Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1061 The Zhou family with their own thoughts

Chapter 1061 The Zhou family with their own thoughts

He Xiaoran ran over, hugged Mi Li into his arms, and hissed at him, Mi Li tilted his head and asked, "Why don't you let Mi Li talk?"

He Xiaoran said in a low voice: "It's not that the rice grains are not allowed to talk, but that Grandpa Zeng fell asleep, you can't talk now, what should you do if you wake up Grandpa Zeng?"

When Mi Li heard this, she immediately covered her small mouth, lowered her voice and said to He Xiaoran, "Mi Li is obedient, Mi Li does not disturb Grandpa Zeng."

Zhou Huohuo was bouncing around with his short legs, wanting to be hugged by his mother too.

He Xiaoran reached out to pick up Zhou Huohuo, hugged each other in his arms, and said in a low voice, "Grandpa Zeng will sleep for a long time this time, both children must be obedient, you can disturb him."

"Grandpa Zeng is already an old man. If the children are too noisy, Grandpa Zeng's head will hurt. If that happens, Grandpa Zeng won't like children anymore."

The millet was a little worried, "What about my sister's red envelope?"

Grandpa Zeng fell asleep, so no one would give my sister a red envelope. My sister came to Jiugu Wenchang for the first time, and Xiao Mili liked her sister very much, and he liked Jiugu Wenchang as much as he did.

He Xiaoran smiled and said: "Although Grandpa Zeng is asleep, but Grandpa Zeng has already prepared my sister's red envelope!"

As he said that, He Xiaoran winked at Zhou Chenyuan, and Zhou Chenyuan immediately asked someone to prepare two red envelopes, and gave them to Xiaomi Mili and Zhou Huohuo, "This is the red envelope that Grandpa Zeng prepared for Xiaomi Mili and his sister!"

Only then did Xiaomi feel that she had finally regained her face in front of her sister, "Sister, brother's red envelopes are also given to my sister, so my sister will have two big red envelopes!"

Children don't know what it's like to be sad, but the adults in Kutani Wenchang have a lot of troubles to worry about.

Once Mrs. Zhou died, Jiugu Wenchang and those people with ulterior motives began to move around.

Those Zhou family children living in other places rushed to Jiugu Wenchang from other places, thinking about whether they should have it or not.

What's more, groups of three or four began to form alliances, hoping to gain more benefits from Zhou Zhichu with more pressure.

Of course Zhou Zhichu has some skills, but those people don't know exactly how Zhou Zhichu's skills are.

When Zhou Zhichu accepted Jiugu Wenchang, Jiugu Wenchang was not bad, but now it is in his hands, isn't it the same as before?
What did Zhou Zhichu do?He just took Jiugu Wenchang's old position, and everything else is still done in the same way as before. What's so difficult about being such a leader?What wouldn't it be?

Even if another fool takes over, as long as the people below do things obediently, Kutani Wenchang will not be able to collapse.

Besides, the reason why Jiugu Wenchang was in Zhou Zhichu's hands was because Zhou Zhichu was capable?Isn't it because Zhou Zhichu has the ability to coax the old man?

He coaxed the old man around, causing the old man to favor Zhou Zhichu, so he gave Jiu Gu Wenchang to his favorite grandson!
Otherwise, with Zhou Zhichu's qualifications, he wouldn't even be able to get into Jiugu Wenchang's middle management.

There are so many children in the Zhou family, why should it be Zhou Zhichu's turn? Could it be that there is no one in the family who is more capable than Zhou Zhichu?

After all, for them, among the Zhou family's industries scattered all over the country, they can also manage those industries in an orderly manner and keep their business going. Isn't that their skill?
On the day of the old man's death, all the Zhou family's children who could arrive rushed to Jiugu Wenchang that night.

Zhou's funeral, Jiugu Wenchang was brightly lit, and there was an endless stream of vehicles on the road leading to Jiugu Wenchang.

The Zhou family's children from all over the country gathered together in groups of three or four, whispering and plotting their own interests.

As for whether the bones of the old man in the coffin were cold or hot, no one cared anymore.

The Zhou family's children who stayed behind in Jiugu Wenchang obviously also noticed the difference in the atmosphere. The eagerness of the Zhou family's children who rushed back from various places was all written on their faces.

Zhou Zhichu originally represented the third house of the Zhou family, and the eldest family voluntarily relinquished power, but the second house and the third house had always been at odds, so the descendants of Jiugu Wenchang, headed by the second house, quickly turned against Zhou Zhichu.

The reason is simple, Zhou Shang can separate from the Zhou family, why can't they?

Since we want to separate the family, we should separate thoroughly, and divide everything that can be divided.

Especially those of them who did not stay in Jiugu Wenchang and were scattered all over the country should be more thoroughly divided.

In other words, in today's Jiugu Wenchang, everyone has their own little calculations, and everyone is thinking about their own interests.

After Zhou Shang's family of three separated from Jiuwu Wenchang, they suddenly became their own masters. Even before everyone realized it, they suddenly established a Shouyang Caiwei comparable to Jiugu Wenchang.

Zhou Shang's success after leaving the Zhou family instantly inspired the confidence of the other children of the Zhou family.

If Zhou Shang can do it, then they can too!
It's just that when the old man was alive, they had such an idea, but they didn't have the courage. Even if they knew that Zhou Shang's family had separated from Jiugu Wenchang, some people were convinced, but they could only watch with cold eyes.

Now that the old lady is dead, and the junior Zhou Zhichu is in power, they naturally have courage and confidence.

If you didn't dare to face the old man back then, wouldn't you dare to face Zhou Zhichu?
In fact, Zhou Shang came back to attend the funeral. Compared with other Zhou family members, his family of three was extraordinarily low-key.

Perhaps, when Zhou Chenyuan couldn't bear the fact that his marriage was controlled by the Zhou family, Zhou Shang and Yan Wei had already seen the turmoil behind Jiugu Wenchang, so they agreed to Zhou Chenyuan's request for a separation.

At the beginning, Zhou Chenyuan wanted to split up, and no one else knew the specific reason. Perhaps the only person who knew the inside story was Zhou Zhichu.

And those people were eager to move because they didn't know. They even said in private that Zhou Shang and Yan Hua were cunning, and they left the Zhou family early, but now they have less trouble.

It's just that these people forgot that when Yan Hua and Zhou Shang's family of three left Jiugu Wenchang, those people said sarcastic remarks behind their backs.

Zhou Shang's family temporarily lived in the Changping Pavilion, but people kept coming to visit, for no other reason than to win over Zhou Shang.

After all, the single branch that Zhou Shang separated from the Zhou family, even Zhou Shang's parents, were taken back from abroad by them to live in Caiwei Mountain for the elderly.

If they could get Zhou Shang's support and let Zhou Shang stand on their side, it would definitely put a lot of pressure on Zhou Zhichu.

The current Caiwei Mountain is no different from when it was first established.

Today's Caiwei Mountain has a huge influence, especially after Zhou Chenyuan graduated, he brought more business to Caiwei Mountain one after another, and also made Caiwei Mountain's industry continue to grow, and it is already able to compete with Jiugu Wenchang.

Putting pressure on Jiugu Wenchang in all directions, Zhou Zhichu didn't want to compromise, but had to compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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