Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1122 The First Case of Divorce

Zhou Zhichu stared at Zhou Chenyuan, "Jinjin likes a woman, you come to ask me for help? It seems that the identity of this woman makes you embarrassed?"

After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly smiled and said, "It can't be Wei Sisi, can it?"

Otherwise, he really couldn't think of why Zhou Chenyuan came to ask himself.

With Jin Ji's conditions, if he really likes any woman, he still can't get it?Does Zhou Chenyuan need to come forward?
The only thing Zhou Zhichu could think of was that this person might be a woman from the Zhou family.

It's just that Jin Ji's surname is also Zhou. Normally speaking, it is impossible for him to marry a woman with the same surname from the Zhou family. After all, in terms of the relationship between the surnames, the girls from the Zhou family can be regarded as Jin Ji's sisters.

However, Jin Ji is the adopted son of Zhou Shang from outside. Although his surname is Zhou, he has no blood relationship with the Zhou family.

If he wants to marry a girl from the Zhou family, it is not impossible for him to break away from the adoptive father-son relationship with Zhou Shang from the household registration book.

Zhou Zhichu narrowed his eyes. If Jin Ji wanted to marry a girl from the Zhou family, as long as Zhou Shang and Yan Wei agreed, A Yuan could handle such a trivial matter. Why did A Yuan come to ask himself?
The only thing Zhou Zhichu could think of was that Jin Ji might like a married woman from the Zhou family. Zhou Zhichu blurted out "Wei Sisi", that is, to push the difficulty to the highest level and exclude the core characters first.

Except for Wei Sisi, everyone else is easy to deal with. After all, A Yuan can directly ask him for help. A Yuan must be on Jinji's side. It's not about Jiugu Wenchang and Caiwei Mountain.

In a short period of time, Zhou Zhichu had already tangled up the whole thing in his mind, and then quickly eliminated some impossible people.

Zhou Zhichu laughed softly, "I don't like it."

He ran through his mind quickly, he thought about all the possible places where Jin Ji and Wei Xian might meet, but he didn't find any signs that they might hook up, "When did they have this thing?"

When he said this, Zhou Zhichu was obviously shaken.

Zhou Chenyuan tilted his head and smiled, "Then Uncle Eleven thinks I can grab it?"

Zhou Zhichu didn't look surprised, he just glanced at Zhou Chenyuan, "Jin Ji and Wei Xian?"

Zhou Zhichu looked up at Zhou Chenyuan, "Would you know it?"

"As long as there is someone in Jiugu Wenchang who really cared for Seventh Aunt, I would not make this request, but the problem is that Seventh Aunt has lived too hard. How old is she? She was forced to become a widowed wife."

"Uncle Eleven, you know that Brother Jinji has never been serious about relationships. This is the first time he has expressed to me that he wants a woman, but Brother Jinji knows better than anyone else that Aunt Seven is not what he should pursue. people."

"Seventh Aunt has been married to Seventh Uncle for so many years. Except for the first year, she lived a decent life. Since the birth of the dumpling, she has not lived a normal day. Now that the dumpling is so big, Seventh Aunt is still alone. What about Seventh Uncle? ?”

Zhou Chenyuan said this to lift Zhou Zhichu up, so high that he was too embarrassed to go down the steps, so it's better to hold it up all the time.

"He feels like he's just shaving his head, he's hot, he's embarrassed, he likes it, and he's a little at a loss. If it wasn't because his condition affected his work, I wouldn't have come to look for Uncle Eleven."

Zhou Zhichu tapped his finger on the table lightly, "I don't care about this matter, right? Frankly speaking, this is a matter between Seventh Brother and Seventh Sister-in-law. If I agree with Seventh Brother or disagree, this marriage is inseparable. You find me , it's better to find Seventh Brother."

Zhou Zhichu responded, "It's true that this speed is really difficult to control, and it will become a laughing stock."

"It's impossible for Uncle Eleven to take a stab at his own marriage. After all, it would be opposed by everyone in Jiugu Wenchang. Therefore, it is most suitable to use Uncle Seven's marriage that exists in name only."

He glanced at Zhou Zhichu, "Uncle Eleven can really think about it!"

Zhou Chenyuan spread his hands, "Who knows? Anyway, that's what he said. The problem now is that Jin Ji is wishful thinking, Seventh Aunt doesn't know about it at all, and of course this is why Brother Jin Ji is depressed."

Zhou Chenyuan sighed, "But the problem is that he knows what he knows, and he can't control emotional matters, so he is very painful."

Zhou Zhichu looked at Zhou Chenyuan and remained silent.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Zhichu became even more curious, "Just tell me who it is?"

Zhou Chenyuan looked at Zhou Zhichu with a serious face, "Uncle Eleven, even if it's not for Brother Jinji, but for Aunt Seven and Tuanzi, let them divorce. As for whether Brother Jinji is still interested after they divorced?" , I don’t care about this matter. At least they have had such an opportunity, and Seventh Aunt can live a normal life in the future. What do you think?”

"His interest in Aunt Seven is mainly due to the fact that we all lived in the Changping Hall when Grandpa passed away a few days ago. Brother Jinji met Aunt Seven a few times during this period, and they had a short conversation. "

Zhou Chenyuan said: "Uncle Eleven, what you said, although Brother Jinji is a bit of a jerk in the relationship between men and women, he still has a sense of propriety. Who is Aunt Seven? Did he dare to hook up?"

"According to Brother Jinji, Seventh Aunt is different from the other women he met before. Other women poked their heads at him as if he was a fragrant steamed bun, but Seventh Aunt is Mild but distant, wouldn't even look him in the eye."

He can create a Caiwei Mountain that he can do whatever he wants, so how could he care about a Jiugu Wenchang?

Zhou Chenyuan said again, "Of course, if Uncle Shi said that you only need to agree and let me handle the rest, it's not that I can't handle it, but this is Jiugu Wenchang's housework after all, if I really want to handle it, Let outsiders know that our uncle and nephew have a bad relationship, and I am ambitious to fight for the decision-making power of Kutani Wenchang."

"When my great-grandfather was alive, no one dared to mention this. Now that my great-grandfather is gone, and Uncle Eleven is in charge of the house again, I feel that according to Jiugu Wenchang's current new style, I dare to mention it to Uncle Eleven."

"Just like Uncle Seven, even if he gets the custody of Tuanzi, what can he do for Tuanzi? In the end, Aunt Seven is taking care of her. Tuanzi is very sensible now, but Aunt Seven is the one who goes to the parent meeting every time. , I helped him a few times in the middle. To put it bluntly, there is still a difference between a child with both parents and a dumpling, let alone a dumpling with albinism."

"In the first case of divorce, Jiugu Wenchang must settle everything peacefully. Don't let people think that Jiugu Wenchang is narrow-minded and takes revenge on divorced people. You can't make people think that Jiugu Wenchang is a bully, and divorces are handled by others, so Uncle Eleven needs to grasp this speed."

"Jiugu Wenchang has never had a precedent for divorce. If those old things find out about this matter, it will inevitably cause another commotion. What Jiugu Wenchang needs is an opportunity to prove that he has moved from corruption and stubbornness to a new pattern."

Zhou Chenyuan said: "Even if I borrow two more guts, I don't dare to hit Aunt Eleven's idea. If my parents find out, why don't you break my legs?"

Zhou Chenyuan curled his lips, "But the problem is that it's better not to have a father like Uncle Seven. Tuanzi has lived outside with his mother for so long, but he has never asked where his father is. Rather than wanting a father who is useless and has no sense of existence." Father, why not let Seventh Aunt have a chance to find a man who can build a complete family for Tuanzi in the future."

Zhou Chenyuan replied: "Seventh Aunt Wei Xian."

Zhou Chenyuan stared at Zhou Zhichu, he never expected that the first woman that Uncle Eleven thought of was Wei Sisi.

Zhou Zhichu continued to remain silent.

"I just said that Uncle Eleven is the person who understands me best in this world." Zhou Chenyuan said with a smile, "Uncle Eleven, even if it's for the sake of Tuanzi, the divorce of Seventh Uncle and Aunt must be carefully considered."

Zhou Chenyuan answered lightly: "This person is a little difficult to deal with. If my great-grandfather was still alive, I wouldn't dare to mention this. But now Jiugu Wenchang is in charge of Uncle Shi, so I think it's different."

Zhou Chenyuan continued: "Actually, Seventh Aunt is living a very pitiful life. I also want to fight for Brother Jinji and Seventh Aunt."

"Jiugu Wenchang's head of the family is not something that everyone can do. There must be a reason for my great-grandfather to choose Uncle Eleven. This kind of thing is naturally a family affair in an ordinary family, but Jiugu Wenchang is not an ordinary family. "

Zhou Zhichu couldn't help laughing, "Tell me, who is Jin Ji looking for? It can't be a girl from my family, right?"

Zhou Zhichu paused while holding the cup, "What kind of evil is Jin Ji doing? Do you like women who like him?"

Zhou Shenyuan shook his head, "Of course I want to look for you. What's the use of asking Uncle Seven for such an important matter? If Uncle Seven can be the family, he won't delay Aunt Seven for so many years. Which of the things he did? Not outrageous?"

Zhou Zhichu: "..."

Zhou Zhichu nodded slightly while listening to Zhou Chenyuan's words. Although what A Yuan said today was selfish, it really touched Zhou Zhichu's heart, especially because he really wanted to change Jiugu Wenchang's ethos.

"Actually your eleventh aunt mentioned this to me, but I've been busy recently and forgot what he said. When you said it today, I remembered it. You are right to worry, Even if it's not for Qisao, it's for Tuanzi."

Zhou Zhichu never forgot that Zhou Zishi thought about getting rid of Tuanzi back then. After all, he was a child with albinism, an unhealthy and abnormal child, and there was no shortage of Seventh Brother, but how could he want to stay?

"I will keep what you said in mind, and I will seriously consider it." He glanced at Zhou Chenyuan, "But please remind Jin Ji that Wei Xian has not divorced for a day, so let him stay away from Wei Xian."

Zhou Chenyuan narrowed his eyes immediately, and said with a smile: "Naturally, if he dares to hook up with a married woman, my dad can break his third leg without my help!"

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