Start with a college teacher

Chapter 979 Judgment

Back in the capital again, the wind was blowing.

At this point in time, Shen Guanglin came back, he was invited back, otherwise he would have to continue wandering outside for a while.

During this period of time, Shen Guanglin's reputation was not good, and many people scolded him, saying that he had no opinion or attitude.

Professor Shen has no attitude. Professor Shen has always had an attitude, but it just doesn't meet your expectations.

Inviting Shen Guanglin strongly this time, apart from allowing him to reunite his family, there are still some important things to discuss.

This major event is nothing else, it is about international current affairs, and it is also related to the national economy and people's livelihood in China. That is what Professor Shen thinks about Iraq.

Of course, such a major event cannot do without the participation of Lao Li. He is a warm-hearted person and an introduction to various stories.

On this day, an unknown institution and a group of unknown people invited Professor Shen to dinner, and Lao Li accompanied him.

The leadership of the organization is a common traditional type of leadership, but everyone who accompanied them was full of energy, as if they were promising young people and promising middle-aged people.

During the banquet, toasting and toasting, pushing cups and changing cups

Therefore, if you really want to increase leverage blindly, even if you know the general trend, it will not help.

At this moment, the United States is deploying troops and generals, and the deployment has been completed by now. Therefore, the war in the Middle East is clouded and the war is about to break out.

Otherwise, who can say that a person can achieve such achievements in business and academics?

Shen Guanglin smiled and said nothing, meaning please continue.

Therefore, they are more confident: "There are signs that the old US is not far away from the day of action, and their troops are in place. Under such circumstances, oil prices can only increase, and it is just a matter of how much they rise. "

Shen Guanglin was noncommittal, but responded with a smile: "Really?"

The relevant departments of Huaxia are not living in a vacuum. Of course, they are also actively understanding the dynamics of the war and adjusting their strategies.

The safe way is to add two or three times the leverage, even if you lose the bet, you can still leave a little bit of scum in the end.

Therefore, the more aggressive the operation, the faster the death will often occur.

Therefore, facing Lao Li's question, Shen Guanglin thought about it, and replied sincerely:

Shen Guanglin has studied history and read a lot of tactics. In the entire oil price market, although the overall trend is rising, there have been more than one occasions when the oil price fell by 10% or even 20% for a short time.

Even if you know the general trend, if there is really ten times the leverage and a strong shock, you may close your position and fall on the eve of winning. This situation is very likely to happen.

It's just that everyone doesn't know the details of this situation, so naturally they can't think of it.

After all, China has been an oil exporter for a long time, and the export of crude oil and refined oil has always been one of China's main sources of foreign exchange.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that war is inevitable.

In particular, these people still have some inside information, and they are considered members of the national team.

"That is, at the end of August and the beginning of September, I took some money to test the waters, and cashed out shortly after the National Day. I probably made some money, but this is not the main business of the Great Wall Group after all, and I am not too concerned Pay attention to the specific direction."

In particular, Mr. Shen has too much money, and it is almost unnecessary to add leverage.

In fact, domestic attention to oil futures has a long history, starting before the reform and opening up.

"Oil futures trading?" Shen Guanglin understood what he meant in seconds, and probably this is today's topic.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin was distracted, the technical officer thought he didn't think so, and felt a little displeased: "I just said, our entire futures department is too conservative. If I have the conditions of you and the Great Wall Group, I will definitely enter the market." Make a fortune."

When everyone thinks about it, yes, this is really true. If the price of oil doubles, this is ten times the money.

At this time, a technical official with a clear but flushed face interjected, and he said with regret:

Shen Guanglin still didn't speak, thinking to himself, all the future generations who speculate in stocks probably think so, especially when the North and South Railways merged, how many people got on the roof because of it.

Regarding the trend of oil prices during the first Gulf War, there is a historical background. This background is that the West is currently at the critical juncture of containing Soviet Russia, and oil prices lack the actual support for rising oil prices.

And this has further stimulated the performance desire of technical officials, "Oil futures can be leveraged. As long as you see the market correctly and increase the leverage by 10 times, the money you earn will go to the sea."

Shen Guanglin said it modestly, some of his money was several hundred million dollars, and some money he earned was still several hundred million dollars.

This kind of idea is very good, but it is also difficult to operate. One fluctuation, the oil price drops by 10% intermittently, hey, the position is liquidated, and the money is lost.

Shen Guanglin couldn't help laughing, "What conditions do I have? I'm just an ordinary scholar. For business operations, earning serious money is the kingly way. Enough is enough."

"How can this be a side-tracker? The purpose of the country's establishment of this department is to make money for the country. Now the time is not waiting for me. At such a critical moment, will oil still fall?"

This official should be engaged in the research of crude oil futures professionally, and he seems to be very judgmental, and he explained:
"There is an international crude oil organization called OPEC. Everyone knows that since the beginning of the war, the crude oil quotas of Kuwait have been abolished. There are several million barrels per day, and Laos is being blocked internationally. They have a lot of empty space. The oil can’t be shipped out, and there is a huge shortage of oil in the world, so the price of oil may rise.”

From Shen Guanglin's point of view, he knew the future, and there would be too many opportunities to make money, so there was absolutely no need to put all his eggs in one basket.

The saying that the older you are, the less courageous you are, the kind of people who write business war articles dare to increase their leverage by a hundred times, it's just a joke.

Since Laos invaded KSTC in August this year, the international oil price has been soaring, and it reached its peak when Shen Guanglin participated in the ribbon-cutting of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Center. The price difference more than doubled in August.

"That's such a pity! The international crude oil market is in turmoil, and the futures price has more than doubled by now. If I were the operator of the Great Wall Group, I would definitely invest all the money I could raise, plus several times more It’s hard to say how much money I’m making now, it’s like giving away money for free.”

Shen Guanglin did not comment on this.

As if inadvertently, Lao Li suddenly asked: "Has our Great Wall Group participated in the international oil futures trading?"

Everyone's ideas are different, and it is difficult for Shen Guanglin to change the inherent obsessions in others' hearts.

The development of history has also confirmed this point. As early as the beginning of the war, when the price of oil futures was the craziest, Shen Guanglin raised some funds to enter the market as soon as he knew the outbreak of the war, and easily earned a few small goals.

It is true that if future generations analyze the events that have occurred from the perspective of already knowing the results, they can naturally be logical, but how many people can dispel the fog of history if they are really at the forefront of history?
Shen Guanglin didn't have such self-confidence, he was always afraid that he would change history by accident.

From August to the present, countless international sanctions against Lao Sa have been issued, each of which is more severe than the last, but Lao Sa remains unmoved and must resist.

However, everyone has his own ambitions.

According to the ideal model, even if only 1 small target is invested, if the leverage is increased by 10 times, the price of crude oil will double, and the profit will be 10 small targets.

The point is that this person is extremely young and handsome.

In the past ten years, Shen Guanglin's hobbies have not changed except drinking tea, and his appearance is the same as being locked up. What he was then is what he is now.

He was even a little worried that the sisters would be old while he was still young in the future.

However, soon he worried too much, not because of the appearance, but because of hard power.

Men, really don't be too confident, it is difficult to deal with one perfectly, but also deal with two, just to satisfy the vanity.

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