Chapter 95
Shen Guanglin and Li Rong rushed to Zhongshan Wharf early in the morning.

Today's weather is excellent, and there are a few white clouds floating in the blue sky, which can even show the purity of the air.

Starting from Xiaguan, crossing Jiajiang, Yanziji, the next stop in Yizheng is Guazhou Ferry in Yangzhou.

It is different from Shen Guanglin's smooth journey.

In recent years, the life of the second aunt of the Jiang family has been really difficult.

A 65-year-old lady, who has read poetry and books since she was a child, has reached the age of caring for her life, but she still has to raise chickens and feed pigs every day.

As a rural person, it is also sad that there is not much farmland at home.

In the past, their Jiang family did not talk about thousands of hectares of fertile land, but there were still several hundred hectares.

Now, there are only a few acres of tidal flats in the heart of the Mangdao River, and there is a high probability that it will be flooded every year during the flood season.

This kind of plot is completely dependent on the sky for food. Although it is indeed exposed outside most of the year, even if it is underwater for ten days, no crops will grow.

Except for planting some vegetables and sweet potatoes in the dry season, I can't get a few grains at all.

Therefore, the family almost makes a living by fishing and farming. In a land of fish and rice, people cannot starve to death, but they are definitely not rich.

The family feeds more than a dozen chickens and two old sows, and they all depend on them for a year's expenses.

However, because the scissors difference between workers and peasants in this era is particularly fierce, farming can't make money at all.

A few days ago, one of the sows finally gave birth, and gave birth to a piglet on the [-]th floor in one breath. It has just been born and needs careful care.

If the care is not good, it is common for sows to crush and eat piglets. If Shen Guanglin brings the "Postpartum Care of Sows", it will definitely be useful.

These days, my second aunt is exhausted, and my back is sore every day, so I have forgotten that my nephew will come over these days.

As mentioned in the previous article, the second uncle, the old man Jiang, died a long time ago.

Old man Jiang was originally a rich young master. He had a house and a farm, and he lived a happy life. Later, he became a teacher. A few years ago, he couldn't stand the humiliation brought by the students and jumped into the river.

Perhaps it is because of this that their Jiang family has a chance of life.

They are all from the villagers, so there is no need to slaughter them all.

The second aunt has two sons and one daughter. The daughter is married off, and the family of the two sons is not complete.

The youngest son is the third oldest, the family is still harmonious, the children at home are still young, and life can go on as usual. He is the happiest one.

The eldest's family is more difficult. His children have grown up, and it is time to worry about weddings and funerals.

It is not easy for an old mother to earn a little bit of money and to share it equally between her two sons.

Shen Guanglin's eldest cousin Jiang Shuqiao has a son and a daughter. The son's name is Jiang Zhenye, who is 26 years old this year, and the daughter's name is Jiang Zhenhua, who is also 23.

In this age of 20, [-] and less than [-] years old who are about to get married, the two brothers and sisters are already considered older youths.

At these times, both brothers and sisters have troubles, because there is a matchmaker for matchmaking.

Cousin Jiang Shuqiao and nephew Jiang Zhenye, the father and son Shen Guanglin, had met in Jinling. They looked good, but they were weak, so they could not be used.

The niece didn't go to Jinling last time, so she was saved.

Shen Guanglin didn't ask about the eldest cousin, and they didn't say anything.

In fact, the cousin-in-law had long since remarried. She couldn't stand the "backwardness" and "corruption" of the family, so she had long since made a clear distinction with them.

Shen Guanglin's colleague, a teacher surnamed Hong, his wife got into someone else's bed in the middle of the night because of a visit, and announced her marriage on the spot.

Now, Mr. Hong is finally proud. He first married a female star who played a tractor driver, and this year he went abroad to be a visiting scholar.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.

Talk about going back to the Jiang family.

Originally, there were matchmakers who said that matchmaking was a good thing, but they were not a normal blind date, but a "transfer match".

The so-called "transfer of relatives" means that each family sends a man and a woman to marry each other.

I just don't know whether the matchmaker operates a "three-turn pro", a "four-turn pro", or a "five-turn pro".

It is said that the genes of the Shen family and Jiang family are good, and they will not fall into this.

You can tell from Shen Guanglin's appearance that their family has excellent genes.

Jiang Zhenye and Jiang Zhenhua grew up pretty well, but unfortunately, the family's "composition" was too high and too poor a few years ago, so people were delayed.

Jiang's father and son have been the targets of bullying and oppression all these years. It has been more than ten years, and the iron man's temperament has also been smoothed out.

Jiang Zhenhua is okay, a girl's family, as long as she looks good, it is not difficult to marry.

The real difficulty is brother Jiang Zhenye. His family background is not good. His grandfather committed suicide because of fear of crime. His mother remarried halfway through. Whose daughter would jump into the fire pit.

No, 26 years old and still playing a bachelor, maybe I really won't be able to get a wife.

The family is incomplete and the career is not going well.

There is only one grandmother who is really in charge. Both fathers are cowardly and neither of them can make decisions. On the contrary, the younger sister has some opinions and can say a few words to the outside world.

The younger sister was originally scheduled to have a marriage relationship. The other party was a family named Yang from the next village. The man was named Yang Rui. He was an ordinary family with "clean" net worth.

Because the elder brother has no partner, the younger sister has never been married.

The other party finally couldn't wait any longer. At the beginning of last year, he came over with a dowry of 280 yuan. If he agreed, he would accept it.

The Jiang family accepted the dowry at that time.

However, just recently, the matchmaker said it was "turning pro".

And there is no dowry gift for "transferring a relative", so what can I do about it, quitting the relative?
Of course, the matter of "transferring relatives" is still being discussed, and there is still some distance from the negotiation.

The matter of "transferring relatives" was originally proposed by an aunt of the Jiang family's main family, and she was also for their good.

However, I don't know what happened, and this matter spread to the ears of the father and son of the Yang family.

My fiancee is going to "transfer", but he is kept in the dark, and he still spends money, how can this be?

Although there is a saying, "If you want to live a good life, you have to see a little green on your head." However, this daughter-in-law was "transferred" out before she got it, which would be looked down upon by the villagers.

No, the other party "retired".

Since you want to "transfer your relatives", then return the 280 yuan, so that you can get together and leave.

However, the Jiang family had really prepared money for the divorce.

It's a pity that when Shen Guanglin returned to Jinling this time, his aunt had to spend money on the way to meet her eldest brother's son.

After all, a poor family is rich, especially when my aunt invited me to a meal.

The families who were not wealthy now have to make things worse.

The Yang family's father and son tried to urge them several times to no avail, and they were ready to take tough measures.

They came here this time, and they also brought bamboo cages, because they heard that their Jiang family had newly added piglets, and they were going to catch the piglets and chickens and ducks.

When Shen Guanglin arrived at his aunt's house, the aunt was also leading the way, and a group of people rushed towards Jiang's house.

(End of this chapter)

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