Start with a college teacher

Chapter 904 Acquisition

Magic City is a good place, and there are many tourist attractions.

Not to mention Nanjing Road, the Bund, and the Huangpu River. Every time Fusang friends come, Shen Guanglin will take them to the Sixing Warehouse to have a look and remember the history.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to deal with Wanwan friends, and they are also indigenous people, so they can't be taken back to their hometown.

In desperation, Shen Guanglin could only take them to Zhouzhuang to see the scenery, and then to Kunshan to listen to Kunqu opera.

Shen Guanglin doesn't know whether Kunqu opera is good or not, but he knows that there is a famous actor in later generations who was born in singing Kunqu opera. He has a good figure. There is a short video of him getting off the nanny's car, wearing jeans, with his mobile phone in his butt pocket, Very stealthy.

Of course, actresses from "Dream of Red Mansions" are always whimsical.

Iron Boss Ban Zai, Iron Cage Tears did not wrong him.

But, who knows, Wang Laoer has been lingering in Shanghai for a long time, but he just doesn't mention when he will return.

During the period, he invited Shen Guanglin to visit Wanwan many times, but Shen Guanglin refused all of them, "Your masculine man in Yanli is not a good bird, and someone Shen doesn't want to jump into a fire pit."

"His name is Masao Iwasato, do you know that?"

Of course Shen Guanglin knew.

Moreover, this person is a naked politician, not only joined the Japanese army, but also joined the underground party, and finally mixed with Chang Kaishen's son.

Oh, it's better not to talk about unhappy topics, Shen Guanglin asked straight to the point: "Mr. Wang, when are you going to return to Wanwan?"

Wang Laoer said that he was not in a hurry, he came here with a mission, and wanted to meet the top management of the Great Wall Group.

Now, he finally understood that the top executives of the Great Wall Group were almost all Shen Guanglin except for the useless prodigal son.

Since you want to talk about it, let's talk about it, Shen Guanglin is naturally everything.

"You mean to talk about the lease of the Great Wall Building, right? It's simple. If President Wang hasn't come back, I, Shen Guanglin, can also decide on this matter. I'll give you a [-]% discount. We are all a family. It's a little bit of face. some."

Love and thrift is their fine character, of course Shen Guanglin understands and will not look down on them.

It's not shabby to reduce the company's operating costs.

It's just that Wang Lao Er didn't come here to talk about this matter. It's good for the Great Wall Building to lower the rent, but it wasn't his original intention.

"Ah Yang once promised when he ran away from home that he would never set foot in the petrochemical industry in the future. It has been less than three years now, and I heard that your Great Wall Group has integrated Jinling Chemical and Yanshan Chemical, which is inconsistent with what he promised at the beginning. "

Reluctantly, Wang Lao Er still revealed his intention of coming.

During this period of time, he couldn't find Wang Wenyang, and he couldn't find the person he should look for even if he wanted to ask the teacher for a crime, and he felt very aggrieved.

However, he is a VIP after all in the mainland, and he is accompanied by government staff wherever he goes, so he is not free.

"Ah, I see. There is a non-compete agreement, right? I'll pay the liquidated damages."

Shen Guanglin waved his hand, what a big deal, in later generations, which company's core personnel would not sign a non-compete agreement.

Isn't it just money? Things that can be solved with money are nothing.

However, Wang Laoer really didn't come here to talk about money, he had other purposes.

"Professor Shen, Mr. Shen, if I have something to say, I will say it directly. I came to the mainland this time. Firstly, I wanted to meet you, an ancient and golden man. Secondly, I came here for Wang Wenyang, brother. When I came here, I specially told him to take good care of him."

"If you have something to say, just talk about it, don't beat around the bush." ​​Shen Guanglin couldn't stand Wang Laoer's nagging character, no wonder he was in business management, he was meticulous enough.

That being the case, Wang Laoer said bluntly:

"We want to acquire Jinling Chemical and Yanshan Chemical in your hands, so that Ayang will not violate his original intention if he continues to work in your Great Wall Group. The petrochemical industry does not conform to your positioning of the enterprise. In everyone's opinion, Great Wall Group is a As a high-tech modern enterprise, the PCR instrument and anti-leukemia treatment drugs launched by your company are all the world's leading products. Our Chang Gung Hospital uses them and the effect is very good. Now, the Great Wall Group is involved in the petrochemical industry, which is a step backward It is also a waste of funds."

This topic Wang Lao Er has been brewing for a long time. In the final analysis, he just doesn't want Wang Wenyang to get involved in the petrochemical industry and compete with his own industry.

"Then how much are you going to spend to acquire these two companies?" Shen Guanglin was also curious.

"We have done research. According to the production capacity of Jinling Chemical and Yanshan Chemical, we are willing to pay a price of NT$10 billion even if it is calculated as a new factory. Moreover, these two factories have been built and operated for many years. Yanshan Chemical It is still younger, Jinling Chemical was established during the US-Chiang period, history does not represent achievements, it can only show dilapidation.”

Shen Guanglin smiled, "Do you know how much I spent to acquire these two companies?"

Wang Laoer was stunned, could it be that his quotation was low, but Youdao was asking for a price, and he paid back the money when he landed.

Then, Shen Guanglin also briefly said that when he bought Jinling Chemical, the land was not counted, the debts were all paid off, and the equipment had been depreciated. Therefore, he spent less than 3000 million yuan on the entire Jinling Chemical. .

As for Yanjing Chemical, it is even simpler, because it is a joint venture and cooperation relationship, and the Great Wall Group did not spend a penny, but agreed to purchase new equipment and develop new technologies.

"In other words, you spent less than 3000 million to acquire these two companies?"

Wang Laoer's tone was full of surprise. If the Wang family bought these two companies, wouldn't it cost less than NT$10 billion at all?I reported too much just now, fortunately I didn't report more.

Wang Lao Er couldn't help but began to slander. Although Professor Shen is a world-renowned scientist and the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, he still can't do business when it comes to business.

In business negotiations, how can you show your cards all of a sudden? Even brothers can't do such nonsense.

Shen Guanglin acted as if he hadn't noticed anything:
"Yes, our Great Wall Group only spent less than 3000 million, but the government also has conditions. They handed over the enterprise to us because they want to rely on the cluster advantages of the Great Wall Group so that petrochemical companies can not only survive but also develop. so."

"So what?"

"So, after the Great Wall Group took over these two companies, they invested some funds in technological transformation. Today, the results of the transformation have not yet been shown, but the funds have already been invested."

What Shen Guanglin said was also an understatement, "Did you see the distillation tower outside the window? It is also one of the petrochemical company's laboratories. The reason why it is placed closer is that it is convenient for me to go over and have a look at any time."

"Then may I ask Professor Shen, how much did the Great Wall Group invest in the transformation?" Wang Laoer was very concerned about this.

"Not much, about one billion." Shen Guanglin replied honestly.

That's okay, Wang Laoer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, we can't let you lose money. We will offer you [-] billion to buy your petrochemical industry. I don't know if Professor Shen can give up."

"It's not possible." Shen Guanglin replied very simply and briefly, directly rejecting Wang Lao Er's acquisition offer.

"Why?" Wang Lao Er was puzzled.

"The one billion investment I mentioned just now is not NT dollars." Shen Guanglin felt that Wang Lao Er was a little cute, and even a little impatient.

"That's okay, you said RMB, right? There's no problem at all. The 15 billion I just said is also RMB." Wang Laoer followed suit, and he felt that he was about to win this business.

"No, what I just said is not RMB. Our Great Wall Group buys imported equipment and invests in US dollars."

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