Start with a college teacher

Chapter 840 Discrimination

Chapter 840 Discrimination (2)

Insight into world affairs is knowledge, and human feelings are learned.

There is true love in the world, but discrimination is the hardest to bear.

Just seeing the expressions and behaviors of the young nurses and the older nurses, Shen Guanglin has already tasted some of them.

They probably felt that Shen's threshold was not high enough, so they didn't need to be too cautious, so they deliberately sang the double reed to lure those people over.

Perhaps, those people were indeed a bit difficult to deal with, but Shen Guanglin was more obedient, they were picking up soft persimmons.

Shen Guanglin didn't need to think too much, he had already understood the twists and turns in the middle in an instant.

"I said, I don't agree to let them move the air conditioner!"

Shen Guanglin repeated it again.

"Then why didn't you reject them just now? This made it difficult for everyone." The tone of the middle-aged nurse suddenly became anxious, even a little bit like asking the teacher for a crime.

"I didn't agree with them just now. Why, let you down?" Shen Guanglin asked back.

The middle-aged nurse hurriedly said, "Professor Shen, you misunderstood."

Shen Guanglin gestured for her to stop, and continued, "It doesn't matter if you misunderstand or not, I just want to ask, how did they know that I have an air conditioner installed here?"

If they hadn't said it out, those people would definitely not have known that the wards here are equipped with air conditioners. This was installed by Shen Guanglin himself, and it was not arranged by the hospital.

The middle-aged nurse could only explain forcibly, avoiding the important and changing the subject, "The other party is the family member of President Lu, and you know that our hospital is owned by the school. Or, see if you can make it easier for others. Anyway, you have two people here. There are two air conditioners, and it’s cool if you only turn on one.”

"Is it because I didn't explain clearly or you didn't hear clearly? I said, I won't let them move this air conditioner! You can go now, don't show up again! Otherwise, I can go to your dean to clarify. "

The nurses are gone.

But the matter didn't end there. At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, someone came over again. They came to dismantle the air conditioner.

At this point, Li Rong went out to buy groceries, her sister was still sleeping in the living room, and Shen Guanglin was watching TV in the living room.

Remove the air conditioner?
How is that possible!

Of course Shen Guanglin wouldn't let them demolish it, but they didn't listen. Shen Guanglin was the only man in the room, and he even wanted to beat someone up.

I go!Shen Guanglin had nowhere to release the karma that Shen Guanglin had endured for a long time, and being teased back and forth by these people, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

Today's situation is really depressing.

Shen Guanglin would be dead if he didn't have the same knowledge as them.

At this time, the role of the big brother finally manifested. Shen Guanglin's bodyguards lived in the hotel at the gate of the hospital. After a phone call, they rushed in within 3 minutes at most.

The elder sister hadn't come back yet, and the younger sister was still resting in the room. He was afraid of disturbing her. Shen Guanglin had them dragged outside the gate and beat them up before releasing them.

After all, what's the point of competing with an ordinary person, it's okay to vent your anger, bullying ordinary people is not a skill.

If you beat your subordinates, you will naturally attract the righteous master.

Sure enough, the young man who came here at noon soon reappeared, pretending to be a peacemaker: "Oh, Professor Shen, why are you still making trouble with the workers? Their language skills are not good, please forgive me Oh. If I watch them dismantle the air conditioner, it will not disturb your cleanliness."

"Come on, you tear it down! Break down your mother!"

Shen Guanglin's anger really can't be suppressed, why are you so provocative, this discriminatory tone really makes people uncomfortable.


Shen Guanglin was not very good at hitting people, but the slap was still very loud.

Lu Qingnian was slapped, and just about to make a noise, Shen Guanglin hurriedly signaled the bodyguards to keep him quiet.

Of course, the bodyguards were also very helpful. They immediately took a glass-cleaning rag to gag Lu Qingnian's mouth, and escorted him out.

There is no pregnant woman Lu Qingnian outside the yard. Fortunately, there is no need to worry about the baby being frightened.

However, a middle-aged woman is not far away. She is probably Lu Qingnian's mother. Seeing Lu Qingnian being beaten, she felt distressed: "Demolition of the shed, what happened to you, what happened to you in Beining just now?"

Shen Guanglin has been in Shanghai for such a long time. He has a good language talent, and he can already understand Shanghai's dialect at a minimum.

The full meaning of her words is: baby, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with Jiangbei people?

In Modu, outsiders are usually called Gangbei Ning, which means a compliment. If you don’t believe me, just ask Lao Modu.

With his mother by his side, the young man surnamed Lu who had regained a certain amount of personal freedom regained his vitality. He began to scold loudly: "You are simply hooligans. If you have something to say, why are you beating people?"

"Because you are noisy!"

Shen Guanglin didn't want to explain too much, it was a waste of saliva, shouldn't you be beaten for your previous discriminatory behavior?

If Shen Guanglin was really a professor at the school, then they really had it under control.

Especially the middle-aged woman's demeanor, polite but arrogant.

The kind of superior discrimination is palpable.

"Do you know who my father is, Professor Shen, don't be too arrogant when you are in college, if you don't apologize to me, you will regret it, you."

The bodyguard stopped the young man from talking with a rag again.

"Okay, then let me see who your father is, is it Li Gang?"

Shen Guanglin is serious, Vice President Lu?
Then he directly called the head of the school, that is, the bridge expert, a leader surnamed Jiang.

Who wouldn't know how to file a complaint about adding oil and vinegar.

In front of Lu's mother and son, Shen Guanglin said directly: "Principal Jiang, the affiliated hospital of your school is not good. I have donated a lot of equipment to you, and I am not satisfied. Just say what you want, now I've taken a fancy to the air conditioner in my lover's ward again, will my son be taken away in a few days?"

Principal Jiang over there was still in a daze, and quickly asked Professor Shen what was wrong.

"It's nothing. Principal Lu of your school and his family want me to leave, so I am not eligible to live in your affiliated hospital. So, before I leave, I will report to you."

Shen Guanglin's eccentric tone made Principal Jiang suddenly feel that the situation was a bit serious.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long to get to the hospital from school, and then, he saw a group of people doing martial arts.

Principal Lu didn't follow, he was on a business trip.

"Hello, Professor Shen." The principal extended his hand to shake hands with Shen Guanglin.

After the two shook hands, Shen Guanglin replied: "In this situation, do you think I can be okay?"

"Professor Shen, don't be angry. It's because we didn't do our job well. I'll give you an explanation right away." Principal Jiang turned his head and looked at them with unfriendly eyes: "Are you Lao Lu's family?"

"Principal Jiang, we." The middle-aged woman knew Principal Jiang, so the relationship between the two families was not bad.


The headmaster didn't want them to talk too much at all, and they made too many mistakes.


Xiao Lu and his group were very obedient, and they ran away immediately, even with some relief on their expressions.

They know that they probably offend someone they can't afford to offend, so it's better to slip away.

"Professor Shen, look, how should we deal with this matter?" Principal Jiang really didn't want to offend Shen Guanglin, otherwise the good foundation laid earlier would be in vain, and the school's reputation would be ruined in the domestic circle. .

Shen Guanglin was not polite when he made his appeal: "I think the best way to deal with it is to let Principal Lu retire early, so that they will probably be able to act with humility in the future."

"However, Xiao Lu is only 50 years old, and he is in his prime."

"Can't you retire?"


(End of this chapter)

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