Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1118 No such precedent

Chapter 1118 No such precedent
He Xiaoran yelled loudly, and He Miao trembled in fright, and frantically scraped the soil with the stick in his hand, trying to fill the dug hole.

When Xiaomi Mi and Zhou Huohuo heard their mother's voice, the two little ones turned around and ran away without looking back.

He Miao: "!!!"

Great traitor!
The two of them ran away, wouldn't she be left alone to be scolded by her sister now?
Thinking of this, He Miao also threw the stick in his hand and ran away.

He Xiaoran raised his heart, "He Miao is not allowed to run!"

Where did He Xiaoran listen to her?The one who is hiding now is my elder sister, holding a big helmet, she spread her legs, and ran away without a trace.

Zhou Chenyuan was furious watching from the side, "If she wants to dig, you can let her dig, as long as she doesn't hold it with her hands, look at how you scared her, she is pregnant now, can she run like that? How dangerous is it? "

He Xiaoran glared at him, "As long as you know, you feel bad, I don't feel bad, I don't worry? Dung beetles deal with dung balls, how dirty, I can't scold them anymore? It doesn't matter if she plays with dung beetles, rice grains and Both Huo and Huo dig along, is the dung beetle dirty?"

Although He Miao was jumping and jumping, but He Miao's physical fitness was much healthier than the average person. He Miao's examination was based on the genes of the fetus in the womb, not that there was any physical problem with He Miao.

He Xiaoran felt that her life was in dire straits every day. Although she didn't hurt her body, it hurt her heart!

As for Xiao, he also has an honorable identity. The godfather of two little milk babies, Xiaomi Mi and Zhou Huohuo, both call him godfather, so that they even have to prepare double red envelopes.

Zhou Shenyuan froze, it was really like this, he was a little worried, what should I do?Originally, the relationship between Uncle Eleven and Xiao Ran was not harmonious, if this was involved, wouldn't the conflict be even greater?

He Xiaoran knocked twice hypocritically with his fist, "I knew that Ah Yuan was kind-hearted and didn't want to see others suffer. He is indeed the person I like. He has new ideas and high acceptance. He is completely different from those old-fashioned and stubborn. Yuan is a person with a big picture!"

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at her.

He Xiaoran spoke kind words to Zhou Chenyuan, praised him, and made things worse for Wei Xian, "I just want to help her, even if it's for Tuanzi."

Fortunately, He Xiaoran cooperated with them very much, just to prevent the two children from feeling that there is a difference between the two twin brothers and sisters. Every time they came, they would bring the two children together and let the two children shout together. grandparents.

Jin Ji was very puzzled, where did his self-confidence and illusion come from?
At this moment Zhou Chenyuan lowered his head, and said casually: "I didn't say anything, I just talked about Tuanzi and Seventh Aunt."

Zhou Chenyuan's face was a bit ugly, "I won't argue with you, but for such a big matter, you expect me to get it done with a few words? Don't you think too much of me? Come on, you leave it to her What way?"

As he said that, He Xiaoran stretched out his fist, tapped Zhou Chenyuan's arm and shoulder lightly, and said with a flattering expression: "Who is our family, Ah Yuan? The little God of Wealth is reincarnated, and there are lucky stars shining brightly. Zhou Zhichu wants to To be touched by the light of our family, Ah Yuan."

Because at every turn, he felt that he was robbed of attention by the two babies, that he was not taken seriously, and at worst he felt that he hadn't been intimate for several days, and he felt unbalanced.

Jin Ji is now afraid of He Xiaoran, as long as she speaks, what can't be achieved?Zhou Chenyuan is like the abacus beads in He Xiaoran's hand, how He Xiaoran dials, how Zhou Chenyuan moves.

Worry about this today, worry about that tomorrow, and there are two children who need his attention anytime, anywhere, and Zhou Chenyuan's inner world from time to time.

He Xiaoran pinched his waist and couldn't help looking up to the sky and sighing, "Xiaomi Li, did mother tell you to watch Aunt Miao Miao and prevent her from digging dung beetles secretly, did you do it?"

Before Zhou Chenyuan left, He Xiaoran grabbed him, dragged him aside, and said to him in a low voice: "Sister Wei Xian told me two days ago that she is determined to get a divorce."

When He Miao was caught by He Xiaoran, he was hiding in a cabinet in a room with Xiaomi Mi and Zhou Huohuo stealing snacks.

Zhou Shenyuan's ears were red, and he snorted coldly with his hands behind his back, "Hmph, as long as you know."

He Xiaoran continued: "But Jiugu Wenchang has no precedent for divorce so far, so I hope you can say a few words in front of your eleventh uncle, and let Weixian sister live."

Jin Ji: "Ah Yuan, don't you think that as long as you open your mouth, for Lord Eleven, this matter must have something to do with the Young Madam?"

Jin Ji paused, "What's the matter with them? Didn't they all move out? Qi Ye wouldn't be looking for their mother and daughter, would he be troublesome?"

Zhou Chenyuan pursed his lips and said nothing.

Knowing that he is so good, I have to treat him better in the future, and I have to like him a little more!
On the road to Jiugu Wenchang, Zhou Chenyuan sat in the back of the car, Jin Ji sat beside him, and asked casually, "Young Madam, what did I tell you just now?"

He Xiaoran, "Uh, didn't your eleventh aunt owe sister Wei Xian a big favor? Wei Sisi has already paved the way for her, but Zhou Zhichu is too busy, I'm afraid Wei Sisi will just mention it." Wake up, but he didn't take it to heart, if you can remind him, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

He took a look away from He Xiaoran from the corner of his eye, "Okay, I'll make a note of this."

Therefore, they gradually have these thoughts of wanting to obtain independent management rights, and turn the company into their real personal private property.

He Xiaoran felt that two children plus one He Miao would really break his heart all day long.

Uncle Eleven will definitely say that the house of Jiugu Wenchang disturbed by Xiao Ran is restless.

Because she not only guarantees the child's material conditions, but also wholeheartedly considers the child's inner world.

He Xiaoran: "..."

He Xiaoran looked up at the sky, and the old god said, "I call Sister Wei Xian, she is only a few years older than me, why is she older than me for no reason? You are from the Zhou family, so you should call me Auntie." Yes, I'm not from the Zhou family, why should I follow you for no reason and be a generation behind her, I'll call you Sister Wei Xian."

"You can't let her be alone all her life, can she? If she gets divorced, she can find a second life. If she doesn't get divorced, the Zhou family will be consumed. She will be ruined by the Zhou family for the rest of her life."

But after a long time, everyone has gradually developed the mentality of being the master, and regards the company they manage as their own private property.

Zhou Chenyuan put his hand on his chin and thought about it seriously, "I'm thinking, when Uncle Eleven asks me what it has to do with this matter, what should I say to make it appear that my participation in this matter is not so abrupt, so as not to let Eleven Uncle thinks this has nothing to do with Xiao Ran."

Originally, those family members all ran family businesses scattered around the country with a mentality that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. From a certain point of view, they are indeed diligent and hardworking.

"Seventh Aunt has really had a hard time for so many years. Seventh Uncle hugged her left and right. Seventh Aunt has always been alone. If it weren't for Tuanzi, she probably wouldn't be here anymore."

In the past few days, Zhou Zhichu invited Zhou Shang's family to Jiugu Wenchang as a guest, saying that it was a guest, but in fact, it may also be to thank Jiugu Wenchang for his support and strengthen the connection between the two places.

Zhou Chenyuan's face softened visibly, "I actually thought about what you said a long time ago, but at that time, the old man was still alive, so it was useless to talk about breaking the sky. If it is Uncle Eleven, there are indeed some opportunities."

Originally, those people formed a group and wanted to gain the support of Caiwei Mountain to form a force to fight against Jiugu Wenchang and force Jiugu Wenchang to make a decision. Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhichu got the support of Caiwei Mountain faster than them and broke their plan to force the palace .

However, Zhou Chenyuan still thought that He Xiaoran was held in the palm of his hand, and that He Xiaoran would never be able to jump out of his Five Fingers Mountain.

For He Xiaoran's operation, Xiao's parents felt that He Xiaoran really loved their little granddaughter as his own daughter.

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at her with disgust, "What sister Wei Xian? Did you mess up your seniority?"

He Xiaoran continued: "If you come forward, can Zhou Zhichu not agree? You know what kind of life Sister Wei Xian has lived for so many years. If you help her, it can be regarded as leaving a way for her and Tuanzi. Besides, Sister Wei Xian How old are you?"

After the death of the old man of the Zhou family, the Zhou family fell into chaos for a short period of time. Zhou Zhichu was faced with severe internal and external troubles. The influence of Caiwei Mountain has suppressed the family members who have ulterior motives.

Xiaomi Mili argued, "Mom, that's not a dung beetle, that's Cicada, it's Cicada that hasn't transformed."

When He Xiaoran brought his two children to get close to Xiao's family, Zhou Chenyuan was not idle, running between Caiwei Mountain and Jiugu Wenchang from time to time.

You also know that it is a cicada that has not transformed!
The Xiao family temporarily settled down at the Caiweishan Hotel, looking for opportunities to get closer to Zhou Huohuo every day.

Although he doesn't care what Uncle Eleven thinks about Xiao Ran, he can't make unnecessary trouble for Xiao Ran.

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at him, "It's not about this. Seventh Aunt wants to divorce Seventh Uncle and start a new life. Jiugu Wenchang has no precedent for divorce. Xiao Ran came forward and thought of a way. This time it should work."

Xiao Ran was originally a trouble-maker, and it was easy to cause troubles outside, so if there is one less thing, the lesser thing will be less.

"Jinji, what do you think I have to find a reason to make Uncle Eleven feel that it has nothing to do with Xiao Ran?"

Jin Ji raised his eyes slightly, and took a look at Zhou Chenyuan, "If you really want this, it has nothing to do with the young lady, and it's not impossible, you just need to find a suitable person for your seventh aunt, and tell the eleventh master and seventh aunt that she wants a divorce The reason is because he has his own lover."

"Anyway, for Jiugu Wenchang, Jiugu Wenchang probably doesn't care about whether the seventh lady has a man outside. After all, Jiugu Wenchang owes the seventh lady. Qiye already has so many women by his side, no one else. Say who is noble."

(End of this chapter)

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