Chapter 759 Dating
In the early morning, the sky was just getting bright, in the volcano of Nangong Jinse, in the room, Chen Mo was leaning on the pillow, with Jinse's soft hair on his cheek, and Jinse was in his arms.

If Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the scene in front of her, she would definitely slap Chen Mo hard.

Last night, she had sex with me, one baby at a time, but now she is holding another woman in her arms.

Chen Mo stayed in that mountain with Yu Xiaoxiao for a long time last night before returning to the Fire Pavilion. He originally wanted to take Yu Xiaoxiao and take a nap all night.

But Yu Xiaoxiao was afraid that Chen Mo would do something to him, so he ran away in a panic.

So how can two people sleep comfortably when sleeping alone?

The scumbag Chen went to find Nangong Jinse that night.

Beautiful double repair for one night.

Nangong Jinse leaned against Chen Mo's chest, laying on his side with his arm as a pillow, gently rubbing the jade hairpin that her lover gave her last night with her fingers, her eyes like Xingmei's beautiful eyes carried some meaning.

"Honestly speaking, are you also thinking about the little girl, or else you wouldn't have taken her down last night."

Nangong Jinse held the jade hairpin in the palm of her hand, and muttered in a neutral tone, she didn't know whether she was happy or sad, after all, she had encouraged her last night.

"Cough cough." Chen Mo stroked Jinse's hair, and coughed dryly a few times when he heard this, but everything had already been done, so he just agreed with it, held Jinse's hand, and chuckled: "Yes what's the matter?"

Although Nangong Jinse doesn't mind how many women Chen Mo has, but just as he said last night, Chen Mo acted, still a little uncomfortable, and said immediately: "Forget it, anyway, this kind of thing is not something I should worry about .”

Is this showing jealousy?

That's right, no matter how generous a woman is, even if she says she doesn't mind, but she knows that her man is with other women, if she doesn't get jealous, it means that she doesn't have this man in her heart at all.

If this happens, Chen Mo should be more careful.

Kissed Nangong Jinse's cheek, and immediately put their faces together, saying: "It's still early, let's sleep for a while."

Nangong Jinse nodded, found a suitable position in Chen Mo's arms, closed her eyes, and rested.

Chen Mo, on the other hand, checked in detail the magic power that Yu Xiaoxiao sent to him last night.

Sky God Thunder Art!

The Nine Heavens Xuansha turned into a divine thunder, resplendent with the power of the sky, leading it with a sword.

Xuan Bra, also known as the power of the great way.

One can imagine the power of the god-thunder battle transformed by the power of communication.

You can also borrow time.

As for the water and sky tornado, it is the supernatural power of the mermaid clan, which communicates the water attribute spiritual power between the heaven and the earth and turns it into a tornado, destroying the sky and the earth.

The Myriad Shadows Spirit Body is also the supernatural power of the Mermaid Clan.

It stands to reason that this supernatural power can be ranked in the top ten of the [-] supernatural powers, but it is too difficult to cultivate, even in the entire mermaid clan, only a few people have successfully practiced it.

The Myriad Shadows Spirit Body needs spirits of wind attribute and fire attribute, as well as its own qi and blood empowerment. In addition, its own physique and qi and blood must be strong. After training, it will transform its own shadow according to the energy of the empowerment , the more energy in the empowerment, the more shadows will be transformed, and the transformed shadows will have the same strength as the main body, and can continue to practice and grow.

Cultivated to the highest level, the shadow is even more independent, turning the virtual into reality, killing people invisible.

Attribute spirits can only be summoned by those who are strong in the reincarnation realm.

Chen Mo couldn't practice alone.

Therefore, for the time being, he first completed the cultivation of supernatural powers such as the Sky Divine Thunder Jue and the Water and Sky Tornado, and then integrated them into the Milky Way.

Although he doesn't know when he will reach the Unity Realm, but the more supernatural powers he cultivates, it is always right.

But before practicing, first
"Jinse, what are you doing?" Chen Mo looked at Nangong Jinse who was drawing circles on his chest in his bosom, not even half sleepy.

Nangong Jinse's eyes were clear, and she murmured, "I can't sleep."

Chen Mo turned over and pressed Nangong Jinse under his body. It happened that I couldn't sleep either, so let's practice.

Nangong Jinse blushed and nodded.

After opening the deputy pavilion master's time circle, he practiced for more than two months, and his supernatural powers were almost cultivated, but Chen Mo hadn't touched the boundary wall for a long time.

After tidying up hastily, Chen Mo went out to find You Mingtong, and when he wanted to practice Wanying's spiritual body, he saw Yu Xiaoxiao who was full of resentment as soon as he went out.

"You really stayed with Bingshan." Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of grievances, and she pointed at Chen Mo angrily, her little face bulging with anger.


"Don't you know about me and Jinse? What's the matter?" Chen Mo glanced at Nangong Jinse behind him.

Nangong Jinse frowned and looked at Yu Xiaoxiao.

"You really forgot." Yu Xiaoxiao was about to shed tears.

Chen Mo was taken aback.


Forgot what?
Chen Mo was sure that if he couldn't remember it, Yu Xiaoxiao would definitely turn his face against him.

After a while, Chen Mo said, "Forgot? How could I have forgotten, am I planning to go on a date with you and give you a surprise?"

That's right.

Chen Mo remembered Yu Xiaoxiao's talk, and had to get used to it in three months, such as dating, holding hands, hugging and so on.

But when Chen Mo and Nangong Jinse stayed together, they were already so happy that they forgot about it.

Bah, scumbag.

"Bah, you think I won't believe it. If you want to date, what have you been doing during this time? If I don't come to you, you probably don't plan to come to me either." Yu Xiaoxiao was not so easily fooled by Chen Mo past.

"How is it possible, am I not cultivating? The supernatural powers you gave me, I have to practice properly, the time of the two epochs is coming soon, I can't delay you and my future for the love in front of me. "Chen Mo said in a tone that I was thinking about our future.

Seeing Chen Mo's serious look, Yu Xiaoxin had a thought of blaming him, but there was still suspicion in his eyes: "Really?"

"Of course, it's true. If you don't believe me, ask Jinse." Chen Mo turned his head and winked at Nangong Jinse.

Nangong Jinse gave Chen Mo a white look, then nodded.

"Hmph, I don't believe in Bingshan unless you prove it to me." Yu Xiaoxiao said with her hands on her waist.

"how to prove?"

"Didn't you say that you have cultivated the supernatural powers I gave you during this period of time? If you really cultivated for such a long time, you must have succeeded in cultivation. Show me the power." Yu Xiaoxiao said.

"No problem." Chen Mo smiled.

He is very accomplished in this area. Although he has been practicing with Nangong Jinse for a long time, he has completed these supernatural powers in his spare time.

So Chen Mo showed Yu Xiaoxiao one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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