Chapter 98
Shen Guanglin always didn't understand why they liked to bring people back to the prison when they were dealing with suspects. Can't they deal with them on the spot? It's simple, convenient and quick.

But resistance is meaningless. With Li Rong's thick thighs, he has no worries at all.

He wasn't too afraid.

Fortunately, the other party is also very cautious and polite, and he did not listen to one side's words and put handcuffs on him, just to let him explain the situation in the past.

Cooperating with the investigation is the basic obligation of every citizen, so go for it.

The police station was not too far away, but it was not too far. Li Rong and Jiang Zhenhua accompanied him.

The cousin and the eldest nephew were two cowards hiding in the room, not even daring to say a word and taking no responsibility at all.

Of course, it is also possible that he was criticized and fought badly at the beginning, and he was timid and fearful, and he already had a psychological shadow in the face of outsiders, especially the authorities.

A group of people walked along the river bank silently, not talking to each other, just the little aunt babbled there.

Shen Guanglin Xin said, "You think too much about this woman. You don't even know what Li Rong's background is. We won't be dealt with at the police station."

The scenery along the way is good, Shen Guanglin can watch the scenery calmly while walking.

The niece Jiang Zhenhua admired her uncle's calmness in the face of this situation.

The place arrived soon, and the staff saw that Shen Guanglin had an extraordinary bearing, not the kind of gangster who wandered the streets and alleys, so he was more polite, and he didn't quite believe that he could do anything wrong.

However, since there is a bitter master present, there should still be some procedures, and records should still be made.

The person in charge of questioning him is a middle-aged man. In this era, it is not so strict. It is not unacceptable for one person to preside over the questioning.

The interrogation began. The other party took out a stack of letter paper, dipped the pen tip with ink, and began to write a transcript:


"Shen Guanglin."




"University Teachers."

"You're a university teacher at such a young age?"

It's not that the other party didn't believe it, but that he was surprised. No wonder he was so graceful. It turned out to be a university teacher.

"I don't want to be old. I'm really a university teacher. I have a work permit."

Shen Guanglin took out his work permit. This certificate is very useful. As long as it is taken out, it can be respected, so he always carries it with him.

There is a saying in later generations, called: platform is more important than ability, choice is more important than effort.

Shen Guanglin knows how important it is to have a good platform. As long as the platform is not mistaken for ability, then life will be very comfortable.

Jingcheng University is a good platform.

"I'll take a look at your work permit, Jingcheng University... Are you a teacher at Jingcheng University?" The other party was even more surprised.

"Yes, it's like a replacement. I'm a physics teacher at the Department of Physics at Jingcheng University."

Shen Guanglin is very proud of his identity. After all, he is also a young man, not an old man who has been reborn. Many times he speaks and does things without much thought.

"You are a teacher from Beijing University, why did you come to us, and why did you beat someone?"

The attitude of the other party was suddenly much more amiable. Intellectuals, or university teachers, naturally couldn't be bad people. I guess there was some misunderstanding in the middle.

Shen Guanglin explained that he was here to visit relatives, and then he happened to meet someone from the Yang family in the next village blocking the door to make trouble and break off the marriage.

It wasn't him who beat the Yang family, but the young man in the village who was outraged, and he didn't hurt anyone, just a little bit of pain.

As for the woman who complained, everything was because she was telling stories and playing tricks back and forth.


Because their family and Uncle Jiang were close relatives, when Uncle Jiang was knocked down, their family was of course included, but Uncle Jiang was a teacher at that time, and it was easier to be classified as another faction.

Their family stepped on him at first to draw a line for survival, and then they became addicted to stepping on him.

Besides, it is human nature to climb high and step low.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's grandfather was unhappy in Jiang's family back then, and their family also has a share of the credit.

It still looks like a feud.

The matter became clear, and the police comrade had nothing to ask, so he made Shen Guanglin a cup of tea and started chatting.

Shen Guanglin and the police talked about the difference between the capital and Jiangnan, which of these two girls is his target, and whether we and Lao Maozi will fight.

As expected of a university teacher, he is well-informed, and the police comrades are fascinated by it.

Here, Shen Guanglin was chatting enthusiastically, and over there, Li Rong was also exerting his strength.

Li Rong herself is an administrative staff. Although she is out of the post-study stage, her work permit is still there. Everyone is in the same industry. Even if she doesn't show her background, she doesn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face. Shen Guanglin shouldn't be embarrassed by this.

After she revealed her identity at the police station, she received a cordial and friendly reception.

Now is the time to rescue Teacher Shen.

When Li Rong came in, she found that Shen Guanglin was not tied up by Wuhua, nor was he tortured.

Originally, she thought that things might not go well today, and she estimated that she would have to go home and send soldiers to rescue Brother Guanglin. She didn't expect that the public security comrades had no idea of ​​imprisoning him. .

As for the little aunt how to deal with it?

There is always a price to be paid for doing something.

False accusation is also a sin.

Shen Guanglin didn't mean to punish her severely, and it was enough to detain her for a day or two, so that she would have a long memory.

Next is going home.

There are rivers and ditches in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are no street lights on the road. Without Jiang Zhenhua to lead the way, the two of them would definitely not be able to find a place.

However, it was only when Shen Guanglin started walking at night that he realized that the night in this era was completely different from 40 years later.

It's very bright outside.

Although it is not a full moon, it can still illuminate shadows, and there are still people riding bicycles.

Walking on a country road, accompanied by the chirping of frogs and insects, and smelling the fresh and hot and cold air, is still a different experience.

When Jiang's house arrived, my aunt's house was full of people, but no lights were lit.

Shen Guanglin's rural hometown is an urban village. There is electricity, so he doesn't feel any difference or difference from the city.

Aunt's home is purely rural, and there is no electricity in the village.

If there is nothing to do at night, I don't want to light the lights. If they didn't have to wait for Shen Guanglin and the others to come back, they would probably have gone to bed long ago.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin and the others came back smoothly, they lit the kerosene lamp.

"Is it okay?" It was the aunt who asked.

Shen Guanglin took a closer look and saw that there were a group of people including the eldest cousin, the younger cousin, and the eldest nephew. They discussed in the middle of the night, but there was no countermeasure.

Without rescue, Shen Guanglin came back safe and sound.

That's it!
Go away, wash and sleep.

Li Rong slept with Jiang Zhenhua, while Shen Guanglin slept alone.

There are no lights, not even candles, everything can only be felt in the dark.

These days, not only their Jiang family, but many villages are like this. There is no electricity, no telephone, no TV, and the lights are dark. Except for things in bed, there are basically no other entertainment measures, except to get up at night to run away the hairy children.

Because furry children are also very annoying, they like to listen to people's corners without sleeping in the middle of the night.

If it wasn't for a dog calling the police, they would be able to search for a lot of homes in one go, and then sit around the next day to discuss who the daughter-in-law barked nicely and who said something private at night.

It was a difficult night, tossing and turning, sleepless.

The longing for life is not really so desirable, it still needs to be rich in material conditions.

Shen Guanglin was bitten to death yesterday, and it was really uncomfortable to have no mosquito net at night.

Finally, the mosquitoes reluctantly receded when the day dawned.

The next day was not very good all day long. Shen Guanglin sat in the chair and didn't want to move. He just wanted to add a sleep.

However, there were many villagers who came to be guests. It seemed that the Jiang family was alive again, and everyone knew that this was not Jiang Zhenhua's object, but her cousin.

With such good relatives, is their family about to turn over?
We are all villagers, can you help us find a way out?

What if you can.

(End of this chapter)

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