Shen Guanglin left, before the turmoil, with his wife, children, and children, without a trace of nostalgia.

At this point, he is much better than Jobs.

Because, how many years have passed, Jabbs' wife and children are still in the country, and Jabbs calls every day to return to China next week, but he never fulfills it.

The same is true of his electric car. It has been built for many years, and one has not been delivered. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is already difficult, and Jobs has no return date.

After Shen Guanglin ran away quietly, the Great Wall Group also encountered various difficulties, especially in the industry in the capital, which almost stagnated.

Fortunately, the industrial center of the Great Wall Group is in the south. No matter whether it is in Shanghai or in the factory in the east of Guangdong, the production that should be carried out has not stopped. Moreover, even if it is a foreign trade order, because Mr. Shen arranged it properly and signed it for a relatively long period of time, it will not stop. Didn't get canceled.

However, Great Wall Group's industries in the north, especially in the capital, have been greatly damaged.

His biological laboratory was smashed and looted, but fortunately it was not burned. Moreover, Tiangong No. [-], which Shen Guanglin built in his early years, was also rushed in. Shen Guanglin's own mansion suffered devastating damage.

People safe is good.

The superimposition of various factors has led to the fact that no matter whether it is a mass production plant of carbon fiber or an OEM production plant of mobile phones, these have not been able to achieve mass production, but have only stayed in the planning stage.

The location of the factory has been found, and some factory buildings have even been built. There is no production equipment and no staff.

Now I can't manage so much, and these can only be put aside for the time being. After all, it is such a big company, it is impossible not to lose a little.

At this time, Shen Guanglin couldn't help feeling that a stable development environment is really important.

Ordinary companies simply cannot afford such a toss.

Fortunately, Great Wall Group's research and development team on mobile communication technology was not greatly affected. They put the laboratory in Shanghai from the beginning, but the inheritance has not been broken. Unlike in the capital, all research and development projects in the entire laboratory have been suspended. Lost.

During this period of time, with the patent authorization of Motorola, they reverse engineered the server produced by Motorola, and quickly mastered the technical points, and they could put it into production just waiting for the right time.

This is one of the few pieces of good news.

What followed was even worse news. Unexpectedly, both Jinling Chemical and Yanshan Chemical were taken back by the government.

Mr. Wang put a lot of effort into it, and the Great Wall Group invested a huge amount of money. The Great Wall Petrochemical was finally integrated. Because it is an industry that is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, you cannot operate it, so you just took it back.

President Wang complained about this, but Shen Guanglin didn't say a word.

It's not a big deal if the petrochemical company is gone. Anyway, the carbon fiber research institute is still there. As long as this can be maintained, everything will be considered a loss.

People have to look at the long-term, and can't care about the gains and losses of the moment.

Wang Wenyang was furious, shouldn't they talk about compensation?
Talk, but I can't find anyone to talk to. After all, even Shen Guanglin has run away, and the confiscated Great Wall Petrochemical is the team led by Lao Li.

The father-in-law confiscated the son-in-law's property, and this matter can only be put on hold for a while.

Shen Guanglin firmly believes that the difficulties are only temporary and everything will turn around.

Fortunately, the Great Wall Group has accumulated sufficient funds in the past few years, and they can still hold on. The salary and bonus are still paid.

In short, everything is based on stability, then playing music, then dancing.

In China, Shen Guanglin has not shown up for a long time. Many people are curious, where did Shen Guanglin go?
In fact, he didn't go anywhere, he just hid in Xiangjiang and started an apartment.

A family of four, taking a walk every day, fishing, is also a beautiful life, and I feel a little bit reluctant to leave.

There is a saying called the east corner of the lost, the mulberry elm harvested.

Shen Guanglin's career is indeed not going well, but his fishing skills have improved greatly, and finally he is no longer an air force, and he can even go fishing in wild ponds and seas.

The latest carbon fiber fishing rod is really easy to use, especially when fishing in the sea, Mr. Shen accidentally caught several grouper.

The adult grouper is very large, more than one meter long and weighs several hundred kilograms. It is a carnivorous fish with a fierce personality.

In Xiangjiang, grouper is a rare food, known as "chicken in water".

Therefore, the gluttons can't wait for the grouper to grow to such a large size. Usually, a dozen catties is already a rare delicacy. Shen Guanglin's family loves to eat steamed grouper.

The turmoil was vicious, and Shen had been hiding in Xiangjiang for more than half a year.

My sister's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the time has come to 1990.

After New Year's Day, everything began to improve, and the martial law was no longer in the capital. Shen Guanglin got in touch with the mainland again.

From now on, the world will be peaceful.

Before the Spring Festival, Shen Guanglin returned to the mainland.

If you don’t come back, you will die. The big leaders have called you. If you want to protect the economy and people’s livelihood, you Great Wall Group cannot stand idly by.

If someone else spoke, Shen Guanglin could ignore it, but Shen Guanglin, the leader of Modu, was willing to repair a shrine and worship it.

Speaking of which, the impact of this turmoil on Modu is not too great, but it is not without it.

For example, when Shen Guanglin took the plane from Xiangjiang to Shanghai, there were no cadres from the Investment Promotion Office at the international airport, and they all went back to their respective homes.

The two sisters stayed in Xiangjiang, and Shen Guanglin returned to Shanghai alone.

Actually, everything is pretty smooth.

Wang Gongzi is more courageous and dedicated. During this difficult period, with his persistence, the Great Wall Group has made steady progress.

How should I put it, while maintaining the basic market, it has also made considerable progress in some aspects.

For example, their international trade was frustrated in one aspect, but opened up a new situation in another aspect, that is, the market in Eastern Europe and Maoziguo.

Thanks to Shen Guanglin's advance layout, after the Great Wall Group's OEM and foreign trade business encountered short-term setbacks, they quickly changed direction and focused on Eastern Europe.

In this way, a large number of high-quality and cheap Great Wall products went out of the country, traveled westward by sea and the Trans-Siberian Railway, and spread throughout the entire Soviet community.

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