Dou Po starts with capturing the goddess

Chapter 785 Obtaining the Supernatural Seed

Chapter 785 Obtaining the Supernatural Seed

Countless black fragments flew out of the void behind Wang Ye.

These fragments formed a simple black long sword in the air.

Immediately, the void broke open, and a ray of light suddenly appeared, as if the first ray of light to disperse the darkness when dawn came.

But the light was cold and cold, which made people feel extremely palpitating.

Just when Wang Ye noticed.

That ray of light shot directly at Wang Ye's back.


Wang Ye's body suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and the spiritual defense on his body collapsed instantly.

"Chaos Fire Lotus!"

Chen Mo beat the dog in the water hard, and when Wang Yeru was hit hard, he immediately formed a seal with both hands, rubbing the yin and yang Taiji diagram with his hands, and a beautiful fire lotus was born on the yin and yang.

The fire lotus bloomed instantly, and a beam of light pierced through the sky burst out, directly bombarding Wang Ye's body heavily.

Double blows back and forth.

Even if he is Nirvana.

It also seemed a little helpless.

Immediately, he was knocked out and hit the ground heavily.

"Great star technique - star burst!"

Chen Mo raised his hand, and majestic spiritual power surged from his body. Immediately, on the bright sky, there were several dim lights suddenly, and then a meteor with a gorgeous trail quickly turned into a skyrim.

The surface of the meteor, because of the rapid fall, even wiped out a ball of blazing flames.

"Get out of the way!"

Chen Mo yelled at the two Jinse who were fighting with another chaser as a reminder, and immediately retreated quickly!

Hearing Chen Mo's roar, Jinse turned her head to look, and immediately saw the shocking scene, and also avoided it.

Even in the process of evading, the spiritual power of the person attacked fluctuated, and he spit out blood.

The man and Nangong Muer also quickly retreated, but on the way of retreating, the man still launched a fierce attack on Jin Se and Nangong Muer.

Soon, the meteor arrived.

Before it landed, the air waves engulfing it turned all the ancient trees, grassland, etc. below into dust.

Wang Ye just stood up.

The meteor hit him and exploded.

A huge red mushroom cloud suddenly swept away.

The shock wave that swept away plowed the soil on the ground layer by layer, and formed an abyss in a short time.

The raised soil and the dust and smoke obscured the sight of several people.

And in the dust and smoke, there is also an extremely dazzling light.

People can't help but want to cover it.

As the dust and smoke slowly dispersed.

Only a huge pit came into everyone's eyes.

In the huge pit, a man with torn clothes, disheveled hair and blood was slowly standing up, and a monstrous evil spirit quietly permeated from his body.

"It's still alive!" Nangong Muer was extremely surprised.

The spiritual power fluctuated just now, and even the top of the mountain was flattened.

But Wang Ye still had breath.

"Nirvana, how could it be so easy to kill?" Wang Ye's teammate let out a grin, just as he was about to attack Jinse and Nangong Muer again.

He felt the scene around him change, as if he was in a terrifying force field.

In this force field, he felt a sense of fear in his heart, and he couldn't resist.

In the next moment, he felt a powerful and unparalleled aura crushing over him, carrying a strong killing intent to the extreme.

I realized that this murderous intent was not aimed at me.

Instead appear in .
"Wang Ye, watch out for the top of your head" he yelled at Wang Ye.

But it's too late.

A sword intent bloomed between heaven and earth.

At this moment, the situation between the sky and the earth changed color.

The terrifying sword intent seemed to swallow all sights.

When Wang Ye looked up, he saw only a ray of light in the endless darkness.

When he saw this ray of light, a strong tremor arose in his heart.

He didn't resist at first.

At that moment, Wang Ye's heart was absorbed by the fear of death, and a chill pierced through the sky.

He gave up on himself, and a thought appeared in his heart that even if he resisted it, he couldn't resist it.

He couldn't produce a trace of resistance, so he could only let others slaughter him.

A line of blood vacated.

A round thing flew into the sky.

Before the blood lines and the chubby things fell to the ground, a black blue flame with golden light rose up, covering everything.

After finishing a set of combos, plus the fourth form of Zhushen's Nine Forms, the moves are all big moves.

At this moment, his whole body seemed to be out of strength.

His consumption is too great.

The long sword in his hand was almost unsteady at this moment.

But he wanted to pretend that he was still capable of fighting at this moment, grabbed a handful of holy medicine from the ring and stuffed it into his mouth, and regardless of the crystal juice flowing out of his mouth, he held the demon in his hand and pointed the sword point at the remaining person:
"Are you ready to die?"

Hearing this, the man's face suddenly became gloomy. Looking at the flames still burning on Wang Ye's body, the man suddenly took out something from the Qiankun bag and threw it out.

Following a puff of blue smoke, the figure of the man disappeared immediately.

A few minutes later, until that person didn't show up again, Chen Mo collapsed to the ground.

Nirvana is actually so hard to kill.

If it wasn't for the other party's contempt, Chen Mo might not be able to kill him.

"Husband." Nangong Jinse hurried over, hugged Chen Mo into his arms, and stuffed Chen Mo's mouth with pills from the universe.

"You actually killed someone in the Nirvana realm." Nangong Mu'er walked over and looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

Chen Mo ignored her for the time being, and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go first, I have to find a place to recover."

The two women nodded.

When he was about to leave, Chen Mo found the place where Wang Ye's body was still shining.

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and was burned by the undead flame without melting.
Chen Mo walked over to check, and picked it up.

"Is it the supernatural power seed, or the supernatural power seed of 110 Second Dao." Nangong Jinse said in surprise.

Hearing this, Chen Mo's eyes brightened.

If he swallowed this supernatural power seed.

My own galaxy will definitely have a lot more supernatural powers.

And I haven't entered Guiyi yet, because the supernatural powers obtained by swallowing other people's supernatural power seeds are considered innate, not acquired.

Because what is acquired is the supernatural powers that are added later after reaching the unity state, and every supernatural power added is considered acquired.

And the strength of acquired supernatural powers is not as good as innate.

After Chen Mo collected the supernatural power seeds, he left this place with Jin Se's support.

Not long after Chen Mo left, the fleeing man appeared here with a group of soldiers in armor.

The man first looked towards Wang Ye's position when he died.

It was found that there was nothing but a black trace left.

(End of this chapter)

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