Boss Shen is going to the capital again.

He didn't tell his elder sister about this matter, and he didn't tell his two elder sisters. He only said that he would go out to discuss business and be back in a day or two.

Therefore, even if he went to the capital, even though his sister missed him very much, Shen Guanglin did not take the children there. After all, what adults have is love, and children are just the product of carelessness, which is not that important.

Knowing that his sister is now living in Fuyuanmen's house, Shen Guanglin didn't know how to deal with Lao Li and his wife, so he didn't go to the door, but stayed in the hotel first.

After settling himself down first, Shen Guanglin then drove a car back near Fuyuan Gate and called his sister.

Li Li's tone was not so pleasant, "How many times have I told you that when I call the landline at home, it's just you, always calling the mobile phone, always calling the mobile phone, and I will pay the bill."

What's the matter, Shen said, it's not just a phone call, but it can also make people poor. In the future, she will fill up her account and call casually.

The younger sister laughed, the phone bill can still be full, but she still wants to hear the child's voice.

It's just that this time I can't hear the child's voice, but I can hear the child's father's voice at close range.


My sister quickly asked where he was?
It's at the entrance of the alley, a Type 84 military car, someone Shen was embarrassed to drive in, so he made a call at the entrance of the alley.

What a waste!
However, my sister was very happy when she heard that Shen Guanglin was here. Without changing her clothes, she ran to the entrance of the alley excitedly, and she saw a certain Shen wearing sunglasses.

Li Li pulled the co-pilot and got in, "You bastard, I've been away for so long and I don't even think about me, and I don't even know you came to see me!"

Hey, my sister has learned to act like a baby. This is not the style of the two of them.

Shen Guanglin laughed. Facing the beauty, he couldn't bear it for a long time. After kissing him, he kicked the accelerator and rushed to his hotel. Let's wait for the wind and rain to say anything.

However, what they didn't expect was that there was another person on a nearby Santana, and that was student Yuan.

Originally, when he saw his sister running out happily, he thought he saw his own car, but he didn't expect her to get into someone else's car.

Student Yuan followed all the way, and even followed to the Beijing Hotel.

Xiao Biesheng is newly married, Shen and his sister haven't seen each other for more than half a month, seeing each other again is like dry wood and fire, and without the interference of his sister and children, he can naturally play to his heart's content.

So, after at least 10 dongs of hard work, the two of them came out to get something to eat.

"Mr. Shen, there is a trolley that has been following you, but we stopped it. He said he is Madam's classmate. How do you arrange it?"

When Shen Guanglin was ordering, the security captain found a stall where his sister was not there, and reported in a low voice.

Of course, Shen Guanglin brought a professional security team with him when he went out. He was terrified of his life. The more he was in the circle of rich people, the more he heard about all kinds of horrible cases of being kidnapped and assassinated.

The rich are a high-risk species, the older the world, the less courageous they are.

Hey, it's only been a while, and Shen Guanglin said, "Then arrange a place, what kind of classmate, I want to meet."

The place where Shen Guanglin met Yuan was in an alley not far from the Jingcheng Hotel.

Since he was following Boss Shen and was discovered by the bodyguards, he must control his personal freedom and give him physical greetings, otherwise he would not be able to make any confession.

As for District Chief Yuan, this was naturally out of the scope of the bodyguard's thinking.

After all, they still know who Boss Shen is, and he can cover ordinary things, especially when it concerns the second wife. The second wife who looks like a fairy is really easy to attract bees and butterflies.

"Is that you following me?"

Looking at this big belly that was beaten into a dog's head, Shen Guanglin couldn't imagine that a man like him could have anything to do with his sister.

"Brother, I really didn't mean it. Li Li and I are classmates. I happened to see her getting into your car. I was just curious for a while. You have a lot of adults, so just let me go. I didn't do anything. .”

In Yuan's mind, a hero must be aware of current affairs, admit weakness at critical moments, and not be ashamed.

Looking at classmate Yuan who was so ugly, Shen didn't feel threatened at all, it was probably just a misunderstanding.

Shen Guanglin is not a person who cares about every detail. Seeing that he is really Li Li's classmate, he no longer cares about it. Instead, he took out 1000 yuan for medical expenses and let him go. It's just a misunderstanding.

This is just a small episode, but seeing his sister is not the whole of this trip to the capital, Shen Guanglin still has other important things to do on the itinerary, that is to meet brother-in-law Lu, and by the way, meet that man of the times, Mr. Mou.

Boss Shen wants to treat guests, and there is a younger sister living here, so naturally he can't continue to arrange the Beijing Hotel.

There are many high-end hotels in the capital now, for example, one of Shen's good friends - the Zhaolong Hotel invested by the charter king has already opened, and the business is not bad.

Ever since the hotel was built, the charter king rarely came to the capital. It was only after Shen Guanglin talked with him in Shanghai that he remembered that the ship king still had properties in the capital.

The boat king also said that his youngest daughter is divorced, if Boss Shen does not give up
Speaking of this, the charter king regretted his billions of net worth.

Get out, I treat you like a brother, but you want to be my father.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't want to follow him. He was not short of money, so he didn't need to inherit the old man's inheritance. It was boring.

The meeting appointment was the next day, and when Shen Guanglin arrived at the gate of Zhaolong Hotel, brother-in-law Lu and Boss Mou were at the gate to greet him.

Shen Guanglin first nodded to brother-in-law Lu, and then shook hands with a certain boss: "Where did Boss Mou get rich recently?"

The last time I went to Eastern Europe with Boss Mou, Shen Guanglin changed hands and bought Skoda Auto, and became famous all over the world. However, Shen Guanglin didn't care what a certain boss did.

Boss Mou greeted Shen Guanglin into the box, and then said: "Where do you make a fortune? The recent inflation is severe. You know the situation. Domestic business is very difficult. There are approvals everywhere. The business can go on."

It's true.

The Great Wall Group also felt the abnormality of this era, especially they needed a lot of steel, and this power was in the hands of a few people. Even if it was as powerful as the Great Wall Group, it could not guarantee the supply of steel, otherwise it would not let Brother-in-law Lu Shipped steel back from Europe.

"Business is not easy." Shen Guanglin nodded in agreement.

Seeing Shen Guanglin ask the waiter to pour tea, Boss Mou quickly stood up, "Don't drink that, try the Dahongpao from Wuyi Mountain, which is picked from the mother plant, and the annual output is less than one catty."

"You are amazing." Shen Guanglin finally looked at him curiously.

Next, everyone's topic revolved around tea.

The Dahongpao of Wuyishan is very famous, and it is recorded in the tribute list during the Kangxi period: Wuyishan Dahongpao, eight taels.

However, after the food and wine were served, everyone started to eat and eat, and did not mention borrowing money. It seems that Boss Mou is still a fastidious person.

However, just as everyone was drinking and eating, the lobby manager came in and said: Mr. Shen, a group of people outside are besieging the hotel, saying they are looking for you. I don’t look like a good person. Do you want to hide?

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