Chapter 1106 Powerless
He Miao, who had been drawn four tubes of blood, was crying, and He Xiaoran held her in his arms to coax her, "Let the big fish give Miao Miao something delicious later, just make up for it!"

He Miao died of grievance, and raised four fingers, "Four tubes!"

"Yeah, four tubes of blood have been drawn, our He Miao is really hardworking and brave! This is what our family He Miao is like. If it were another ordinary Guoguo, he would not be able to stand it long ago!"

On the other side, Yulingju and Qin Shangxing were talking about He Miao's situation. The more he heard, Yulingju's face became more and more ugly. Finally, he asked: "If the pregnancy is terminated now, will nothing happen in the future?"

Qin Shangxing glanced at him, "In theory, that's the case, but even if the pregnancy is terminated this time, what about after that? No contraceptive method is 100% effective, and no one can guarantee whether there will be a second pregnancy. Another one, miscarriage It is also a process of physical injury, which cannot be avoided.”

Qin Shangxing said: "Actually, I suggest waiting for the appraisal and examination before deciding whether to have a child. It is true that He Miao has a harder time getting pregnant and giving birth than other pregnant women, but how do you know that she will not be willing? "

"Miss He asked me the same question, and I gave her the same advice. If it is hard for He Miao no matter what choice you make, why not try to give the child a chance and give He Miao a real one?" What about mother's chance?"

He Xiaoran sat beside him, coaxing He Miao while looking at Yulingju. Yulingju was silent and didn't say a word.

Two hours later, the group returned to Caiwei Mountain, and Yan Hua and Zhou Shang also arrived.

"Miao Miao!" As soon as Yan Hua saw He Miao, she hurried over and looked him up and down.

He Miao is still the same old routine: "Hi beautiful mother~~~~~"

Before she could finish speaking, Yan Hua took out the red envelope skillfully and stuffed it into her hand, "Miao Miao is suffering!"

When He Miao heard this, he immediately felt wronged: "Four guards!"

He Xiaoran explained, "Four tubes of blood were drawn."

Yan Hua was so distressed that she was dying, "Oh, my little baby is really suffering! should I say it?"

He Xiaoran said: "The team needs to sequence the genes of the mother first. The samples from He Miao's twin brother and mother are on their way and will be delivered tomorrow morning."

A series of gene sequence checks are required to determine the position of the mutated gene, and then judge whether the fetus is healthy or not based on the position of the fetal gene sequence.

"The biggest problem now is not albinism." He Xiaoran glanced at He Miao, and she said, "The biggest problem is that He Miao has autism, and she has autism genes, which means that the baby will There is a 50.00% probability of autism, but autism is a disease caused by brain dysfunction, and it is difficult to detect it with ordinary examinations..."

Yan Hua's heart suddenly turned cold. This, this is a problem of double genes. If this child wants to be born healthy, there will be too many follow-up problems.

In fact, everyone's inner feelings are similar, and they are all afraid of what will happen after the baby is born.

It is equivalent to that if the baby escapes albinism, it may be autism.

This is also the reason why He Xiaoran once made He Miao not get married, and took him with him until he was old.

It was only later that He Miao met Yulingju and got married.

He Xiaoran felt a little uncomfortable, why did her little sister work so hard?
Zhou Chenyuan frowned, "What should we do now? You and Yulingju can't make up your mind about this matter. The baby is in He Miao's belly. Anyway, He Miao has the right to know. I think He Miao must know how to deal with it." What happened. Otherwise, He Miao will bear the crime, and she is still confused and doesn't know anything, so what can I do?"

He Xiaoran glanced at him, Zhou Chenyuan emphasized: "He Miao must know!"

He Xiaoran sighed: "I didn't say that He Miao would not know, but we hope to get more information from Dr. Qin before telling her."

Zhou Chenyuan said: "Every step should be known to He Miao, because her body is changing every day. You have to let her know that she is healthy, so that she will not be afraid even if she finds changes."

This time He Xiaoran didn't speak, she had a headache, she didn't know what to do was the best for He Miao, she didn't know what to do to hurt He Miao the least, and she didn't know what to do so that she wouldn't regret it.

He Miao took out the money from the red envelope and insisted on stuffing it into Yu Lingju's pocket, then carefully folded the red envelope and stuffed it into the big helmet.

She used to give the money to He, but since He went abroad, all the money in her red envelope has been stuffed into Yu Lingju's pocket.

Red envelopes will always be He Miao's big treasure!

Yulingju actually heard Zhou Chenyuan's words, but he pretended not to hear. He looked down at He Miao, his heart was very chaotic, extremely chaotic, what should he do so as not to hurt He Miao?

But he can't do anything, he has no way to bear the pain instead of He Miao, and there is no way to avoid the pain, he is really careful, even if he likes He Miao again, he is trying his best to restrain himself and reduce the frequency, but He Miao is still pregnant.

He Miao looked up. When she entered the door, she had already taken off the big helmet on her head.

Everyone in the room is known to her, and she is familiar with them. The two people who make her feel safest in the world are right in front of her, and she is not afraid at all.

She looked up at Yu Lingju, and saw sadness in his eyes.

He Miao opened his eyes wide, "Huh?"

She stretched out her hand suddenly, Bai Ruxue's beautiful arm lifted up, touching Yu Lingju's face, she asked strangely: "Da Yu, why are you sad?"

Yu Lingju's eye circles turned red instantly, he lowered his head slightly, and placed his face in her hands, "Da Yu is not sad."

"Liar!" He Miao frowned, and said unhappily, "Da Yu is sad! Bad guys are bullying Da Yu!"

Yu Lingju shook his head: "Big Yu really hasn't been bullied."

"But, Big Fish is sad!" He Miao asked stubbornly, "Why are you sad?"

Yu Lingju looked into her dark red eyes, lowered his head, touched her forehead, and said softly: "Because of some things, Big Yu can't do anything about it..."

He Miao wondered, "Is there nothing Big Yu can do? The genius Guoguo is the best, help Big Fish!"

Yu Lingju's nose became sore in an instant, and he almost choked up and said, "Big fish can't bear to..."

He Miao didn't understand very well, but she knew that Tian Guoguo was the most powerful, and she said loudly, "Amazing!"

My sister said that she is the most powerful genius Guoguo, she is the most powerful, she can definitely help Big Fish!
Big Yu looked down on the genius Guoguo, and He Miao was a little unhappy, "Super powerful!"

Yu Lingju nodded, "Well, Miao Miao in our family is amazing..."

Yan Hua and He Xiaoran were watching from the side, their eyes turned red unconsciously.

Zhou Chenyuan pursed his lips, stood up suddenly and walked out. When he reached the door, he turned his head and said to He Xiaoran, "What are you still standing for?"

Yan Hua stood up first and walked out without saying a word. He Xiaoran was silent for a few seconds, then slowly got up and walked out.

Only Yulingju and He Miao were left in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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