Chapter 733 Angry to kill

However, Yu Qingxuan did not show the slightest sign of fear, only a colorful conch appeared when she held her hand.

The conch seemed to be filled with a kind of magical sea water.

She pointed her fingertips, and the sea water flew up from the conch, and immediately turned into a blue water curtain. In the water curtain, there was boundless cold air rising, enough to freeze spiritual power.

The sword intent of Chen Mo's sword showed signs of freezing at the moment of contact.

Cutting on it, the water curtain burst out with a powerful shock force, shaking Chen Mo out.

"It's the water of the holy yin!?"

Inside and outside the Suo Ling Pagoda, countless people were astonished.

There are ten divine fires in the world, and naturally there are also ten divine waters.

The holy yin water is one of the top ten divine waters, and it is the treasure of the mermaid clan. The birth of mermaid tears also requires the holy yin water to evolve.

After the five reincarnation elders were surprised for a moment, they immediately saw some clues.

Nangong Qingtian gently fanned the folding fan and said, "It's not the complete water of the holy yin, but a small part of the water of the holy yin."

"Even if it's only a small part, it's still the water of the holy yin, which can freeze spiritual power and rebound attacks." Lingyan said.

"Unfortunately, Chen Mo's undead demon flame is on Suzaku, otherwise it might not be able to break through the water of the holy yin." You Mingtong said in a deep voice.

Inside the lock tower.

"She actually brought the water of the Holy Yin into the Spirit Locking Pagoda." Yu Xiaoxiao squinted her eyes slightly. She asked her father to ask for it before, but she never got it.

After resisting Chen Mo's attack, the holy yin water turned into a transparent energy shield, covering Yu Qingxuan's whole body, and her arms danced to continue to manipulate the dragon.

Chen Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and the majestic sword light slashed down again.

With this sword, the shaking water curtain trembled, but the attack did not rebound again.

Yu Qingxuan raised her eyebrows and frowned.

Surprised in my heart: "Could it be that the water of the holy yin can't stop him?"

Although Chen Mo is confident that he can break through the water curtain, it will take a certain amount of time.

Since you are hiding inside.

Then I'll switch to another attack.
Chen Mo headed towards Shuige's camp.

Since you can't attack the controller of the magic dragon, then break the killing array and let the magic dragon's strength drop sharply.

"Eternal Immortal Body!"

Chen Mo put away the nightmare, and his body turned into a giant, a body about ten thousand feet tall, standing between the sky and the earth, with a forceful momentum, in the flash, he clenched his five fingers tightly, with purple-gold immortal power gushing out from his pores, It turned into a purple-gold glove covering the fist, and the majestic spiritual power surged layer by layer, and the fist smashed towards the Shuige camp
The maintenance of the magic dragon killing formation would consume a lot of spiritual energy. Chen Mo's punch, which was already in a weak stage, could not stop them at all.

Sparks splashed and the void shook.

Hundreds of members of the water pavilion suddenly flew upside down as if they had been hit hard, with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths, unable to fight anymore.

Some of them were only in the middle stage of the cave, and even died directly.

"You are bold." Yu Qingxuan, who was shrouded in the water of the holy yin, was stunned, and after a while, she said coldly.

She never expected that Chen Mo, an outsider, would dare to kill so many people from the water pavilion.

"my son"

Outside the Suo Ling Pagoda, there was a middle-aged old man with red eyes and killing intent everywhere.

Among the members of the Water Pavilion who were killed just now, one was his son.

Around Wuling Island Square, there were countless angry voices.

I want Chen Mo to pay for his life.

However, it's not over yet.

Chen Mo saw that after hundreds of members of the Water Pavilion were blown away, the remaining members of the Water Pavilion were still supporting the Demon Dragon's battle formation, and he was immediately angry.


Killing one is killing, killing two is also killing.

Chen Mo punched him again.

This punch is even more ruthless!

The members of the water pavilion were unable to escape, and nearly a hundred members fell.

"You are crazy!"

"The devil, he is the devil!"

"When we go out, we must sue the court for peeling your skin."

"You're dead, you're absolutely dead."

The rest of the Water Pavilion members roared at Chen Mo with hideous faces.

Those who died just now have many relatives and friends.

"If you want to kill me, you must have the consciousness to be killed!"

"A lawsuit?!"

"Fuck your mother and sue!"

Chen Mo originally wanted to keep them alive, but since they didn't cherish them, he could only send them to the ground.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

With another punch, nearly a hundred members of the Water Pavilion died.

Those who are still alive are all practitioners of the late stage of Dongtian and above.

The Tu Pavilion camp was terrified. If they didn't run the magic dragon killing formation, they would naturally not be afraid. Chen Mo would be able to be dealt with at the late stage of the Second Realm of Huaxuan.

But now, all of them are in a weak state, and their strength is less than two or three tenths of their heyday.

Immediately, he took out the scroll from the universe bag and crushed it.

This was distributed before entering the Locking Spirit Pagoda.

There are members of the five pavilions.

If it is crushed, it can be sent out of the Spirit Locking Pagoda.

But this also means that you have given up the fight for the spiritual source.

And the spiritual source is extremely important to the members of the five pavilions, if it is not at the last moment, they will not use it.

Outside the Suo Ling Pagoda, on the high platform, the elders of the five clans were all silent and depressed.

You know, the five pavilions are all composed of members of the five clans.

There are more or less people from five ethnic groups in each pavilion.

As for the water pavilion, apart from the people from the monster clan, there are people from the four clans.

And the people who died in Chen Mo's hands just now included people from the Mermaid, Spirit, and Shura clans.

Injured, even elves.

"Let's talk about it, how to solve this matter?" Ling Yan said in a low voice.

"Severe punishment, it must be severely punished." The elder of the Shura clan said coldly.

"Although this matter was caused by Fu Mou, there was no actual harm after all, but Chen Mo's nature is different. If he kills so many people in a row, if he is not severely punished, how will he explain to everyone in the Demon Realm." Feng Qing also said.

"Chen Mo is still inside the Spirit Locking Pagoda. In my opinion, let's wait until he comes out." Nangong Qingtian said.

You Ming Tong remained silent.

"Meow" the orange cat yelled, its not-too-long tail flicked slightly, and a pair of big orange eyes shimmered.

Inside the Spirit Locking Pagoda, low cries sounded one after another.

Even Nangong Jinse and Yu Xiaoxiao's expressions changed.

Although the two of them knew that Nu Mou and the others had started this matter first, the Dharma Pavilion belonged to the five clans, not Chen Mo's Dharma Pavilion. Under the watchful eyes of all the people, Chen Mo was afraid that a catastrophe would be imminent.

But Chen Mo didn't have time to think about it for the time being.

Although the demon dragon's killing array was broken, the demon dragon has not dissipated, but it is being consumed little by little, that is to say, its strength is decreasing little by little, while Suzaku's strength can be increasing little by little.

Although the magic dragon has not escaped Yu Qingxuan's control, its defeat is only a matter of time.

Sure enough, after a stick of incense.

Suzaku began to counterattack, and the sharp crow of the phoenix and the roar and mourning of the dragon resounded throughout the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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