Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1096 Who Did You Offend?

Chapter 1096 Who Did You Offend?

He Xiaoran molested Zhou Chenyuan on the phone, Zhou Chenyuan covered his face with one hand, blushing, if he didn't know how to breathe fire, he would definitely be breathing fire now.

When He Xiaoran finally stopped talking, he blushed and said stammeringly: "You have finished what you want to say, but let me tell you, don't tell others these words, it doesn't count if you teach a child badly." , what do other people think you say about a woman who is indiscreet?"

He Xiaoran said with a smile: "Am I such an unreserved person? Surely you know how to say these dirty words to my man?"

Zhou Chenyuan: ""

So, He Xiaoran hung up the phone and rolled on the bed laughing.

When I heard the movement, I couldn't help it, and knocked on the door, "Sister, are you okay?"

He Xiaoran said to the door: "I'm laughing at your brother-in-law, hahaha!"

When to scratch your head, don't understand, what is there to laugh at brother-in-law?
On the other side, Zhou Chenyuan, who hung up the phone, covered his steaming face, and when Jin Ji and the others came back, he saw Zhou Chenyuan say solemnly: "Hmph, He Xiaoran is fine with everything else, but this is a bit annoying."

Everyone: "???" What's the problem?

Before Jin Ji had time to organize Zong Tang, he had already asked, "Ah Yuan, what's wrong with Young Madam?"

Jin Ji covered his forehead with his hand, it's too late!
Zhou Chenyuan had already raised his head, with an annoyed expression on his face, a three-point serious expression, and six-point satisfaction on the corners of his eyes and mouth, "Too clingy!"

Zong Tang: "..."

Others: "It deserves it!"

Zhou Chenyuan stood up, "Don't make noise, prepare the car."

"Ah Yuan, it's not that I made an appointment in the afternoon, it's too early to go now."

"Xiao Ran told me the news just now, if we act now, we should still be able to catch up."

In a certain apartment, Chizhou got up early in the morning and began to tidy up the apartment.

He has no cleanliness, but he has obsessive-compulsive disorder. For example, dirty clothes cannot be stacked, but the folded clothes must be clean. This means that even if he is not cleanliness, he has to clean up the house every day, otherwise, everything will be lost Put things back in place.

After the house was tidied up, he took him to his father's place and talked about why he wanted to, saying that he had introduced someone to Chizhou and asked him to meet in the afternoon.

Chizhou said directly: "I have work in the afternoon."

My father was half-dead with anger, "You're just a kid's play house, what kind of job is that? You think I don't know, you've already met the person your mother introduced, why don't you see the person I introduced?"

Chi Zhou sighed: "I really have something to do this afternoon, I have an appointment with the Smiths..."

But my father didn't listen at all: "Did you fall in love with the person your mother introduced? You don't really want to inherit the stuff from your mother's house, do you? Chizhou, I said your father, you went to meet the person she introduced, You also have to meet the person I introduced, otherwise are you still my son?"

Chi Zhou looked up at the sky, "I'm here for work, you and your mother can live your mother's life well, why keep staring at me? I don't want any introduction from either of you, just stop!"

After finishing speaking, Chizhou hung up the phone, and his eyes fell on the folder on the table. When she arrived, that sister was really amazing, and she could see through the essence at a glance.

After lunch, he was planning to take a break before going to see Conrad, but unexpectedly, there was a visitor.

The knocking on the door was neither soft nor heavy, neither urgent nor slow, it didn't look like someone looking for trouble.

Chi Zhou walked to the door lightly, and took out a gun from the shoe cabinet. He stretched out his hand and opened the door, and a dozen guns pointed at him in the eyes.

The gun in Chizhou's hand pointed at Zhou Chenyuan's forehead.

The two sides were deadlocked at the door.

Zhou Chenyuan looked at him expressionlessly, "Who did you offend? Just outside the door, I heard the sound of you touching the gun and loading it."

After a pause in Chizhou, he realized that this was the young master of Caiwei Mountain, who was also the husband of sister He Xiaoran when he arrived.

Chizhou retracted the gun, and immediately retracted the dozens of gun barrels that were pointed at him.

Zhou Chenyuan walked into the room and looked around, "You live alone?"

Chi Zhou frowned, watching him walk into the room with his shoes on, and then he took a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them in front of Zhou Chenyuan: "Brother-in-law, you should change your shoes."

Zhou Chenyuan paused, "What do you call me? Brother-in-law? What kind of brother-in-law am I?"

Chizhou was silent for a few seconds before saying: "When and I are good friends, and she calls you brother-in-law, so naturally you are also my brother-in-law."

Jin Ji and the others were still standing at the door, looking at Zhou Chenyuan with a little worry, Zhou Chenyuan nodded to them and said, "Go downstairs and wait for me in the car, I have something to ask Mr. Chi, don't worry."

Jin Ji nodded his head, turned around and left with others.

Chizhou closed the door, walked to the sofa opposite Zhou Chenyuan and settled down, "Brother-in-law, what are you doing here today? Also, when did you arrive? I also met Miss Xiao Ran last night. Ran said you were coming."

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at him, "I rushed over last night because of some work matters. I heard from Xiaoran, but have you been taking care of me all this time?"

When I asked this question, Chizhou immediately felt guilty. After all, He Xiaoran knew exactly when he came to work in the Smith family because he introduced it.

He Xiaoran was very angry about this.

As a result, Zhou Chenyuan suddenly asked this question, which only shows that He Xiaoran did not tell Zhou Chenyuan about the role played in the incident in Chizhou.

Chizhou had no choice but to say: "My ancestral home is from Beicheng, and I immigrated from my great-grandfather's generation, but the blood in my bones is still the same. But a little girl has just arrived and is unfamiliar with the place, so I should take care of her."

Zhou Chenyuan responded, these fell on the report on the table, he reached out to pick it up and opened it.

Just as Chi Zhou was about to speak, Zhou Chenyuan opened the folder and said, "Xiao Ran asked me to come here to find you, otherwise I wouldn't have the time to waste time here."

Chizhou: "..."

Zhou Chenyuan's eyes fell on the appraisal report: "Are you going to see the Smith family this afternoon? If that's the case, you don't need to make another appointment. I have already made an appointment with Charlie Smith. You will come with me in the afternoon."

At this time, Chizhou didn't know what to say.

This man had clearly decided everything, as long as someone came to inform him, but he still sat in front of him for a while.

"Well, that's good." Chi Zhou nodded obediently, he was not afraid of Zhou Chenyuan, but because of when he was going to see his brother-in-law.

Anyway, he was also going to Smith's house, since Zhou Chenyuan wanted to take him with him, then let's go together, after all, there is no loss for him.

The two parties quickly reached an agreement, and after some time, Zhou Chenyuan and Chizhou went out to the Smith family.

 On the first day of 2023, I wish everyone good health and safety!
(End of this chapter)

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