Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1080 Do you still have chain stores?

Chapter 1080 Do you still have chain stores?
Conrad froze.

He knew when he was a top genius in logic, but he didn't know when and when he started to calculate, and how he designed such a set of logic, so that everyone took it for granted that it was an accidental fire that destroyed the company of?

Conrad believes that no one will suspect that it was a man-made incident. The final result of the investigators' investigation must be an accidental fire, and he may even be classified as a man-made accident by a smoker.

When is the ability to design a series of events to be perfect, so that no one can catch her logical loopholes.

So when the current situation is unscathed, Chizhou just encountered a small accident and has not yet succeeded, and the company is gone!
Obviously when is smarter than they thought, maybe she guessed from the very beginning that the company might attack her, so when to act first, take the company directly.

In this case, the leaders of the company, including the entire company and even all project materials related to when, will be destroyed in the fire.

After this, who else knows when and what projects have been involved in?
She is simply killing more birds with one arrow!

When did she wait for He Xiaoran to praise her, but she didn't wait to praise her, her face was swollen by her sister's pinching.

He Xiaoran stretched out his hand, squeezed Shi Shi's face one by one, and asked while gritting his teeth, "What's your expression? You don't want to wait for your sister to praise you, do you? Do you think my sister will praise you? Do you think it's possible?" ?”

When the saliva was pinched down, he held his face and screamed.

He Xiaoran continued pinching and shaking: "You have done so many bad things behind your sister's back, and you have followed me in the opposite direction? You thought my sister was going to praise you? You have a good idea, dream! This time, if you If I don’t teach you a lesson, you won’t be able to turn the world upside down in the future.”

When he sucked his saliva, he said vaguely: "Sister, I was wrong! I will never dare again, I will listen to you, sister..."

"Admit your mistake now? Do you think it's timely? It's too late! If you take the initiative to stop before my sister comes, can my sister forgive you reluctantly? After my sister comes, you will still do this trick to me?"

When: "Bee..."

"Damn girl, do you think I don't know why you suddenly want to stop? You found that I was suspicious of you, are you afraid? You are a vegetarian when you are a sister. Do you still dare? Do you dare in the future? Do you dare?" Don't you dare?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare! I won't dare anymore, sister, please forgive me, I really don't dare."

When Shi's face was squeezed so loudly, he didn't dare to break free.

Chi Zhou was anxious at the side, and hurriedly said to He Xiaoran: "Miss He, I'm to blame for this matter. If I hadn't mentioned this job with Shi, it shouldn't have caused such a big incident..."

He Xiaoran heard this, and immediately turned to look at Chizhou, why did she think that this kid Chizhou wanted to speak for when?He is so kind?
He Xiaoran squinted at Chizhou, did he have ulterior motives for her little one?Why is someone so active?
Chizhou noticed that He Xiaoran was staring at him, so he shuddered immediately, and said embarrassingly: "Miss He, when was she still young, she has been in school all the time, has never been out of society, and is easily influenced by the outside world. Don't blame her, in the final analysis, I misled when..."

When He Xiaoran heard this, he withdrew his hand pinching Shi Shi's face, and asked in front of him: "You also think that you misled Shi Shi? Since you made mistakes first, how do you plan to make up for it?"

Chizhou: "..."

He pursed his lips for a long time without saying a word, he really didn't know how to make up.

In fact, from the very beginning, he was a little bit annoyed by Shidu's sister, but at that time, her sister didn't show any hostility.

At that time, when's sister should have 100% trust in when, but now when has completely exceeded He Xiaoran's hope, so that He Xiaoran should be angry now.

Chizhou was afraid that if he disagreed with him, he would be beaten like Conrad.

He didn't want to be beaten by his sister when, and he couldn't backhand or fight back, that was really being beaten for no reason.

When knelt beside her, holding her swollen and red face with both hands, "Sister, I really know I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

He Xiaoran stared at her, "If you make me not angry, I will not be angry? If you don't get angry with me, can I be angry? I used to think that He Miao would make me angry, and I was so angry about her going to school. Don't worry. Now I find that you are more disobedient than He Miao!"

When, "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

"Crying? Do you still have the face to cry?"

After He Xiaoran finished speaking, he turned around and stared at Conrad again.

There is no way, Chizhou admitted his mistakes too quickly from the beginning to the end, and took everything on him, which made He Xiaoran a little at a loss, but Conrad was different.

This man is a veteran of society, and he is usually well received by women, so that he habitually wants to use his face to solve all the problems he encounters. It should always be very easy to use, which makes him extra confident.

He Xiaoran plans to teach him a lesson, the previous one was a martial arts lesson, and now this one is a literary lesson.

"Mr. Smith, right? He should be invincible in dealing with women since he was a child. Have you ever failed?"

Regarding this point, Conrad is indeed very confident. Since he was a child, he was the only one who dumped women, and no woman could dump himself.

He Xiaoran smiled, "This confident expression seems to be gone. Oh, it's true, women are visual animals, and a man with connotation and depth can indeed attract women for a long time, but appearance can be the first Attracts a woman with a glance. Smith shows that he is born with such a weapon, which is really enviable."

"However, if I'm not mistaken, among the women Mr. Smith has come into contact with, there should not be many who are willing to get along with you for a long time, right?"

Conrad wanted to say that he dumped them.

Unexpectedly, He Xiaoran took the lead and said, "Do you know why?"

She said: "That's because you look like a very superficial man, with a face and so-so muscles. After a woman has tasted something new, who wants to spend more time with a vase?"

Conrad: "???"

He Xiaoran smiled and said: "Looking at your expression, you don't have any self-knowledge, do you? Tsk tsk tsk, this surprised me. It turns out that you think you are so charming that you are invincible?"

"The value of a person is self-knowledge. You didn't realize that it was someone who gave you the opportunity to dump them. After all, you have a good face. Ducks with the same price as you are very expensive. What if you ask them for money? ?So giving you a chance to dump them is a good way to save money and trouble."

Conrad: "!!!"

He Xiaoran stretched out his hand and squeezed Conrad's shoulder, "Actually, you have a good frame, and your muscles are so-so. If you concentrate on practicing martial arts, you may be a good seed. Unfortunately, you only practiced for a full score of [-]." Thirty. What does this mean? It means that you have a good family background and are favored by your family, but you can't bear the hardships because of being spoiled and spoiled, and you are probably a second world lord."

Conrad: "I have a job!"

"Oh, do you think that when you were the leader and had a job, it was great?" He Xiaoran said secretly, "I don't think so, but I think your current job is either based on flesh and blood. Those who climbed up, or they found connections at home."

He Xiaoran clapped his hands, "Let me make a bold guess again, the company you were burned by is not your family business, right?"

Conrad: "..."

When turned to look at Conrad, "Do you still have a chain store?"

Conrad shook his head reflexively, "No, absolutely not!"

Absolutely don't let her know, what if the second house is burned down again?
(End of this chapter)

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