Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1075 Countless people are asking about her

Chapter 1075 Countless people are asking about her
When she was called to the office, she opened the door and walked in, her tone respectful and distant, "Mr. Smith, are you looking for me?"

A man sat on a large chair in the office. He had an oriental mixed-race face. That face had all the advantages of a mixed-race person. His deep and far-reaching eyes, and the facial lines carved out by a knife, were completely in line with Asia. people's aesthetics.

The man leaned back with his hands resting on the back of his head, and his long legs resting on the table, "Sit."

When did you stand in front of your desk with your hands behind your back, "Don't sit down, I have to go back to school later, what's the matter?"

The man on the seat retracted his legs, moved his legs and put his feet on the ground. He stood up and slowly walked around the desk, walked up to Shi Shi, raised his hand, and touched Shi Shi's face with the back of his hand.

He lowered his head and approached him with a low voice and a gentle tone, "You're still angry about asking for leave, are you throwing a fit? You've already killed someone, so what else is going to happen? Beautiful girls also have to learn how to stop in moderation, otherwise they won't be happy." People like it."

When did he raise his eyes to stare at his face, without saying a word.

The man said: "What? My attractiveness has declined, which makes you dissatisfied? Don't you like me? You just accepted Chizhou's introduction and agreed to come to the company because of me, and now you don't like me?"

"Or, are you not satisfied with seeing me, and want to get me further?"

Conrad's hand gently rubbed her face, "He, you know, you are a genius, you can do everything perfectly, you are different from everyone here."

"If you want, you can kill anyone and get away with it. People like you, if you quit, it will be a loss to the world. He, if you have any requests, please tell me, and I will try my best to meet you. Among your requests, Can include me."

When staring at him, reach out to open his face: "I like your face, but it doesn't mean I want to sleep with you. You are lucky, your face matches my aesthetics."

"Fans like idols, not for the purpose of abducting their favorite idols to bed. That's brainless selfish desire. What they like, apart from the idol's handsome appearance, is more to satisfy their inner pursuit of beauty. It is some flashlights on idols, there are The fantasy they yearn for but can't achieve."

"If an idol sleeps in the same bed as a fan, it means that his mystery disappears, and he is no longer an idol, but an ordinary person with passion and six desires."

"I like your face, but it doesn't mean I like you. Don't think too much. If you really want your charm to last, then stay away from me."

Conrad bowed his head and smiled, "He, I like you."

When to ask: "Then your lovers should be sad."

Conrad's hand touched her face again, "My little girl, you are so innocent and pure, how can I have the heart to defile you? long as you need, I am willing to serve you at any time."

When he stood still this time, he just looked up at him: "For me, it's just a part-time job. I can leave whenever I don't want to do it. When I joined the job, Chizhou said that I can leave whenever I don't want to do it." .”

"Also, let your dog behave in a good manner. Next time, she will still have such an attitude. Don't blame me for being rude to her."

Conrad's hand touched her waist, stretched out his hand to pinch her armpit, carried her to the desk, lowered his head closer, and almost touched her lips again, "You are so young, why is your temper so big?" ? How good would it be if you were a well-behaved little girl?"

He was too close, and the breath of talking sprayed on Shi's face, when Shi looked up at him, just when Conrad's lips were about to touch Shi's lips, Shi stretched out his hand to block his mouth.

Conrad raised his eyebrows, "This is a reward..."

Shi Shi said: "This is a beauty trick. However, if I use the same trick a second time, it won't work for me. After all, if you see too much beauty, you will get tired of it."

After finishing speaking, when reached out and pushed Conrad, jumped off the table, opened the door and left directly.

Conrad stood where he was, nodding his head once and for all, then reached out to pick up the cigarette on the table and held it in his mouth. Just as he was about to light the cigarette, another middle-aged man with a beard turned around behind the screen.

The middle-aged man's face was gloomy, "It seems that she has a wavering mind. Even you can't make her calm down."

Conrad replied: "I was originally a gamer, and I was a child, and I did things entirely according to my mood."

He glanced at the other party, "Old Baker, why is she just a little girl, and at the same time a very gifted super logic genius, the combined talents of most of the organization can't match her brain alone. Such a talent should find a way stay."

Old Baker sneered, "She was very individual when she first came, and she killed her boss last week. It's no wonder that such a person, leaving is a loss to the company, and maybe she will be poached by competitors' ideas, but keeping her Extremely difficult to manage...”

Conrad raised his eyebrows, "Old Baker!"

The old Baker turned his head and looked at him, "Conrad, you don't really fall in love with that girl, do you? You know, this is absolutely impossible. If He can't be used by us, she doesn't need to live There is no way we will leave such a strong stop to our competitors!"

Conrad said: "Old Baker, as I said, she is still a child. You can't let such a young girl who has not yet left school understand organizational dedication. You must always give her a chance to grow and learn!"

"It's not the talents cultivated by the organization. What we need now is the cooperation between He and the organization. If she wants to reduce the number of projects, we can follow her wishes first, and slowly build a deep relationship with her, and wait for her to find fun in it." Now, it will naturally be used by us..."

Before Conrad could finish speaking, Old Beck interrupted him and said angrily, "How long will it take? What if we can't wait? Do you know that those people are all looking at her now? They have already discovered her existence!"

"We thought it was a secret, but she was so, so outstanding. Everyone in the industry knew that the accident was not an accident!"

Old Baker was very excited, and his face was flushed, "They are already asking the price. If she falls into the hands of our competitors, all of us will become cannon fodder. She will let us die without a place to die!"

Conrad stared at him in silence, and said after a while, "We can negotiate terms with He, and we can achieve a win-win result. There is no need to kill her, she is just a little girl."

Baker Sr. said: "If you can't get her back to work as soon as possible, then don't blame me for not giving her a chance."

After a pause, the old Baker reminded: "I didn't say this, it was what the higher-ups said. The upper management has already noticed that something is wrong. Now there are countless people asking about her. The threshold of those intermediaries has been stepped down!"

Old Baker unscrewed the jug and took a sip of the wine, "After the project of killing the head of state last time, there was too much trouble, and things got complicated!"

Conrad said: "I tried to get rid of Chizhou first. If he is dead, no one will know where He is!"

(End of this chapter)

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