Chapter 86
In Shen Guanglin's memory, he didn't have any impression of his aunt at all, only that Yang Zhou seemed to have such a group of relatives.

There is a saying that goes like this: "Auntie's relatives, from generation to generation, break the bones and connect the tendons; aunts and cousins ​​are not considered relatives, and the dead aunts are broken off."

But in Shen Guanglin's family, the performance was even more exaggerated.

My uncle doesn't kiss anymore. It seems that after the second generation, he has basically cut off his relatives, and he can't wait for the so-called "first generation relatives, second representatives, and three generations later."

One of the two is in Jinling and the other is in Yangzhou. The physical distance is too far.

Of course, this is only one aspect.

The big age gap between the siblings and the lack of deep affection is another aspect.

There is also the factor of treating others unfairly, which is also very important.

When Shen Longxian was fostered in the Jiang family, he was not free and was always excluded and discriminated against. This was the root cause of the disagreement between the two families.

Later, Shen Longxian finally got married and started a business. With good ingredients and a high starting point, he became a worker and became a master, with a stable income and a guaranteed life.

On the other hand, the Jiang family was defeated.

Landlord families, whose property has been confiscated, and there are not many fields, it is difficult to maintain a living.

Every time, Shen Longfeng brought Jiang Shuqiao over to ask for some rice noodles to help them live, otherwise the whole family would starve to death.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.

Shen Longxian finally let out this breath.

After all, she was her second sister, and she raised her for many years.

Before Shen Guanglin was born, the aunt had already passed away.

Now that the time has come to 1980, Shen Longfeng is not young anymore. She was born in 1915 and is 65 years old this year.

The youngest of the sisters, Shen Longxian, was born in 1934 and is only 46 years old this year.

Shen Longfeng's eldest son, Jiang Shuqiao, is one year older than Shen Longxian, 47 years old this year.

No wonder Shen Longxian didn't like seeing the Jiang family. He and his nephew were about the same age, but they were treated very differently. One was a young master and the other was a child laborer. Anyone would hate them.

Moreover, Jiang Shuqiao's son is already 26 this year, which is older than the current Shen Guanglin. Shen Longxian's son is only 16, a full ten years later.

Oops, what a chaotic family.

Shen Longfeng heard that the eldest brother's widow appeared and was about to return to Jinling. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep for several days.

Her eldest brother was about the same age as her and had a good relationship when he was a child, but unfortunately he went out to study and never came back.

Before liberation, she also asked someone to bring a few small yellow croakers, saying that she should take good care of her brother.

As a result, her family was not good to her younger brother, so that her younger brother was not very close to her.

What will your brother's child grow up to be?
It's really been a long time.

As soon as Shen Guanglin took Li Rong out of the station, they were recognized by them.

There is no need to check the information, just look at the appearance, and it is actually similar to Shen Longxian.

It's him!
"Second aunt!"


Shen Guanglin was still a little ashamed, the joke seemed to be a big one, but he was still riding a tiger.

Shen Longxian held Shen Guanglin's hand and did not react. After all, a man's feelings are introverted. The eldest brother is much older than him, and the relationship between the two is not very deep. This nephew looks really friendly, but he is still a stranger.

Shen Longfeng's performance was completely different, she held Shen Guanglin's arm tremblingly, and immediately burst into tears after just one glance.

She is the most difficult person.

Ben is also a young lady from a big family, married to a well-known Yangzhou family.

Who would have thought that when the war came, the whole family would not survive.

The war was over, but the family was knocked down.

It hasn't been a good few years since I was in my twenties.

Now, the voices and smiles of several sisters are still there, but all of them have passed away, leaving only one younger brother.

Now I suddenly see that my elder brother has a successor, there is relief in the sadness, and the cry contains too much emotion and connotation.

The Shen family finally has a daughter!
At this time, the folk inheritance system also defaulted to the eldest son and eldest grandson inheritance system.

A young son like Shen Longxian cannot theoretically inherit the Shen family's incense mantle.

When going to the grave to worship in the future, the chief priest must be the descendant of the elder brother.

It's always bad to cry in the waiting square, let's find a place to talk first.

The group briefly introduced each other, and Shen Guanglin also "re-acquainted" with these relatives.

"Sure enough," the Shen family was thin, with only Shen Longxian and Shen Houdao as men.

On the other hand, the Jiang family is prosperous. Two of his aunt's sons and one daughter are married and have children. There are seven or eight descendants of the third generation. The oldest grandson is older than Shen Guanglin, and the youngest is several years old.

This time, Shen Guanglin not only grew up a generation, but also became a cousin.

Shen Guanglin is only 24 this year, and his eldest nephew is already 26.

Find a place to eat first, take a feast, and chat while eating.

In this era, the 110-meter-high Jinling Hotel has not yet been built.

Besides, with the financial resources and courage of Shen Longxian's family, it is impossible for him to entertain these poor relatives with the greatest pomp. He is very careful.

Shen Guanglin didn't care, and he didn't go to pick a place. It would be nice to have a meal by the Xuanwu Lake. There were more than a dozen people, which was a lot of money.

The checked luggage hadn't been unloaded yet, so I made an appointment with the station management office to pick it up later, and a group of people set off on foot.

Family affection is the rarest emotion in the world. Although these people meet for the "first time", the sincerity cannot be faked.

Rare Huaiyang dishes, especially Wensi tofu is the most rare.

After dinner, we chatted by Xuanwu Lake, and everyone lost their share.

They knew that Shen Guanglin was now living in the capital and was a teacher at the university, and it was an honor.

The girl who came with him was surnamed Li. They said that she was not the target, but she really looked like her. Could someone who is not the target follow you back?
Shen Guanglin took the prepared items from the station. They were all for food, and they looked very valuable.

But the two elders both said, we have everything in our family.

But still accepted.

Shen Longxian does have everything at home. Although he lives in two rooms allocated by the unit, there is even a TV at home.

There are too many people, so I can't sit at home, so I can only put a few stools outside for everyone to make peace with.

I eat dinner at my own house. I always eat at a restaurant. I don’t have any mines.

The dinner was made by my aunt and aunt together. Shen Guanglin's "aunt" was called Lan Mei, and she didn't have a big name at all.

Staying at night is a hassle, Shen Guanglin originally wanted to say that he should stay in a hotel, but he paid for everyone himself.The result is not necessary, there are many neighbors in the surrounding area, just a few in each household.

In the end, it was Shen Guanglin and Li Rong who really opened the room and went out to stay.

Of course not opening a room, that's not what it is.

Among all relatives, Shen Guanglin and his cousin Shen Houdao have the closest relationship.

The two sat together during dinner, and Shen Guanglin's smile was also kind, "Little devil, you are very good."

This cousin really behaved very well, Shen Guanglin decided to give him a good make-up class, he is in the first year of high school, high school is very important, and he must be admitted to a good university.

The cousin agreed with tears, he was the last hero in the whole grade.

In order to reward his cousin for his obedience, Mr. Shen was the most generous and double standard. He gave him the Tiffany watch he just bought and asked his cousin, "What else do you want?"

"Want a bike."

(End of this chapter)

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