Chapter 847 Name (2)

Mama Li is a little innocent, but not stupid.

While there was no one around, she grabbed her younger sister and insisted on telling her what she meant by what she just said.

"So, the child's father?" Li's mother couldn't believe it, the baby could not be Guanglin's son, could it?
"Well, that's what you think." The younger sister admitted generously, otherwise why would she have the surname Shen.

"How long? How long have you been together?" Mom couldn't believe it was true. She never thought that the second girl would have anything to do with Shen Guanglin.

"Seven or eight years. We were together before I studied abroad."

It's this time, and there's nothing to hide. Moreover, my sister and Shen Guanglin have been together for a long time, so from the beginning, Shen Guanglin has been eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot.

"Then your sister still?"

"Now you have to ask my sister. Brother Guanglin was teaching at Capital University. He was my teacher at the time, and he pursued me first. As for my sister, she is the latecomer."

My sister can see clearly now that this involves a position, and there must be no ambiguity, otherwise, the East Palace will be left behind.

Even Emperor Shun's Ehuang and Nvying fought over who was his wife and who was his concubine. The younger sister thought she didn't care about her status, but now that she has a child, she realizes that she actually does.

Therefore, when she met the King of Denmark, she dressed up and traveled, and to a certain extent, she was also swearing sovereignty.

Hearing her daughter's words, Li's mother was completely dumbfounded.

General folklore: Sister-in-law is half-ass of brother-in-law.

Now it's all right, my sister-in-law's entire ass belongs to my brother-in-law.

In this complicated relationship, the younger sister has no objection, the older sister has no objection, and even Lao Li seems to be in the know. It seems that only he is kept in the dark.

Mother Li doesn't want to talk to her sister anymore, let her go back to take care of the baby, because a mother's bad mood can easily affect the child's development.

So, Mother Li went to find Lao Li angrily, and twisted his ears to find an explanation.

Lao Li was dragged back into the room, and he didn't argue, but asked quietly: "You also know."

"I know! How did I know! Such a shameful thing, how could it happen? Did you already know? Why didn't you stop it!" Li's mother's anger was directed at Lao Li.

Lao Li is also full of grievances:

"How can I stop it? I saw it on the news when I found out. Your second daughter was being received by the king in Denmark with others. What can I say at such a glorious moment?"

Mother Li stopped talking, and after a long time, she asked again, "Do you think Lily has been wronged?"

"There should be no grievances. Think about it now, how did she go to study abroad back then. Why did Kyoto University so coincidentally give a place to study abroad with a full scholarship, but it just happened to fall on her head. She is not No. 1, and did not use the relationship at home."

Lao Li also had something to say, he had doubted this matter back then, and now it seems that it is so.

Li's mother also recalled: "You said, this was arranged by Xiao Shen?"

"Of course, he's a visiting professor at Kyoto University. He must have arranged Lily's study abroad at Kyoto University. Those Fusang people are holding Xiao Shen like a god."

The matter has been clarified so far, but Li's mother is still not reconciled: "

No, I want to ask Li Rong what's going on, why doesn't this girl know shame. "

However, Li's mother was embarrassed to go out, so the matter of calling Li Rong could only fall on Lao Li again.

Fortunately, when Lao Li knocked on the door, luckily the two of them didn't have London fun, otherwise it would have been even more embarrassing.

Li Rong came out as soon as he yelled, and Lao Li pretended not to see Shen Guanglin soaking his feet there, and he was served by his own daughter.

However, it can also be seen from the side that the relationship between the couple is good.

After entering the room, my mother immediately closed the door tightly, and then asked:

"Rongrong, tell me honestly, what's going on with your sister?"

"You all know?" Li Rong asked back.

"Can we not know? I am ashamed and panicked. It has been decades, and such a shameful thing has never happened. Tell me, how can I tell my relatives and friends about this incident when I return to the capital? Just say that Li Li was born." The child belongs to her brother-in-law. Oh, how can I say it?"

Speaking of this, my mother is also heartbroken.

"Mom, I live with Brother Guanglin, and I don't dislike it. What do you care about so much?" Li Rong also thought about it a long time ago. After all, the fat water didn't flow to outsiders. The two looked at Shen Guanglin, It also saves him to mess around outside.

Mom still felt that this was inappropriate: "You, you! How could you do it! I admit that Xiao Shen is very good, and I saw it when he came to the house for the first time. But, you, you, the two of you How can it be like this?"

"But Brother Guanglin likes my younger sister. Who made her look better than me? Men, don't they all like beautiful women? What can I do?" Speaking of this, Li Rong also has plausible words, and she regrets it a little now He brought Shen Guanglin home so early, but this person originally fell in love with himself, but in the blink of an eye he also fell in love with his sister.

Hum, man.

"Since he is with his sister, won't you leave him?"

"How to leave? I gave him everything. If I leave him, who will I marry?"

This makes sense, this era is still relatively closed, and many newlyweds are still very concerned about whether the other party is chaste.

It's not like later generations. If there is a girl who is particularly good-looking, and it's the first time on the night of marriage, the man's ancestral grave will be burnt with incense.

Isn't there such a poem?

The three appointments and six ceremonies are still there today, and the palace guards of the past are not seen.

The God of Wealth takes over the position of Yuelao, full of willows and flowers.

Then comes the dead time.

Li Rong left Lao Li's room and let them calm down.

After all, this is already a fait accompli, so what can we do?Do you want her to divorce Shen Guanglin and let Shen Guanglin marry his younger sister?
This is even more impossible to explain.

Who made Brother Guanglin so talented?

Usually, Lao Li and the others are proud and proud of this son-in-law.

However, what they never expected was that they had two daughters but only one son-in-law.

Fortunately, there are many sisters who married one person in history.

For example, Emperor Shun had Ehuang and Nvying; Emperor Han Cheng had Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Hede; as for Huang Taiji, he was even more powerful, not only married the two sisters, but even his aunt; , directly married 4 pairs of sisters.

What can the old couple do? They can only fight with silent actions.

No, early the next morning, Li's mother urged Lao Li to leave.

No one can persuade me. The family still has a dog and grows vegetables, so it cannot be done without someone to take care of it.

Especially Lao Huang, who is already an old dog, is very lazy every day, lying there to enjoy the shade after eating, and has no interest in flirting with the newly adopted Xiao Hua at home.

Shen Guanglin still bought air tickets for his father-in-law and his mother-in-law and sent them to the airport, accompanied by Li Rong.

Along the way, several people hesitated to speak, but in the end they still didn't pierce the embarrassing window paper.

Parents finally left, but my sister was not disappointed, but a little relieved.

Finally, no one would rob her of the child anymore.

A woman is always a bit abnormal after giving birth, and she is more or less mentally ill. She can't leave her child even for a moment.

The husband is already shared with the sister, but the child is his own.

(End of this chapter)

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