Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1077 My sister hit me!

Chapter 1077 My sister hit me!

He Xiaoran descended like a magic soldier, appearing directly in front of Shi Shi.

When was she dumbfounded, she subconsciously wanted to run to her own bedroom, "Ahhh..."

As a result, He Xiaoran took a long leg, leaped a few times, stepped on a table to block Shi Shi's front, grabbed her, pressed on the chair at hand, raised his hand and slapped Shi Shi's ass.

"Well, you damn girl, what bad things have you done behind my back? You haven't learned well all day long, and you've been thinking about nonsense. I knew you had a problem. I felt something was wrong when I saw it. Pretend in front of me, I let you pretend! I let you pretend!"

"Why did I ask you to come here? What did I ask you to do? I asked you to study there. What have you done? You bastard girl, it's outrageous!"

He Xiaoran taught Shi Shi while beating, the strength in his hand was not vague at all, Shi Shi screamed when he was beaten, "Sister! Sister! Sister, I was wrong, listen to me..."

How could He Xiaoran listen to her?
"I listen to you? I listen to you talking about wool! Can you still name a flower? I figured it out with my toes. You just want to make a lot of sophistry! Playing big tricks in front of Guan Gong? Look, I'm not doing it today. Make your ass swollen, don't let it go!"

When was beaten so loudly that she kept calling her sister, but unfortunately He Xiaoran ignored her at all.

If it weren't for the fact that there are people in the room now, He Xiaoran would still want to take off her pants and beat her!
At the end of the fight, when did you cover your face and lay on the chair crying: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

When did He Xiaoran press down on the chair and beat up this side with lightning speed, while the two men on the other side stayed where they were, without reacting for a long time.

When He Xiaoran finished playing and looked back at those two people, those two people took action.

It wasn't that they reacted slowly, but mainly because He Xiaoran's movements from beginning to end were too swift, as if they had been rehearsed, without giving the people in the room any chance to react.

Conrad had never met He Xiaoran, even though he had seen it in the materials before, he didn't take it seriously.

They don't care at all who their sister is, when they can take over such a business, and if they are willing to do this part-time job and earn that money, it means that when they arrive at home, their family situation is not very good.

The company has already figured out when's family background. She lives in a multi-person family. When is the youngest, there are two or three older sisters and an older brother. Her parents didn't have a serious job, and later she broke the law and went to jail. They are all married, when is the only one left.

For such a chaotic family, when the older sisters get married, life will naturally be difficult.

The tuition fees and daily living expenses during her school days were all provided by the elder sister when...

Conrad did look at when's background check, but that is, after scanning through it and finding no obvious problems, he would classify it as when's personal file.

Now he can't remember what his sister looked like when?

Conrad asked in shock: "When, who is she?"

No one paid attention to him, because He Xiaoran didn't intend to let the people in the house go.

Chizhou had met He Xiaoran before, so after He Xiaoran kicked open the door, he recognized He Xiaoran.

It's just that he didn't expect that the first thing He Xiaoran would do when he came in was to beat him, really beat him, put him on the chair and spank his ass!

I don't know if the beating hurt or not, but looking at the strength of He Xiaoran, Chizhou felt that He Xiaoran had hit him hard.

Chi Zhou jumped up and rushed over to save Shi, "Miss He, we met again! You have something to say, don't hit her, Shi is coquettish, what if you break it?..."

Before he finished speaking, He Xiaoran turned his head and stared fiercely at Chizhou.

Chizhou: "..."

The next second, He Xiaoran lifted his leg and kicked Chizhou out. Chizhou crackled and overwhelmed the table and chairs, and he didn't get up for a long time, "...Miss He, I..."

After Chizhou fell to the ground, He Xiaoran's eyes fell on Conrad again.

"Who are you? What's the relationship with when?"

While speaking, she had already walked in front of Conrad.

Conrad had just seen that when Shi kicked Chizhou, he immediately put on a defensive posture, "I am Miss Shi's boss..."

Before he could finish his sentence, He Xiaoran swept his leg and threw it away, and attacked Conrad, "I'm beating the boss and the agency today!"

That bastard from Chizhou used some means to fool Shi Shi into fooling around with those people.

As for the so-called boss in front of him, it is even more hateful.

What kind of boss is this?Naturally, when the boss of the place where he works now, he should fight!

She heard all the conversations on the bugging device just now, this kid used his dog-like face to seduce such a little girl when!

How old is it?Never been out of society, still a little girl!
At least in He Xiaoran's heart, when is her eternal cutie.

Trying to deceive her little cutie, damn it!It's time to fight!

He Xiaoran was very ruthless, she beat her ass with all her strength whenever she hit her, Chizhou was kicked down by her, and it took a while to get up.

As for Conrad, since he has the ability to resist, then be prepared to be beaten.

Today, He Xiaoran wants to let this kid know that force interacts, the harder he resists, the more painful it will be when the fist falls on him.

The furniture in the room was in a mess, and two figures were seen fisting and kicking each other. While fighting, Conrad shouted in the direction of when: "Hey, who is this lunatic?"

Where can I still take care of him?
She was spanked by her sister, and she lay on the chair without getting up.

Chi Zhou rubbed his stomach, and helped Shi Shi up in the past, "Can you still sit?"

When: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Chi Zhou hurriedly said: "I won't beat you now, be good, and your sister won't beat you..."

Before he finished speaking, He Xiaoran took the time to look back at Chizhou, grabbed the cup in his hand and threw it at Chizhou, "Why are you pretending to be a good person? When will you stay away from my house? Job? Or I'll beat you up later!"

Chizhou held back his hand when it arrived.

When would you sit on a soft sofa with your head resting on your lap, "Woooooo..."

Conrad was anxious, "He, what's going on... Crack!"

He Xiaoran slapped him on the face, "You have a good face, right? Girls like it, right? I beat your face like a pig's head. I wonder if anyone else likes it!"

When did she look up, then lowered her head and cried again, she didn't care if her sister wanted to hit whoever she wanted.

Besides, the two people in the room should all be beaten!

Conrad began to think that when He Xiaoran met his sister, he didn't think much about it at all. After a fight, Conrad was kicked flying and hit the wall.

He hastily raised his hand to prevent He Xiaoran from hitting someone with a chair, "Stop, stop! We have something to say, a gentleman speaks but doesn't move. There is a saying, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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