Chapter 844 Excuses (1)

There is life and death, and wealth is in the sky.

This sentence actually comes from the "Yan Yuan Pian" in the Analects of Confucius, which has been handed down for more than 500 years.

The context of use of this sentence is usually used when the boat is at the bottom of the boat, and it has the meaning of "a man will die for thousands of years without dying".

Now, it's finally time to confess to Lao Li.

My sister had already told Lao Li about her sister's pregnancy and childbirth, saying that they were in Shanghai now, and asked if they would come.

You said so, can you not come?
It is estimated that Lao Li will come over tomorrow.

However, throughout the ages, there are too many examples of She Xiaojia for everyone, such as Dayu's water control, Huo Qubing's Northern Expedition, and many near, such as the two bombs, the great physical scientist
Shen Guanglin thought about it, he is a physical scientist, in front of family and career, it is really difficult to have both.

In particular, during the recent period, the research on lithium battery technology in the joint laboratory of Capital University and Tongji University has reached a critical juncture, and it is just waiting for Professor Shen to give on-site guidance. Maybe he will be resident in the laboratory for a while.

As for how long he will stay in the laboratory, it depends on how long Lao Li stays in Shanghai.

It has been a long time since Professor Shen's spirit of daring to fight for science and disregarding his family has been seen in scientific researchers, especially Shen himself.

Not to mention the last three to five years, at least in the last one or two years, I haven't seen someone like Shen working overtime, let alone staying in the laboratory.

All of this is for the development of the country's science and technology, is it easy for Professor Shen?

Lao Li, who was far away in the capital, received a call from his sister Li Rong: My sister is in Shanghai. She is pregnant and gave birth. It is a boy weighing six catties. Mother and child are safe, good news for you.

So, that night, Lao Li rolled and turned on the bed all night.

During the period, he probably slept for a few hours in a daze. Even though the summer dawned very early, he still got up before dawn.

Sitting alone in the living room drinking tea in the dark, there was a huge tea mug full of herbal tea made last night.

Lao Li drank a whole bottle in one go, but his heart still couldn't calm down.

Looking at his watch, it was only 5:[-], which made Lao Li even more restless.

"What's the matter? You don't usually do this, what happened?"

Hearing the sound of putting the tea mug heavily, Mrs. Li rubbed her eyes and came out of the bedroom, looked at the big tea mug in front of Lao Li, without thinking too much, and was about to go into the bathroom to wash up.

Lao Li endured and endured, lay down and sat down, finally coughed and said, "I have something to tell you."

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Li squeezed on the toothpaste, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't see Lao Li continue to speak. While brushing her teeth, she asked vaguely: "You said it."

"Lily's side. I'm a little worried, and I want to go and have a look." Old Li is more than worried, his head is about to explode, and he has a grandson now?

"You're partial!" Mrs. Li spat out the toothpaste foam and smiled, "You've never cared so much about Rong Rong, why, didn't you say you would never go to Fusang, this time you're going to make an exception?"

"Lily is not in Fusang now, she is in Shanghai, and the two of them are in Shanghai together." Lao Li said to his wife.

What Li Rong said on the phone yesterday was vague, but Lao Li had already guessed everything about it, but he didn't know how to tell his wife.

"Ah? Two people, she has a date? Why didn't you tell me, a mother, when I went to Kyoto last year, I didn't see her date. She didn't say anything at that time."

Lao Li shook his head, "It's not the object, it's the wife. She has a child."

"Oh, it's not my partner. She has, what." The toothbrush cup in Mrs. Li's hand fell to the ground, and she didn't bother to pick it up. She quickly turned her head and asked, "What? She has a child? You're talking about our second child." ?
You mean, our Li Li has a baby?who?Could it be that she married a Fusang man?

Oh, how could it be like this, if the old man knows, oh, what did I say, she shouldn't be allowed to study abroad, just you protect her every day, look, something happened, oh, I"

The more Mrs. Li spoke, the more anxious she became, and she even felt a little at a loss.

Old Li stopped his wife's wild speculation: "Don't worry, she is not pregnant with a Fusang child, really not a Fusang child! The child's father is from China."

Although Li Rong didn't tell Lao Li whose child his sister was pregnant with, Lao Li had already guessed it, but he was a little unwilling to face it.

Now, Mrs. Li is probably the only one in the family who is kept in the dark.

"That's good, that's good, it's good to be from China. You said that this girl didn't learn anything else when she went abroad to study, but she learned a lot of openness. It's the same as you back then. I was pregnant with you back then. We weren't married when Rongrong was, but she was lucky enough to give birth to all the children before she got married."

Mrs. Li was washing her face while muttering, and soon she came back to it: "You knew it yesterday?"

"Yes!" Lao Li replied honestly.

"Then why didn't you tell me yesterday?" Mrs. Li began to investigate what happened, "Who told you?"

"I'm not afraid that you will worry."

"I asked who told you, who told you?" Madam clung to this point.

"Rongrong said it." Lao Li confessed.

"Hey, I said that Rongrong hasn't been in the capital recently, and she went to take care of her younger sister. We are the last to know?"


In fact, no, Lao Li knew it in advance, and only Mrs. Li was the last one to know.

But this is not important, the important thing is to arrange the itinerary.

Lao Li hurried to coordinate the air ticket to Shanghai, and his wife hurried to the market to buy some things, such as brown sugar, millet, sea cucumber, and black-bone chicken.

As a mother, she must feel sorry for her daughter, and she must prepare as much supplies as possible in this short half-day.

Do you want to bring more money?
You don't need to bring money, Rongrong is over there, don't you know how much money she has in her hand?

Thinking about it, even though they don't know how much money Shen Guanglin has, Shen Guanglin's $10 lecture is very famous, and Li Rong is not short of money at all.

Along the way, Mrs. Li kept asking Lao Li all the time. Mr. Li said that he didn't know the specific situation, but everything would be clear when he arrived in Shanghai.

Then hurry up, what are you waiting for?

When the couple came out of Jiangwan Airport, they immediately felt the enthusiasm from Shanghai, at least because of the hot weather.

September in the capital is already cool, but the magic city in September is still hot and unbearable.

Fortunately, Li Rong came to pick up the plane early. There is an air conditioner in the car, so it will not be too hot when it is turned on.

"Fortunately, I asked a little more, otherwise I would have picked you up at Hongqiao Airport." Li Rong skillfully steered the steering wheel while chatting with Lao Li and his wife.

Jiangwan Airport is an old airport left over from World War II. It has been used by the aviation unit and has not been delivered to other places. However, Hongqiao Airport is used by civil aviation.

Lao Li came here with his wife. He didn't buy a ticket in advance. He wanted to set off but didn't have a ticket, so he had to find another way to come here, which was considered a privilege.

After getting in the car, Lao Li didn't say a word, only Mrs. Li was talking: "Rongrong, tell me, what's going on with your sister? Why did Li Li come to Shanghai? When did she get pregnant? What happened? Have a child?"

"It's been four days since the baby was born, plus the expected due date and a few days beyond the due date, it should be 297 days ago."

Li Rong's answer was very accurate. I guess he had thought about what the old man would ask, and he was well prepared.

However, is this what Mom wants to ask?Li Rong deliberately did not follow the routine.

The mother asked: "What I want to ask is, what happened to Li Li? Why don't we know anything, and the child already has it."

"You have to ask your sister about this. I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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