Chapter 1120

When Zhou Chenyuan heard that Jin Ji agreed, he was a little surprised. He was all ready to contact Si Qing, but he didn't expect Jin Ji to think about it within half an hour.

"Have you really thought about it? Don't be annoyed at that time, and give up halfway."

Jin Jili glanced at him and said: "I'm not the kind of person who breaks promises. Since I promised, I won't give up halfway."

After hearing this, Zhou Chenyuan was immediately satisfied, and stretched out his hand to pat him on the shoulder, "Jin Ji, with your words, I can rest assured."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Chenyuan walked a few steps quickly, and shouted at Zhou Tuanzi, "Tuanzi."

Zhou Tuanzi held his mother's hand, and was talking to Yan Hua with a smile on his pretty face, when he heard Zhou Chenyuan calling her, he immediately let go of Wei Xian's hand, and greeted Zhou Chenyuan.

"Fifth brother, where is my fifth sister-in-law? Why didn't she come together? I haven't seen my fifth sister-in-law for a long time."

Zhou Chenyuan reached out and touched Zhou Tuanzi's head, "Your fifth sister-in-law is very busy every day, and Mi Li and younger sister are very naughty, and sometimes they have to go to work. Tuanzi has time to go to Caiwei Mountain to play."

Zhou Tuanzi nodded and said, "Well, I always want to go! But I'm so busy with homework now, my mother said that every time I go out, I have to finish my homework before going out to play, otherwise she won't let me go out."

Wei Xian opened his mouth, she and he were a little surprised, but also a little moved.

Hearing this, Wei Xian's face paled instantly. She thought about this question countless times, and He Xiaoran kept reminding her that she must not directly tear herself apart with the Zhou family.

"Tuanzi, if you don't change your faults, I will take you to Caiwei Mountain later, and let you take care of you by the fifth trial. Your fifth aunt is the best at taking care of your children's studies. He Miaohe is always caught by her cuteness." Be obedient, do your homework seriously, and within ten and a half months, all bad habits will be reversed."

Zhou Chenyuan glanced around, took two steps towards Wei Xian, and said his thoughts in a low voice.

"Xiao Ran specially reminded me today to let me mention this matter to Uncle Eleven, which means that Xiao Ran also knows that once you get divorced, you may have some unpredictable troubles in the future, and she wants to provide you with some guarantees through my relationship. After all, you are the orthodox wife of the Seventh Lord of the Zhou family in Jiugu Wenchang, what do those people outside want to watch you do? It is also easy."

Of course she knew that Zhou Chenyuan's purpose in talking to her so much was to protect her.

When mentioning her natal family, Wei Xian's eyes dimmed. When her natal family learned that she was going to divorce, her parents and brothers all opposed it.

Zhou Chenyuan replied to her: "As long as you put away your procrastination, you can talk about everything after finishing your homework. You can play during the New Year and holidays. Recently, your sister He Miao is also in Caiwei Mountain. Don't you miss her? It's really not possible, you take it with you. The homework will go directly to Caiwei Mountain to live for a few days."

Zhou Chenyuan reminded, "But Seventh Aunt, why did you raise conditions with the Zhou family? Why did the Zhou family agree to the conditions?"

If it was before, maybe Wei Xian didn't care at all. Her personal safety is not as important as the dumplings, but now it is different. Now she has the ability to make money, has the ability to support herself, has the confidence to divorce, and has the ability to leave her original family Confidence.

Absurd!She doesn't know how many women are out there, trying to squeeze their heads to marry into Jiugu Wenchang?
Wei Xian just doesn't know the blessing in the blessing!
Zhou Chenyuan glanced at Wei Xian's face, and knew what kind of virtue Wei Xian's natal family had without thinking.

Wei Xian heard that Zhou Chenyuan had something to say, so he followed him to the corner and looked at him curiously, "Ah Yuan, what do you want to say to me?"

"Jiugu Wenchang leaving you will not have the slightest impact, just like a small tree being pulled from the mountain, but you can imagine the pressure you will bear when you leave Jiugu Wenchang. So this method is the best and most suitable Method."

Because Wei Xian has a huge weakness in front of everyone.

After learning that she had this idea, the phone calls at home have been one after another. They did not call to care about her, but to persuade her to give up the idea of ​​divorce.

Therefore, Wei Xian's natal family firmly opposed Wei Xian's divorce.

Wei Xian looked at him in shock: "You mean, you mean..."

Zhou Tuanzi rolled his eyes, "I didn't bother, didn't I have a lot of homework?"

She can't do without the dumpling!
"I'm willing to make a concession. I don't want to share custody with Zhou Jiaqiang, but..."

Zhou Chenyuan looked at Wei Xian and said again, "Seventh Aunt, in fact, you can't afford to think too much about this matter. If you agree, you can agree. It's okay if you don't agree, but I can't guarantee what will happen in the future."

Once Wei Xian left Jiugu Wenchang, what would they do?At that time, why should Jiugu Wenchang help them?And those families who flattered them because of Jiu Gu Wenchang, what kind of attitude will they have?

Now, she is no longer satisfied with the healthy growth of the dumpling, but hopes that she can watch the dumpling grow and have the opportunity to accompany her all the time.

Zhou Chenyuan nodded affirmatively, "Yes, that's what I mean, and I have already selected the candidate, Jin Ji, and he is willing to cooperate. I am going to see Uncle Eleven now, and we have to discuss everything first Well, at least you can deal with it in a decent way when asked."

Perhaps even the word "happiness" is ridiculous to them.

"One more thing, once you divorce Seventh Uncle, it means that you will lose the custody of Tuanzi. The Zhou family will never give you custody of Tuanzi. If you and Zhou Jia have custody of Tuanzi, Disputes, maybe you don't even have the freedom to visit the group, so even if you get a divorce, what's the point?"

Wei Xian turned his head and glared at Zhou Tuanzi, "Don't seize the opportunity and complain to your brother indiscriminately. Is it because the mother refuses to agree? It's because you and the mother can't keep the promise. Look at whose child does homework so hard. grumble?"

She stared at Zhou Chenyuan, "Fifth Brother, you have changed, you don't love me at all now!"

Back then, Wei Xian asked her younger brother to come and take care of Tuanzi, but the result was that Tuanzi was almost bitten by a dog. This shows that Wei Xian's younger brother is not very reliable.

Wei Xian's parents doted on their son and used their daughter's life-long events to seek benefits for the family. How could a family like theirs consider their daughter's happiness for their daughter?

Zhou Shenyuan replied, "I'm clearly hurting you, isn't it for your own good?"

Just thinking about the homework, Zhou Tuanzi pouted aggrievedly and said, "Mom doesn't agree.

Yan Hua responded and left with Zhou Shang first.

Zhou Tuanzi: "Hmph!"

Wei Xian opened his mouth, "This..."

As he said that, Zhou Tuanzi made a face at Wei Xian's back.

Zhou Chenyuan couldn't help laughing, he couldn't tell that Tuanzi was quite courageous and dared to throw his schoolbag.

Zhou Tuanzi: "!!!"

Wei Xian fell silent.

Zhou Tuanzi's eyes lit up when he heard that He Miao was there. Sister He Miao is her idol. "

Zhou Chenyuan continued: "I understand what you mean. I don't want to cause trouble for others. I hope that I can completely break away from Jiugu Wenchang, but Aunt Qi, you must know that you have a dumpling. As long as there is a dumpling, you can't completely get along with Jiugu Wenchang." Wenchang leaves."

He Miao's success aroused Wei Xian's confidence in Tuanzi's future.

Zhou Tuanzi let go of Zhou Chenyuan's hand angrily, ran to the front and left, Zhou Chenyuan gloated behind, "Brother, doesn't he hurt you?"

She really doesn't need to worry about Tuanzi's safety, but what about her personally?

Zhou Chenyuan said: "If you divorce Qishu successfully, you will become Jiugu Wenchang's first successful divorce in so many years. We are also waiting to see how the Zhou family will react to the people after the divorce. But before that, I hope Yes. Prepare ahead of time to keep you safe."

"We all know Jiugu Wenchang's methods. Who knows if there will be more troubles in the future? I am afraid that you will not be able to deal with the subsequent series of troubles. Leaving Jiugu Wenchang, you will lose the mountain of shelter, unless you My natal family is also ready to lose everything and is willing to help you."

Zhou Chenyuan took a look at Yan Wei, "Mom, you and my father go to find Uncle Eleven first, and I will have a chat with Aunt Seven alone."

Zhou Tuanzi ran to play by himself and ignored him.

Wei Xian never thought that Zhou Tuanzi would also turn into a brat.

"Then why didn't other people's children write so late?" Wei Xian was furious. The little girl dared to sue the wicked first. She was slow to do her homework and didn't care about it all day.
Zhou Tuanzi didn't know who he learned from. In order not to do his homework, he deliberately threw his schoolbag into the flowers, but someone picked it up and the police brought it back.

Thinking about what Zhou Tuanzi did, Wei Xian would get angry. When he was a child, he was soft and sweet, and when he was in his arms, he said and listened. But when he grows up, it is really difficult to control.

"I didn't expect that when you successfully divorced, you were harmed by my negligence. This is my idea, and it is also Xiaoran's idea. I want to find a legitimate reason to include you in the protection of Caiwei circle, so that your divorce will make sense."

For them, if she divorces Zhou Zishi, it means that her natal family will lose all support. They don't care what her married life is like at all. position, they are Jiu Gu Wenchang's in-laws, so the benefits they can get from it are innumerable.

Maybe Tuanzi is not as lucky as He Miao, but as long as Tuanzi works as hard as He Miao, at least her future will not be too bad. Even if she doesn't meet someone who can treat her sincerely, she can grow strong enough , is the most important.


Wei Xian hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Ah Yuan, I don't care, it's just that I'm a divorced woman with a child, I'm afraid I won't have a good reputation with Jinji, after all, Mr. Jinji is not married yet. , not even a girlfriend, I think..."

Before Wei Xian finished speaking, a man's voice suddenly came from behind him: "You don't have to worry about the impact on me, A Yuan told me when I was in the car just now, a scum like me, I have no Reputation can be said, if you don’t use it, you don’t use it.”

(End of this chapter)

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