Start with a college teacher

Chapter 907 Visiting the United States

The warm wind is blowing, the weather is getting hotter

This year it was hot earlier, which made the whole society a little restless.

Everywhere has also become less peaceful.

Shen Guanglin's parental style can be said to be a "tyrant". He strictly ordered the interns of all units under the Great Wall Group to strengthen control and not to participate in activities that they should not participate in.

The three of them traveled together and reported to the police.

Now the whole era is an era of longing for freedom. Some students couldn't bear it anymore and organized to resist Shen's atrocities.

Soon, they accused Shen Guanglin of many crimes, of which being a schoolboy was only the slightest description.

Even, to someone like Shen, being a scholar is still a compliment. I have the ability and achievements, so I should have the right to speak.

When attacking Shen Guanglin, he cannot choose the field of scientific research he is good at, but can only start with the field of economics.

Everyone is still poor, why are you so rich?

Some people have said that Shen Guanglin and others are the exploiting class in the new era;

Some people also said that Shen Guanglin is a typical representative of using power for personal gain.

Who made Shen Guanglin so rich? He travels in and out by car, doesn't go back to school, and works in the tallest skyscraper in the country every day. Moreover, he personally owns 2% of the shares of Yanshan Chemical.

For a company as big as Yanshan Chemical, how much is it worth in total? 2% of the shares are also an astronomical figure.

Now, even the students who practiced under Shen Guanglin began to rebel, and they even put forward a frightening slogan: Give me freedom or give me death.

Someone Shen is cowardly, can't afford to hide if he can't provoke me.

What do you like?

He finally understood that Shanghai is not an outdoor peach garden.

In fact, the atmosphere here is not good, and there are all kinds of impetuousness.

Before the local leaders took action to stop it, the social atmosphere here was as noisy and impetuous as it was.

Shen Guanglin decided to go out and hide.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to say that on the surface. He is going out for academic exchanges, and by the way, he will promote their new products to the outside world.

After not going out for a long time, Shen Guanglin decided to form a multinational publicity team.

As a reward for researching carbon fiber, Lao Liao and his wife also got the opportunity to go abroad for "investigation".

In this day and age, study abroad is a scarce resource, especially this kind of blatant study abroad purely for tourism, which is an opportunity that most people can't wait for.

Everyone wants to go abroad like Lao Liao who doesn't know a foreign language and has no mission.

If only Lao Liao went abroad alone, my sister-in-law would definitely be worried.She had inquired all about it, and heard that foreign women dared to walk on the street without even clothes on, which must have seduced the man's soul.

It doesn't matter if Lao Liao goes out for a while, his body must be ruined.

It turned out that there were still 3 minutes left, and there was only one thing left. She wanted to sue, but no one settled.

It is said that Emperor Xuantong's body was corrupted by court ladies, so that later Wenxiu divorced him, and Wanrong also gave him a cuckold.

Fortunately, Professor Shen is a considerate person, and he asked the couple to travel together so that Lao Liao wouldn't cheat.

Although the procedures for going to Citigroup are complicated, it is not difficult to handle them.

With the blessing of money and social status, everyone's visas were soon completed.

This is the last glory of the friendship between the two sides. Shen Guanglin was feeling emotional when boarding the plane.

The younger sister is still busy with her real estate business in the capital, and the older sister wants to help the younger sister with the children, so they didn't follow this time when they went abroad for inspection.

Shen Guanglin was finally able to go out alone again.

There is no direct flight to Chicago in this era, so they chose to land in New York.

Although Chicago is an eastern city, it is actually a bit inland, and it is quite far from New York, more than 1000 kilometers away.

Similar to the situation in Shanghai, the nights in New York are also gray and foggy, making it difficult to see the road ahead.

This time they came to Citigroup to hold a new product launch conference, and many people felt uneasy and full of tension.

You know, it is an industrialized country with extremely developed material resources. Although our own country does not say that it is poor and white, but it competes head-on with others, especially when it is going to compete face-to-face, many people have no idea.

In a strange country, if you are so arrogant, people won't beat you?

Fortunately, the Great Wall Group is not without a foothold in Citigroup. No, the person who came to pick him up was a tall white man and a group of blue-eyed and blond girls.

He probably also heard that Professor Shen didn't bring a female companion with him this time.

Take your pick, this is a Broadway actor with both good looks and talent.

This tall white man is called Alex, and he is the distributor of Great Wall Group in Citigroup.

They do not sell PCR machines and leukemia treatment drugs, PCR machines are sold by Pfizer, and leukemia treatment drugs have not passed the FDA so far.

Therefore, patients in Citigroup can only travel to foreign countries to buy this medicine.

When many Chinese people go abroad, they try their best to bring some leukemia treatment drugs. This is hard currency, and it is also very effective in some tumor suppression.

Alex helped the Great Wall Group sell game consoles, and they have made a lot of profits over the years, even beating Nintendo to a certain extent.

Of course, what we are talking about here is only the North American market. In Fuso, it is still the basic market of Nintendo.

Fusang is such a closed country, and it is very difficult for outside products to get in. This is the root cause of their "lost 30 years".

A closed economy always lacks competition and vitality.

Due to the long distance from New York to Chicago, everyone has to stay here for one night before taking the next day's flight.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin and Alex also have something to talk about.

Fortunately, there is someone to arrange the itinerary when you are away from home, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble.

Alex is a fat white man with a rosy nose. This kind of person may get freckles easily because of being too white, and his nose is also prone to redness.

Professor Shen finally came to Citigroup again, and his nose turned red with excitement.

"Professor Shen, what are your specific plans for coming to Citigroup this time?" After drinking and eating, the two started a formal exchange.

Shen Guanglin didn't hide it either, since he was his own person anyway, he directly took out the prototype phone,
"I'm going to do a launch event in Chicago, and the goal is to get the word out."

"This is?"

"You'll know when you try it."

Alex opened the box and exclaimed, "This doesn't look like the latest gameboy."

Great Wall Group's gameboy sales are quite good, because the games are fun and the price is low.

The same quality, the same fun games, the price is only half of the same type of competitors, of course, there will be good sales.

Great Wall Group's products have always used this strategy to win.

Really don't think that there will be a big market if the price is expensive, this is impossible.

In later generations, there are so many Fusang brands in the Huaxia electrical appliance market, why are they all gradually disappearing.

Just too expensive.

In later generations, even if it is as powerful as Apple, it will lose again and again in front of Hua Duo and the third son who are more cost-effective.

It's just that the Citi people played tricks and restricted Huahua's chip supply, forcing unfair competition, which made Huahua's mobile phone fall behind.

"Shen, what is this? A digital pager?" Looking at a row of digital buttons, Alex was a little uncertain.

"No, this is a mobile phone."

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