Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1127 Didn't admit it

Zhou Zhichu stood in place, looked at the backs of Yan Shaozhuang and Fang Ruoyu without speaking, Li Rong raised his head, "Master Eleven, are you going back to Jiugu Wenchang now?"

Zhou Zhichu responded, "I've done everything I need to do, let's go back to Jiugu Wenchang."

The protagonists are all gone, why are they staying here?

On the way back, He Xiaoran and Zhou Chenyuan sat in the back, one on the left and one on the right, forming two completely different auras.

He Xiaoran just felt tired, physically and mentally exhausted, and wanted to find a place to lie down for a while.

But Zhou Chenyuan was holding two small notebooks with great interest, holding them high in a reserved and artificial manner, thinking that he would show off in front of Zong Tang calmly, "Say, Zong Tang, this one here stamps the date If it is half blocked, will it be a hindrance when it is taken out for use in the future?"

Zong Tang said with a bitter face, "It's okay."

After a while, Zhou Chenyuan asked again: "Zong Tang, what occasion do you think this marriage certificate will be used in the future?"

Zong Tang rested his chin on his hand, looked outside and said in a muffled voice, "I don't know."

"If you don't know where it's used, isn't it the same as having a marriage certificate?"

Many businesses like the Smith family are on the tip of the knife, and they are extremely confidential. She was worried that the Smith family would not be threatened.

In the future, I will dare to say that he has no certificate and that he is a single father! ! !
Across the ocean.

Charlie Smith looked at Shi Shi with a smile: "Baby..."

She eliminated the possibilities listed one by one, and finally finalized the result she inferred.

Zhou Chenyuan said: "That's right, it doesn't make sense with an old bachelor like you who has been single for more than 20 years. You have to communicate more with married people later."


After a while, when he said lightly, "It's interesting."

When the fingers tapped the keyboard again: "No, don't think too much. I am still young, and I hope to live as I want in this world, instead of taking on the so-called heavy responsibilities of a certain family. This family did not raise me , why should I dedicate the rest of my life to the family?"

The communication between smart people may be understood with just a glance, and there is no need for other redundant words to describe.

She didn't tell He Xiaoran when she did these things, she just wanted to do something more for her sister, and she didn't care about the rest.

After hearing this, when did he finally stop what he was doing, "Your genes of the Smith family are so good, why don't the selected women with high IQ want to contact you? You say you are my father, so who is my mother? What I see with my eyes can only show that the overall quality of the Smith family is not good."

Shi Shi replied without raising his eyelids, "I didn't admit that I have anything to do with you."

Charlie Smith spread his hands, "How can you say that, it hurts my heart too much. Does it need to be said? You must be my daughter!"

"Compared with ordinary people, your elder brothers are extremely smart. Otherwise, how could the companies with the family spread all over the place run so smoothly? Can each one be let them operate by themselves? It's because of them!"

In the future, making out with your wife will be protected by law!

When Shi sneered twice, turned his head to look at Charlie Smith and asked: "What do I say? What if, in your opinion, what I said, did, arranged, and corrected is not good for the whole family? You can guarantee that you Won't you jump out and stop it?"

Charlie Smith sat next to when, he didn't ask when he wanted to check what, but he quickly judged when to check what to check based on the length of time his eyes stayed on the page.

"Baby, you know that there are a lot of prodigal sons nowadays, and it is a wise saying to be rich for three generations, but our family has been rich for four generations. Doesn't this mean that our family has excellent genes?"

Only then did Zhou Chenyuan put away the small notebook, and curled his lips, "That's right, it's useless to ask."

In the end, He Xiaoran couldn't listen anymore, and rescued the poor Zong Tang, "He has never been married, and he doesn't even have a partner. You ask him these things, isn't it embarrassing him?"

"Even if you leave the Smith family, you still have to work, right? Work to make money, and the money you earn does not need to serve the Smith family, because the Smith family did not raise you. It is also your legal income, and you have the right to control it yourself. You can give it to whoever you want, the Smith family just provides you with a platform to work here."

"That baby, we are actually improving. And you think, once you agree to take over as the head of the family, I will retire. At that time, the entire Smith family is not up to you? What kind of system do you want to implement? It needs drastic changes, and we will listen to you in everything."

Charlie Smith smiled, "Of course not, I believe that with my baby's smart mind, I will never make a stupid decision!"

Charlie Smith stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, "No, no, baby, you really hit Dad hard by saying that."

When: "Shut up."

"Why do you have to do it yourself? Those are unnecessary tests. Only the head of our family can give birth to a child as smart as the head of the family!"

When she checked all the information purposefully, she had already made sufficient reasoning and judgment before checking the records again.

"If one day you make a decision that is not in line with my wishes, it can only mean that I am old and there is a generation gap between us. When my old and stubborn thinking gradually degenerates and becomes rigid, at that time, it is the moment to prove that your time has come, why should I stop you?"

"Although there will be omissions in the search, the retrieval efficiency of the system is relatively high. In the preliminary screening, the keywords of the search target are expanded, and then manual screening is performed."

Charlie Smith: "..."

When Shi's fingers tapped on the keyboard quickly, "Looking at your sons, I know that your genes are not good."

He was very happy that my sister got the certificate from her brother-in-law today, but the brother-in-law's notification was too sudden, and he didn't prepare in advance, so he couldn't rush back.

Charlie Smith continued to smile: "How can you say that, baby? It is true that the Smith family did not raise you, but baby, you have learned so many things, and you have an extremely developed brain, which is comparable to the operation of a computer, and even better than that of a computer." With the humanization of computers, you have to find something for yourself to do, right? Baby, every person in the world has something to do."

When there were more than a dozen computer screens in front of him, he was operating the computer screens at the same time, scanning the screens at a glance, and then quickly flipping the pages.

When took the time to infer in order to figure out what my sister wanted to know.

Charlie Smith continued to smile, "I'm your father, it's outrageous for you to do this."

"Others are employees in the company, you are the general manager of the company, that's the difference. As far as I know, you started to manage the company when you were in school, and you are also the general manager. You are so young at such a young age. The management of the company is well organized, let alone after you have learned so many things?"

Zong Tang: "..."

When the time is adjusted, after the search keywords are submitted, the computer automatically retrieves relevant cases.

Charlie Smith's eyes lit up, "Honey, so you agree?"

He was almost pissed off by Ah Yuan, he had seen bullies, but never seen such bullies!

Although my sister mentioned it casually, when did I feel that my sister must have another purpose.

As expected of the wealthy Smith family, all files are sealed in high-precision computing instruments, a small electronic equipment concentration room, which brings together the most advanced machines in the world.

When did he just look back at him, without even asking him, how did he know.

When: "We didn't make parent-child determination."

Then he patted his pocket triumphantly, he was finally the one to get the certificate now.

Then when he sighed and said: "The quality of the whole family is too low. I feel a little ashamed to admit that I am a member of the Smith family."

Didn't he say something by accident?Seeing A Yuan's reaction, I can't wait to stick that little book on his face with super glue to show off!

Zong Tang pouted, "I've never been married, how would I know?"

If he changed to another day, he would go back, because today is the day Smith asked her to check the family's past projects. She was worried that the night would be long and the Smith family would repent temporarily, so she chose to check the records without hesitation.

He Xiaoran glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and he knew that he was in a good mood, but he just got a certificate, so happy?
He Xiaoran couldn't understand Zhou Chenyuan's joy, and Zhou Chenyuan was also immersed in his own happiness. It's good to have a certificate, and he will have the confidence to speak out in the future!

"You can push the time forward to 25 to 28 years," Charlie Smith pointed to the screen, zoomed in on one of the pages, and said to when: "Similar commissions will observe the target three to five years in advance, and then determine whether to start .Not everyone wants those people.”

Not only can it effectively prevent external attacks, but it also has a strong defense function. Just looking at the staff who manage the equipment, you can know how rigorous this place is.

"Honey, I think you've entered into a misunderstanding now. Smith hires you to work and pays you. It's such a simple employment relationship. It just so happens that you are the heir of the Smith family, but under your normal working status , mixed with some family affection and blood relationship, this is not what you want, no one can tell why, and no one has the right to accuse you. Don't you think so?"

When did he turn his head to look at Charlie Smith again, "Your brainwashing skills are as good as my sister's."

Charlie Smith: "..."

"It's not baby, I didn't brainwash you, every word I say is from the bottom of my heart!"

Shi Shi nodded: "I know, so I was praising you just now."

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