Start with a college teacher

Chapter 963 Everyone is happy

Chapter 963 Everyone is happy
The meeting place has arrived. It is one of the many villas in the State Guesthouse.

Of course not Ziguang Pavilion and Huairentang, they don't have that much face yet.

The room is decorated in an antique style, the furniture inside has been removed, there is no table in the middle, and there is a circle of old-fashioned wooden chairs outside, and there is a circle of chairs behind the chairs, which are used by secretary assistants.

With just one glance, Shen Guanglin could tell that this piece of furniture was good and could fetch a high price.

No need to think about it, it must be a chair left over from the Qing Dynasty, maybe it was used by military ministers or Hanlin people, it is shiny and well-maintained.

It would be nice if I could just get the chair back.

In fact, Shen Guanglin and the others did not come early. There were already many middle-aged representatives present. According to the introduction, there were representatives from the National Petrochemical Company and the National Oil Company. Even if they had little relationship with CNOOC, they also Someone was sent here, saying it was to observe and study.

In Huaxia, there used to be a Ministry of Petroleum, but it was separated and became three brothers. Now the petrochemical company and the oil company have not started to overlap, one is in charge of oil refining, and the other is in charge of oil production.

In this era, China was still an oil exporting country, and oil export was an important source of foreign exchange.

However, the topic to be discussed today has nothing to do with this. It is what the two petrochemical companies of the Great Wall Group will do next.

Now, these two companies have been managed by Sinopec and have not been shut down, and it is said that their operations are not bad.

That being the case, then I have to ask: Why didn't you accept it before?
It was supposed to be taken over, but these two companies are large in size, have a lot of debts, and poor management. Sinopec does not want to take over directly.

That is to say, after the Great Wall Group took over, it first dealt with the debts and paid off the arrears, and then carried out technical reforms and planned to expand production.

Wait until everything is thriving before taking over, and the rest will be much easier.

It can be said that these two companies used to be old and small, but now they are tall and big, and the National Petrochemical Corporation is of course willing to take over.

High-quality assets, everyone is willing to want.

Now, the representatives of Great Wall Group and Sinopec are sitting next to each other, forming a situation of adjacency but confrontation.

As for other units, most of them have an attitude that they have nothing to do with themselves.

The meeting was chaired by Minister Wang, and Lao Li didn't come, so he was scared by Shen Guanglin Xun.

Shen Guanglin said, if you participate in this matter again, I might turn the table over, so everyone should stop playing.

Shen has no other skills, but he still has the ability to lift the table. At worst, he will go abroad with his wife and children and never come back. Who can stop him?
Not really.

Therefore, in this meeting, only Leader Wang presided over the overall situation.

No, every time a wave of people came, he nodded his head and forced a smile.

Minister Wang has been under a lot of pressure recently, and his heart is also very heavy. They were very happy when they confiscated the petrochemical industry of Great Wall Group. Originally, they could use the reason that the national policy does not allow.

But now, the Wang Family Group is investing in the petrochemical industry. It would be too far-fetched for them to use this excuse.

That's how it broke.

Leader Wang's hair has turned gray a lot these days.

How to solve it, he still has no charter.

Fortunately, Professor Shen still knows the general situation. He didn't mention the Great Wall Group in front of the old man. Instead, he scolded the Wang Family Group. While everyone was nervous, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

At that time, as long as Shen Guanglin said the last thing, when will you repay our confiscated assets?

It will definitely keep many people from stepping down, and a considerable number of people will be held accountable.

Even Lao Li is no exception.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't do this, and he was still waiting for everyone to make a move. I guess it was because of Lao Li's face, and everyone had to share their love.

When everyone arrived, everyone sat down separately. The atmosphere at the scene was not serious, a bit like a tea party.

Many people looked at such a young Professor Shen, couldn't help but greet him and compare secretly. Their own children are still no match. Although Lao Li is a bit confused, he has a good daughter and has made a lot of money.

However, my daughter is not bad, but it is a step late, which is a pity.

Seeing that everyone is going through the motions and drinking tea happily, Leader Wang is helpless, okay, let's go through the motions.

Even the representatives of the national petrochemical company are not serious. This is a matter of the country, not their personal business. It is impossible to say that their children still want to be educated by Professor Shen. Why offend others.

This topic can only be brought up by Leader Wang: "National Petrochemical Corporation, you are the one who took over the petrochemical company of Great Wall Corporation, what do you say?"

"We resolutely obey the leadership's arrangement. We are a brick of the country, and we can move it wherever we need it. We will do whatever the superiors ask us to do.

However, the personnel adjustments of these two companies have just been completed, and production has just resumed. If there are further changes, it will not be our responsibility to cause insufficient supply at the social level. "

Indeed, the petrochemical industry is closely related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, otherwise, in times of crisis, relevant departments would not forcefully take over.

Now that the situation has slowed down, it is still necessary to continue to attract foreign capital. How refreshing it was when it was taken away, how embarrassing it is to return it now.

At this time, President Wang raised his hand, "Can I apply to speak?"

Xiao Wang's Wan Wan tone is very gentle, but it doesn't sound good to everyone's ears, the pressure is very heavy.

However, since Xiao Wang is the representative of the Great Wall Group, of course he can speak, otherwise there is no need to ask them to participate today.

"Actually, it was my wrong decision to take over the two petrochemical companies. The group was opposed to entering this field. It was my insistence that caused the current situation.

Therefore, when you took it away, there was not much resistance within the group, so we fully cooperated with the government's actions and did not make any small moves behind it. "

What he said was very skillful, and everyone nodded their heads. This is indeed the case.

However, Xiao Wang changed the subject and started to hesitate: "However, we are a private enterprise and need to make a profit, and the leaders here still have to account for the loss.

Also, the Wang Family Group is an enterprise of Wanwan, and the Great Wall Group is an enterprise of Xiangjiang. Wanwan is a part of the motherland, and Xiangjiang is also a part of the motherland. You can't favor one over the other. "

Such politically correct words are really nice to hear from Xiao Wang's mouth.

The [-] Consensus has not yet been reached, but it is really rare that Xiao Wang from Wanwan has this awareness.

Everyone couldn't help nodding and smiling.

Since everyone thinks they are their own people, they must not lose their own people.

But, how to solve this matter?

The assets can be returned, but what about the losses caused?
In the current situation, this loss can only be borne by the state. The Great Wall Group has the upper hand, and it is impossible for them to knock down their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

"How about converting it into shares? Great Wall Group can invest in Sinopec."

The representative of National Petroleum also stood up and talked without pain in the back. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him.

This sentence instantly opened everyone's minds!

Everyone is bright.

"How to convert the shares?"

Of course, it is calculated according to the funds, personnel, technical equipment, and strength. There is naturally a whole set of procedures in the country in terms of asset evaluation, which can be assured.

Besides, Shen Guanglin didn't care about three melons and two dates.

"Representative of the Great Wall Group, can this be done?" Leader Wang was very excited when he asked this question. This is indeed a good solution, much simpler than re-splitting.

Xiao Wang and Shen Guanglin looked at each other, Shen Guanglin nodded, and Xiao Wang expressed his understanding.

"Of course it is possible, the whole country is a game of chess, and we also completely obey the orders of the leaders.

Even after the Great Wall Group became a shareholder of Sinopec, I would like to ask Ying to become a negotiator for the Wang Family Group. "

When Xiao Wang talked about this time, he was full of confidence.

He was more active than anyone else in defeating his father.

However, this is not an issue of losing power and humiliating the country. We can’t talk about that yet. What we are talking about now is how to dispose of the assets of Great Wall Petrochemical.

Now that President Wang of the Great Wall Group agrees, the matter is half done.

"What do you think, Professor Shen?"

Professor Shen is looking back and forth with a teacup. This is JDZ porcelain. Although it was fired after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is also very valuable for collection.

Seeing that Leader Wang named him, Shen Guanglin cleared his throat, "I'm a scholar, not a capitalist, and I don't care about business management. However, Great Wall Group bought a brand new production line. If they are all ashes, it is better to merge them together and convert them into shares."

That set of BASF equipment is very expensive, and assets of several hundred million dollars are put in, which requires a lot of shares in Sinopec.

"President Wang was right in saying something just now. The Great Wall Group's Xiangjiang enterprises, Xiangjiang and Wanwan are all inseparable parts of the country. Therefore, our Great Wall Group is not a foreign capital, but a Huaxia asset. If the country is in trouble, we will expropriate the Great Wall Group. Assets, of course, and we haven't said anything bad about the country."

This is the truth, Shen Guanglin has never complained on any occasion, this is the truth.

After Shen Guanglin finished speaking, everyone applauded warmly.

Leader Wang suddenly felt that something was clear.

However, there is no precedent for foreign companies to invest in Sinopec. Everyone dare not make a decision. If it is done well, it will be of no benefit. If it is not done well, it will become a sinner for the nation.

However, Shen Guanglin added another sentence, which immediately made everyone look forward to the joint venture.

"Great Wall Group owns Great Wall Bank, and we can grant credit to Sinopec. With the current asset size of Sinopec, I suggest that the credit line be no less than 30 billion US dollars. Moreover, Great Wall Group is planning to acquire oil fields in Maoziguo, and it can also sell crude oil. To the petrochemical group."

In short, cooperation benefits both sides, and there are many benefits.

The representative of Sinopec was also impressed. With international credit, he can do many things he originally thought, which is indeed a good choice.

"Then what should we do?" The representative of National Petroleum suddenly said. They were eating melons, but they ate them on their own heads: "What will we do with the oil we harvest in the future?"

"You can also do refining yourself."

Afterwards, everyone imagined that I can import oil from overseas, and you can also engage in refining. There is no need for everyone to be confined in a box.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet! Great Wall Group, are you willing to take a stake in the National Petrochemical Corporation?"


"Then National Petrochemical, are you willing to invest in Great Wall Group?"


Minister Wang suddenly felt much more relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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