Start with a college teacher

Chapter 930 Go and Come

After admiring Shen Guanglin's strengths, the old man kicked him out.

We are not allowed to meet again in the future.

This old six is ​​simply sixteenth older than Lao Tzu.

The old man's deadline is coming. As the Spring Festival approaches, his physical condition is getting worse and worse, and he is even in a coma for several hours a day.

He also knew that he probably wouldn't survive this winter.

When a person is old, it is actually impossible to say that he does not miss his children.

When I was young, I might say, if I am old in the future, if the road is dead, the road will be buried, and the pit will be buried, where the loess will not bury people.

But when the time comes, what people miss the most is that their children can stay by their side and spend their last journey.

After being notified by Shen Guanglin, the two sisters came back soon.

My elder sister, Li Rong, has a big belly, but because of her good physical fitness, even though she is not far from giving birth, she is still in good shape and can still walk like flying. She can also visit her grandpa's bedside to ask about his health and make porridge and medicine for him.

The younger sister is still so beautiful, but her figure is very slender. Because she was young when she gave birth and recovered quickly, she now has a different kind of beauty.

What's even invisible is that she already has a son.

Shen Guanglin was the worst mess, he didn't have as much face as his own son,
Shen Guanglin was kicked out of the house, but his son was not, and he was liked by the old man.

The old man asked the child's name, Shen Mengxi, it's very good, he won't do it for him.

Now Shen Mengxi is more than one year old. As the saying goes, mouth follows legs. After he can walk, he can say some refraining words: father, mother, grandpa, grandma
Ordinarily, Lao Li is his grandfather, and Mr. Li is his great-grandfather, but the little guy can only say "Grandpa", which already comforts the dying old man.

In this way, the family spent the last week of their lives with the old man on Yuquan Mountain.

At the last moment, the old man forgave Shen Guanglin, summoned him to him, and made the final arrangements for the funeral.

It's all family stuff, no mention of work, no career, no mention of country.

On this day, the old man was in good spirits. He even got up and went for a walk outside. After returning, he ate half a bowl of porridge.

However, everyone knows that this is the flashback.

The old man has earned money by being able to live his entire life as a soldier, but he failed to leave a son and a half for his little grandmother. He is a little worried about her life in her later years.

Lao Li's son can't be counted on, he is a stubborn donkey.

Now, the old man only hopes that Shen Guanglin can respect the old man. It is not easy for her to take care of the old man all her life.

Shen Guanglin solemnly agreed.

Speaking of which, to use the current new words, the little grandma is also a person who "worships foreigners and flatters foreigners". She is a lady, can read and write, and understands foreign languages, but she has never been abroad once in her life.

The old man said that after his death, he hoped that Shen Guanglin would take her to visit abroad.


However, at this time, the old man still has selfish intentions. He said that the old lady is so old, so she shouldn't remarry, and she can't take advantage of those bad old men.

Sure enough, a man is a teenager until he dies.

The old man also said, I know you, Shen Guanglin, are a person who strives for fame and fortune, so this villa in Yuquan Mountain is reserved for you to use, don't worry, it has been approved by the organization, this is enough for you to show off.

It seems that Mr. Li still understands Shen Guanglin better. Only Old Li thinks that Shen Guanglin is a person who does not seek fame and fortune for the country and the people.

At the end of the day, the old man did not forget his second wife, the old lady who had remarried.

She married a family surnamed Zhang, and I heard that she gave birth to a son, which is very good, and she also has someone to take care of her.

Because the old man is taken care of by the state, he has no worries about life, but he doesn't have much savings, only more than 1 yuan, half of each of the two wives.

It's just that the antique calligraphy and paintings in the house are still worth some money. They were all collected by the old man during the Southern and Northern Wars. They can't be lost, and they can be used as a pension for the little grandma in the future.

If Shen Guanglin is filial enough, these antiques are also his.

The old man felt that he still owed Lao Li's mother and son the most, but it's not that he didn't care about this son. He was just a man, and his emotions were difficult to express, but he cared a lot.

Now, it is not easy for Shen Guanglin. The old man told Lao Li not to beat his family. This is not what a father-in-law should do.

With tears in his eyes, Lao Li nodded repeatedly.

However, when the old man died, he didn't call out "Dad".

Of course, Shen Guanglin also has something to regret, and that is the matter of the second wife's son.

Shen Guanglin didn't tell the old man that he had already sent her son in, and he is currently locked up in Stanley.

If it weren't for Shen Guanglin's intervention, Zhang Peng's life would not be bad. In the countryside with his wife and three children, his life would definitely not be as ups and downs as it is now.

However, things are impermanent.

Fortunately, Zhang Peng's children are already grown-ups. The eldest is in high school. He lives with his mother and grandma and is very sensible.

At least, the three of them are grateful to Shen Guanglin, and the old lady and aunt also think Shen Guanglin is good, that's all.

Finally, the old man bid farewell to this world, leaving behind a high-standard funeral and people's longing for him.

By the time all this is done, spring will be here.

The childbirth is imminent, and it is definitely not in a hurry to return to Xiangjiang, but my sister did not give birth in the capital, and they still arrived in Shanghai at the last moment.

Counting the days, my sister has already been admitted to the hospital ahead of schedule.

At this time, Shen Guanglin still fulfilled his husband's responsibility very well, and was ready to accompany Li Rong wholeheartedly.

It's just that Li Rong's physical fitness is really good. Even if she is about to give birth, she even wants to use knives and guns, so she doesn't need someone to take care of her.

That's not going to work, your self-care ability is too strong, what should others do.

It is true that the best ward that Shen Guanglin arranged for Li Rong was actually a recuperation center for senior cadres. The doctor who served him was also the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department. The head nurse personally led a team to set up a nursing team.

For the smooth birth of his daughter-in-law and child, Shen Guanglin was not too vulgar, and offered a nursing fee of 1000 yuan a day.

Seeing Li Rong who moved freely and even wanted to run, the nurses felt that the extra money was a shame.

Even though they already knew it was a daughter, their fun topic was "Guess, are we having a boy or a girl?"

If Shen Guanglin said a girl, Li Rong would get angry, saying that his sister gave birth to a son, and he hoped she would give birth to a daughter, which was partiality.

If Shen Guanglin said he was a son, Li Rong would also be angry. You clearly knew it was a daughter, and you still said you wanted to have a son. This is patriarchal.

If Shen Guanglin said that boys and girls are the same, Li Rong would still be angry. After all, this answer is too perfunctory and doesn't pay enough attention to their mothers.

The younger sister took her son to watch from the sidelines, and said to herself, if you feed the dog food so well, is it superfluous for us two to come over.

No one is redundant, only Shen is redundant.

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