Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1125 It's so lively that it drills a crack in the ground!

Chapter 1125 It's so lively that it drills a crack in the ground!

He Xiaoran looked at Zong Tang sympathetically, and Zong Tang sighed heavily with a sad face.

Knowing that A Yuan is strong in jealousy, revenge, and wanting to save face, he never thought that he would casually laugh at him as a single father, and he became so angry.

See what happened to Caiwei Mountain?No, where is Caiwei Mountain?
He clearly notified all the panting creatures in Caiwei Mountain!
He got a certificate with He Xiaoran, from Caiwei Mountain to Jiugu Wenchang, from relatives and friends to customers and partners, birds and beasts to swim in the water, everyone who can be notified!
Is it necessary to get a certificate?I just said casually, what did he torture him to get revenge on himself?

Originally, Zong Tang also said that if you get the certificate, you will get the certificate. What does it have to do with him?

Anyway, he wasn't envious or jealous, and it turned out that he was fine, but Zhou Chenyuan tormented him.

Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a license to take the car, and Jinji brother is not allowed to ride in the car. He has to be held here, and it’s okay not to sit.

Zong Tang rubbed his butt pitifully, it hurt so much, this boy A Yuan kicked people too hard, a black-hearted guy!
Zhou Shenyuan folded his arms, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, staring at the back of Zong Tang's head, wishing he could shoot rockets out of his eyes and blast Zong Tang to pieces.

He Xiaoran glanced at him speechlessly, how small-minded is this man?After receiving a certificate, Zong Tang was pressed into the car to see it with his own eyes.

He Xiaoran looked back again, and suddenly found the huge convoy following, she turned her head back silently, what should I say?She now feels that the degree of exaggeration has left her dumbstruck.

A lot of traffic policemen maintained order at the scene, but because every car claimed that it was a temporary stop, and there were drivers on board, the car would drive out after about 10 minutes, and then continue to come to the stop after turning around. The traffic police can't issue a ticket.

He Xiaoran: "???"

She just wanted to get a certificate quietly and low-key, why is there so many people here now?

He forgot the bride price!

"You say that for a family with poor conditions, if the woman insists on arguing for it, she won't get married if she doesn't want it, it means that the relationship is not in place, and the woman is ignorant, and the foundation of marriage is first of all poor. It's hard to say about bride price now. Generally speaking, it depends on the intentions and ways of getting along with both parties.”

He Xiaoran: "..."

The staff immediately said: "It's not a girl, why do I feel that you seemed to be in a difficult situation when you came in? Do you have any difficulties? Don't worry, we are next door to the police station, so don't be afraid."

At this time, He Xiaoran hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

When Zheng applauded desperately with both hands, looked at the camera with a smile, and said in his mouth: "Sister, congratulations, we will be children with status after Mingming and Huohuo!"

He Xiaoran saw it, what they handed to those two people was a check! ! !
The amount needed to write a check is definitely not less!

Zhou Chenyuan trembled his lips, feeling that he had done something wrong, no wonder Xiao Ran was not very happy today, it turned out that he didn't give the bride price, Xiao Ran was naturally embarrassed to say it, if she asked for it, wouldn't she be ignorant?
He was so stupid, he didn't think of this, Xiaoran was so uneasy in his heart, ah, how scared he was, he was not around when Mi Li was born, and if Mi Li gave birth to younger brothers and sisters , isn't Xiaoran very pitiful and miserable.

So the staff asked carefully, "What currency is it?"

When He Xiaoran got out of the car, crackling applause came from all around.

He Xiaoran: "..."

Zhou Shenyuan: "!!!"

The steps on both sides of the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau were full of people. Although there were staff to maintain order, no one left. The staff had nothing to do.

He Xiaoran glanced over and saw Yan Shaozhuang, He Miao, Nan Zhao and others, not to mention the other corner people.

Although the little God of Wealth in her family is very good at making money, he can't be so prodigal. Is there anyone who is so troublesome about money?
Although it was very lively outside, the Civil Affairs Bureau was still the same as before.

Why are all eyes focused on her?Why did Zhou Chenyuan let her die?

"Did your family fail to discuss the bride price? If not..."

On another display screen, the red king and the little king also appeared on the screen with two little milk babies, and greeted He Xiaoran warmly: "Congratulations, my sister finally has a license to drive!"

The staff was very enthusiastic, "Girl, if you don't think about it, go back and think about it again. It's not too late to come to pick it up after thinking about it. We won't run away from the place where we registered."

The staff member said, "I'm asking her, not you."

But she still underestimated Zhou Chenyuan's desire to show off, because there was no more exaggeration, more exaggeration.

The situation here is too vast, attracting a lot of curious passers-by, A, B, C, D, and there are more and more people.

The currency exchange rates of the U.S. dollar, the euro, and the renminbi are so different that he actually forgot such an important thing.

Zhou Chenyuan said confidently: "Of course, such an important matter, can you still lie?"

He Xiaoran: "...Uh, voluntary."

Before He Xiaoran opened his mouth to speak, Zhou Chenyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Of course it's voluntary!"

Zhou Chenyuan: "???"

There were no parents in the first place, and the two younger sisters relied on him alone, so he forgot such an important matter.

"First set 6000 million, I still have 4000 million in dividends at the end of the year, and I will add [-] million to you at that time, ah! I'm not making a big deal for you. If you think empty words are useless, I will make a letter for you now."

Of course Zhou Chenyuan knew that marriage requires a bride price, but he forgot about it in Aolai Country!

This little bastard brother!

She poked Zhou Chenyuan's forehead with a trembling hand, and said, "Enough is enough! For a businessman, how much liquidity do you think you have? 6000 million U.S. dollars are you willing to move? Are you still in business at home? The working capital has been transferred by you. You are not afraid of any accidents that will affect the business? After this, the life will not be easy, can the business still be done?"

He Xiaoran found out in the next second that there were two huge display screens at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the face of when appeared on the display screen.

He Xiaoran: "..."

Those two people were a little unhappy when they were first invited out, but soon they said something to them and handed them a piece of paper. The two people took a closer look, took the paper and left happily.

Zhou Chenyuan: "...T_T"

The staff is orderly. Although everyone is whispering and discussing what's going on outside and why it's so loud, the work is still meticulous.

Even the stray dogs on the road were allotted skinned thick ham.

She twitched her eyes, "Did you really transfer 6000 million?"

So Zhou Chenyuan turned to look at He Xiaoran and asked, "Is 2000 million enough?"

He Xiaoran sadly found that she was the only person in the whole place who was the most uncomfortable, the most embarrassing, and the one who wanted to drill into the ground.

He Xiaoran wanted to flip the table, so he stretched out his hand and patted his forehead. He has patted so many times today that he felt his forehead was buzzing.

He Xiaoran took pictures with Zhou Chenyuan and paid the money, and finally arrived at the registration place.

With a serious face, Zhou Chenyuan reached out and took out the materials prepared in advance, and solemnly pushed them in front of the staff, "This is our materials, please check."

He can't be funny, he is fooling people with [-] million rupee?

The news she saw on the Internet before said that young people at the registration office like to choose a date. Zhou Chenyuan made a fuss about registering today. In fact, evolution invited Immortal Hu to forget it. Today’s homonym sounds good and it’s a good day. Licensed.

2000 million is really not much, no wonder Xiao Ran keeps silent, if it were him, he might have received two slaps.

Zhou Shenyuan: "!!!"

He Xiaoran's eyes almost popped out, the traffic volume near the Civil Affairs Bureau is so heavy?
Zhou Chenyuan glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, got out of the car first, and stretched out his hand to open the door, with a very gentlemanly gesture, "Here we are."

Just 2 minutes after Zhou Chenyuan hung up the phone, He Xiaoran's cell phone rang, and she picked it up to have a look.The text message for the transfer has arrived.

He Xiaoran was very surprised. Originally, she thought she would have to queue up to register.

When He Xiaoran said this, even the staff heaved a sigh of relief.

No, she has already realized the seriousness of the matter, but she has not realized the super serious seriousness of the matter!
Because after arriving at the Civil Affairs Bureau, I realized how grand the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau was!

What the hell is going on in the daytime, it’s a dog in the sun, and it really turned 6000 million? ! ! !

The staff glanced at the information, then at the two of them, then she glanced at Zhou Chenyuan and asked He Xiaoran: "Did you marry him voluntarily?"

staff member:"!!!"

So he gritted his teeth and said, "Dollars!"

He Xiaoran finally knew why there was no one in the registration office. Damn it, they bought all the people in the registration office with money, and asked them to change days to get their certificates!

Xiaomi Mili and Zhou Huohuo: "Yeah!"

To be precise, the front, back, left, right, left, right, and right roads outside the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau were blocked by traffic. The reason for the traffic jam was that the nearby parking lot was full, and many cars had no place to park, so they had to temporarily park on the side of the road.

He Xiaoran stretched out his trembling hand and scratched his scalp severely, but he could only lower his head as much as possible and cover his face with his hair.

The notaries at the registration office are trembling, have they encountered a mental illness?
I must have encountered a neuropathy, 2000 million is still owed, 4000 million is still owed, and [-] million is still owed... This is definitely a psychopath!
Who the hell has a hole in his brain, and shit is stuffed in the hole, and he wants to transfer [-] million to the girl's family gift?The professional writers of can't write such a fucking thing!

She had goosebumps, and she wished she could dig a gap in the ground, get in like an ant, and never crawl out again.

Speaking of the staff, he smiled apologetically at Zhou Shenyuan, "Young man, don't worry, there is a reason for me to say that. Now when some people come to register, the bride price has not been negotiated, and the quarrel is turned upside down in the second before receiving the certificate. , I often lost my certificate, and the two families have been beaten bloody."

Why are there no registered people on a good day?

staff member:"……"

Forget it, the people in Caiwei Mountain still distribute wedding candies and cigarettes directly on the road. The characteristic is only one word, expensive!

Yan Hua and Zhou Shang's couple followed behind, calmly accepting blessings from relatives and friends from all over the world.

Seeing that He Xiaoran didn't speak, Zhou Chenyuan felt a little apprehensive and guilty.

He Xiaoran took a closer look, only to find that among those people, either she knew them, or Zhou Chenyuan knew them, or at least they were customers of Caiwei Mountain.

The staff took a look at him and always thought that he was too young, and the two parents should discuss this matter, but he asked himself and explained enthusiastically: "The bride price should be determined according to the family's situation. , whether the woman wants to say something else, but the man can show his sincerity."

She felt she had reached her limit!

As he said that, Zhou Chenyuan and the staff borrowed a pen and paper, and began to write on the pen and paper that he owed He Xiaoran a bride price of 4000 million. Then he took out his mobile phone and asked someone to transfer money to He Xiaoran's bank card.

He Xiaoran didn't know what to say anymore, he followed Zhou Chenyuan like a robot, and when he got inside, he unexpectedly found that apart from the staff at the registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau today, there were no other couples who needed to get a certificate.

Just when she was wondering, she suddenly saw a pair of young people coming in from the side door, holding hands and about to come to the registration office, but they were quickly stopped before they took two steps.

So he immediately asked the staff: "How much dowry is generally suitable?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Chenyuan covered his head, the sky fell!

police station?Does sending out all her fists work?
He Xiaoran: "..."

He Xiaoran: "Poof——"

So, the staff and Zhou Chenyuan turned their heads together, and their strong eyes fell on He Xiaoran's face.

What's the meaning?What do you mean by that?What is voluntary?Marrying him is not voluntary, it must be voluntary!

"Many people ask for a bride price, mainly because girls feel insecure and want a bride price as a guarantee. In case they don't work and have no income during pregnancy and childbirth, wouldn't the gift money become her backing at this time?"

Because of Zhou Chenyuan's unrestrained, unrestrained, calm, and even somewhat proud figure beside him, he had the demeanor of a prince who looked down on all the heroes at the enthronement ceremony.

The young man in front of him has such a good-looking face, isn't his brain abnormal?

Some people think that there is too much money, and they desperately want to give the money to his wife as a bride price. Does he know that there are some bride prices from other families, and the girl says she will keep it for herself, and won't give it to her husband's family?
This is not being beaten by society!
Fortunately, the girl has a clear mind and knows what she wants and doesn't want, otherwise there will be a series of family conflicts in the future!
He Xiaoran turned around and said to the staff: "I did it voluntarily. Both of us have two children, a pair of twins. I fell in love with him on campus. Our relationship has always been very good. In the middle, because of busy work and various reasons, we have not been together. To get the certificate, I specially picked a day to come here today."

She pushed the information forward and said with a smile, "Thank you for your concern."

At this time Zhou Chenyuan regained his composure, and after hearing He Xiaoran's words, he was very happy in his heart, so happy that he wanted to look up to the sky and laugh a few times, but because of his personality, he just maintained a calm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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