Chapter 740 Retreat
On a misty mountain peak.

A middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back. His handsome face was indifferent, and his eyes were as unfathomable as an abyss. There were no spiritual fluctuations around him, but just standing there, there was a sense of indifference. A terrifying power emanated faintly.

Under that kind of power, even the space around it presents a sense of distortion.

But at this time, behind the middle-aged man, a figure knelt on one knee, not even daring to lift his head.

There was cold sweat all over his forehead and back, and his complexion was slightly pale. This man was Nu Mou, and the middle-aged man in front of him was also an elder in charge of punishment in the Shura clan, Nu Tian.

Although Nu Tian didn't show any anger, Nu Mou felt a wave of fear, because the person in front of him had the right and power to dominate his life.

"Nu Mou, you let me down, how stupid it is to act in front of so many people at the Five Spirits Festival." Nu Tian's faint voice finally sounded.

Nu Mou, who was originally kneeling on one knee, knelt down on both knees, his body trembling slightly, not daring to make the slightest argument, his head lowered even lower.

Nu Tian turned around, stared at Nu Mou with unfathomable eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Do you know his origin? He is the devil who started the teleportation himself, picked him up, and even met the devil in person , you attacked him just because of those things in the Land of Crying Blood, have you thought about the consequences?"

Hearing this, Nu Mou's body trembled slightly, cold sweat poured out, and he said in a low voice: "But he missed our important event, the essence of the Land of Weeping Blood may have been absorbed by him, and the three deputy pavilion masters of the earth pavilion all Lost the qualification to soak in the blood pool, and"

"Enough." Nu Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and the voice that blurted out directly interrupted Nu Mou's words, and said: "You didn't do anything real because of this, so you should attack him, or should you say that at the Newcomers Conference Now, after Yu Qingxuan had a conflict with him, you will stand up for her?"

Hearing Nu Tian's indifferent voice, Nu Mou lowered his head even lower, not daring to speak any more.

But Nu Tian seemed to be able to hear Nu Mou's voice, and said: "Do you think that he is just an outsider, a human being, even if he is really killed, it will be fine?"

Hearing this, Nu Mou's body trembled, because that's what he thought.

"If you really think so, then you are very wrong. You have also seen the result of the court's handling. Even the cat and the demon clan are against the human being. The demon clan is the devil's confidant. From some aspects, it is also true. It represents the meaning of the demon lord, and the demon lord is likely to train that human being as a confidant, so what are you doing against the demon lord?"

Hearing this, Nu Mou was completely terrified, you know, even if the five clans united together, they would not dare to disobey the devil.

Now that I hear myself fighting against the devil, isn't this just courting death?
"Then I'll go and apologize to him right away." Nu Mou said in a trembling voice.

"It's too late." Nu Tian closed his eyes, and immediately said: "You can only be thankful that the Demon Lord will not leave the customs within these two periods, and then when the time of the two periods is up, kill Chen Mo, then the Demon Lord will be counted." When you leave the customs, you will not vent your anger for a dead person. Otherwise, if the demon master leaves the customs and blames you, the clan will not come forward to protect you again."

Fu Mou panicked, and immediately said in a low voice: "Elder, don't worry, after two periods, I will personally strike and kill him."

Nutian nodded: "Confidence is a good thing, but this Chen Mo's origin is unknown, but he has the potential to surpass Ye Yiren and the Supreme God. Supporting Ye Jin for so long is definitely not as simple as it seems, if you underestimate him, what happened at the Five Spirits Festival may happen again."

Hearing this, Nu Mou raised his head and said: "I have already touched the threshold of Nirvana, two epochs is enough time for me to break through, and I will definitely be able to kill him by then."

Nu Mou clenched his fist, with confidence in his eyes.

Nu Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and nodded: "According to common sense, he is indeed not your opponent, but he is too weird, I don't expect accidents to happen from time to time."

"What does the elder mean?"

"At that time, you will come to me again."



Fire Pavilion.

After the handover ceremony of the pavilion master, Chen Mo and Nangong Jinse explained a few words, and they were about to retreat.

But Nangong Jinse pursed her lips, hesitated for a while, and said, "If you don't mind, you can retreat in my volcano during this period of time."

After Chen Mo was not the owner of the Huo Pavilion, he naturally had to move out from the main volcano and move into an ordinary member volcano. The time flow was three times faster than the main volcano.

Hearing this, Chen Mo was taken aback, and after taking a deep look at Nangong Jinse, he said, "Thank you then, time is very important to me now, and I won't be polite to you anymore."

The Volcanic Time Array of the Deputy Pavilion Master has a time flow rate twice that of the Pavilion Master's Volcano.

Much stronger than ordinary member volcanoes.

Nangong Jinse said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if there is one more person."

Saying that, Nangong Jinse opened his own volcano and brought Chen Mo inside.

The interior decoration of Nangong Jinse Volcano is relatively simple, so simple that Chen Mo suspects that this is not a volcano where girls live at all, but rather a place where an outsider who doesn't care about worldly affairs lives.

After chatting with Nangong Jinse for a few words, Chen Mo entered the retreat room.

In the retreat room, Chen Mopan sat on the ground, he stretched out his palm, and a red sphere flashed out.

This sphere is the space compressed by Chen Mo. In the space, there are all red fire lotuses, which are the 400 million fire attribute spiritual sources that Chen Mo won at the Five Spirits Festival.

Chen Mo's eyes were a little hot, and he didn't hesitate immediately. With a movement of his palm, he threw the crimson sphere in his hand.

After being thrown into the sky, the sphere is suspended.

With a thought in Chen Mo's mind, he directly opened the sphere, and in the next instant, countless red fire lotuses scattered out, and Chen Mo quickly operated the Taishang Hunyuan Jue, condensing into a huge invisible vortex above his head.

The scattered sources of spirituality were all swallowed by the whirlpool.

The temperature in the retreat room suddenly soared to a terrifying level, and the clothes on Chen Mo's body instantly turned into nothingness. He closed his eyes tightly and sucked hard, only to see that red fire lotus turned into a line of fire, It was inhaled by him.

If it's just one or two flowers, it won't make Chen Mo feel anything.

However, a large number of spiritual sources entered the body, even with the strength of Chen Mo's physical body, there was a sudden tremor, and an indescribable burning pain spread from the body, as if to turn his body into nothingness .

Chen Mo hurriedly held his breath and concentrated, clenching his teeth tightly, without even making a muffled groan.

(End of this chapter)

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