Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1099 You don't think I'm here to meet relatives, do you?

Chapter 1099 You don't think I'm here to meet relatives, do you?
Without waiting for Charlie Smith to speak, Zhou Chenyuan said: "The reason is very simple. The greater the reputation of the Smith family, the more ruthless their behavior, which means the more women are hurt."

Charlie Smith didn't care, "Mr. Zhou seems to have overlooked one point, there is no so-called harm at all."

Zhou Chenyuan raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Using deceitful means to coax a woman into pregnancy, so that the body of a woman who is full of hope for marriage will be harmed, isn't this considered harm?"

Charlie Smith retorted: "The pain of childbearing is inevitable for human beings. All women will suffer from such pain, even if they are not from the Smith family, as long as they are pregnant, they must suffer pain. Mr. Zhou, you don't think this is a natural state ?”

Zhou Chenyuan chuckled, "Of course I don't think so. Pregnancy is indeed an inevitable result for women, but women voluntarily marry and conceive, and bear the pain of childbirth is the result of love and willingness in their hearts. The crying caused by the purpose is another matter."

He glanced at Charlie Smith, "So it is inevitable that the fault of the head of the Smith family will appear. After all, women are also awakening, and they have gradually discovered that there are indeed some people in this world who will use women's wombs for their own calculations."

He leaned back and said with a smile: "So they are awakening, trying to keep their eyes open, and avoid encountering men like Mr. Smith's family. The Smith family found it difficult to have an heir to the family in this era, isn't it because they are truly wise? Have the wise women of the world sensed this, and refused to be a tool for free birth?"

"It was already difficult 20 years ago. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult 20 years later. Now I am very worried about the Smith family. In the future, there will be real high-intelligence women who are willing to give birth to the Smith family?"

Charlie Smith didn't speak, he naturally had his own plans in mind.

When has it appeared!
This means that there is no gap in the Smith family, and the next generation of the Smith family will pin their hopes on when...

At this time, Zhou Chenyuan finally articulated the purpose of his long speech to discuss morality with Charlie Smith. He said bluntly: "Given my investigation of the Smith family's family tradition, I don't think this is a family environment that is conducive to healthy growth. .”

Charlie Smith's pupils shrank, and only then did he realize the real purpose of Zhou Chenyuan's words in front of him.

"When my wife brought her out of the orphanage, she never thought about letting a little girl take on the responsibility of a family's prosperity, let alone making her a vessel for the family to reproduce."

Zhou Chenyuan tilted his head, and the malice in the smile on his face gradually increased, "Mr. Smith wouldn't think that the purpose of my coming here today is to send this kinship test, right? Please."

Charlie Smith's face was gloomy, and he was holding the hand on the chair and slowly clenched into a fist. At this point, Charlie Smith certainly knew the purpose of Zhou Chenyuan's visit.

Because of He Xiaoran and the young man in front of them, they didn’t trust the Smith family, so they tried their best to find double insurance.

Like the Smith family, they don't care when to say who's child, who her parents say, they just need to prove to the Smith family when they are the heirs of the Smith family, and they can achieve their goal.

They want to let the Smith family see but not catch, know where the head of the younger generation is, but they can't get it.

Not only that, but they also found the safest bodyguard in the world for Shidu, because Smith knew that after learning that When was the child of the owner of the Smith family, he would never sit idly by.

As for when, whether she can return to the Smith family, I'm afraid it doesn't matter when, but her sister does.

Charlie Smith said: "I think it's a big deal. Isn't it more important to listen to when's advice? Everyone has inquisitive thoughts. You are not when, but her sister and brother-in-law. How can you replace when to do such an important matter?" Life decisions? I think when there is a basic right to know."

But Zhou Chenyuan said: "Mr. Smith, have you forgotten that half a month ago, the Smith family tried every means to quietly make her disappear from the world, to be precise, let her die abnormally in a natural state, half After a month, you want to tell her that you want to recognize her back to the Smith family, is this really a simple idea of ​​kinship?"

"You also know when you are smart. She can't think of the cause and effect, or do you think she doesn't know what's going on in your mind?"

"I believe that with Mr. Smith's ability, eliminating the interference of sister Shi, he can indeed persuade Shi to return to the Smith family in a short period of time. Is that really a long-term solution?"

"Your purpose is very obvious. You want to train her to be the smartest person in the world in the shortest possible time. She will know what kind of pressure she will bear and what kind of pain she will face. That's when your chance will come back."

Charlie Smith closed his eyes and pointed towards the chair with armrests. He knew what Zhou Chenyuan said was right.

The timing of the whole thing was wrong, everything was stuck at the crux of the matter.

If the opponent had changed, things might still have room for maneuver, but it happened that he met such a calculating couple.

In fact, the blood in Charlie Smith's body was a little boiling.

He has been the head of the family for so many years, and his prestige has long been known to the world, but he still yearns for fighting and excitement in his bones. The gene of fighting against high IQ groups is always at work, making him want to be active at the front, but reason warns him not to do so.

The current situation is already the worst for the Smith family. He can't let things continue to deteriorate, let alone the people in front of him are difficult to deal with. The key point is that they are inextricably linked with the future head of the Smith family.

If it is not done well, it will push the top talent who fell from the sky to the sky.

So even though Charlie Smith's blood was boiling at the moment, he still calmed down.

He maintained the poise and majesty of a superior, with a dignified and elegant posture like the smile on his face, "Mr. Zhou, your words are indeed reasonable, but Mr. Zhou should also know that we will eventually recognize when. It's just a matter of time."

"And what Mr. Zhou said just now has made me do a deep introspection. Perhaps the faults in the Smith family do exist for the reasons Mr. Zhou said. I am willing to reflect on and rectify on behalf of my family."

"At the same time, I'm going to do my best to find out when the biological parents, taking on the responsibilities of being a father and a mother, and when creating a family environment that's suitable for returning."

(End of this chapter)

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