanied the exam, there were really not many people who were so exaggerated and exaggerated as Lao Li and the others.

After all, there was only one exam in the morning, and the time went by quickly.

After Li Rong came out of the exam room, she went home happily, not even noticing that there were two people playing chess under the tree.

Everyone had lunch, and there were no candidates in the examination room, so these two guys walked back without embarrassment.

The lunch was made by my aunt. After all, Li Rong worked hard for the college entrance examination. She couldn't let her cook anymore, so let's just wash the dishes.

Combine work and rest, change your mind.

It will take another 40 years to get a man to cook and wash dishes.

In this era, in many areas in the north, women were not allowed to sit on the table during festivals, and could only eat in the kitchen or with their own bowls.

Li Rong was washing dishes by the pool in the courtyard, while Shen Guanglin watched from the reclining chair.

"What are the composition questions for this year's college entrance examination?" Without special preparation, how could Shen Guanglin remember the college entrance examination questions from 40 years ago.

"After reading "Da Vinci Painted Eggs"." Miss Sister is in a good mood, and the language should be relatively simple.

Very familiar story.

Shen Guanglin immediately came to his senses: "You know, the fact that Da Vinci painted eggs is fake and made up."

In Shen Guanglin's time, this fable was later introduced into elementary school texts, but it quickly went viral on the Internet.

"How could it be fake?"

"How can it be impossible? Da Vinci's paintings of eggs only appear in the Chinese world. This little story first appeared in an article written by Yu Li in 61, and it has not been circulated abroad. The degree of its falsehood is Borrowing a mirror with Edison, Washington is the same as cutting down a cherry tree, you can't go into it, just make sense."

"real or fake?"

"Don't worry about whether it's true or false, I'll tell you slowly after your exam is over."

The three-day exam was uneventful, and there were no answers to check in this era, and the score was meaningless. Anyway, it was enough to be able to read.

Next, Shen Guanglin has other arrangements.

He was finally going home.

(End of this chapter)

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