When she tilted her head, this was the first time she heard Chizhou take the initiative to mention the fucking thing, "Oh. Your mother is rich, beautiful and self-willed, a role model for women!"

Chizhou: "???"

He shook his head immediately, and said to Shi firmly: "No! What kind of female role model is she? It has nothing to do with role models, she is simply a model of female failure."

"It's not good to be a mother, it's not good to be a wife, and she's not qualified to be a lover. She's half-hearted. Don't imitate anyone else!"

Chizhou looked at Shi with a little worry and said, "When, you must not be like my mother, you know?"

Shi Shi shook his head and said: "I'm not stupid, why should I learn from her? But I respect a person's way of life, as long as she feels comfortable, it's fine. I think your mother has become like this, how much is it like your father?" They all have something to do with each other, after all, if a couple in a family can get divorced, there must be problems on both sides."

Chizhou pursed his lips, his eyes dimmed, "It's true. I'm sorry, I don't seem to have a normal family."

When to say: "Well, although you don't have a normal family, fortunately your parents are rich. I think money can solve most of the troubles in this world. By the way, what your mother left for you is what company?"

Chi Zhou turned his head to look at Shi Shi and said, "Oh, it's that intermediary guild..."

When: "Cough cough cough..."

His eyes fell on When's face, and he was attracted to her from the first time he saw her.

"Because... when I'm shy, my ears get hot."

As he said that, Chizhou lowered his head and kissed Shi Shi's mouth, "This is a gift to celebrate the first day of our trial dating. If you feel sorry, you can give me one back."

The driver in front quickly scanned the rearview mirror, and the two people inside felt a little helpless. It seemed that they were two rookies in love!
Caiwei Mountain.

When: "Give it a try."

Chizhou: "..."

Chizhou said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I like you whether I confess it or not, but I hope to get a positive response from when."

Chizhou glanced at the driver, put one hand over his mouth, turned his head slightly, looked at the night scene speeding by outside the window, and said, "I actually want to ask you first, what do you think of me? "

When turned to look at Chizhou, her brows slowly furrowed, and she asked again: "Then did I ruin your carefully prepared confession just now?"

So, when did he speak at this time, "Yes."

When was a little annoyed, "It seems to be true. I'm sorry!"

"At the same time, we must maintain our loyalty to each other, and during the trial dating period, we will not contact or communicate with any other opposite sex. Is it possible?"

If this is the case, then there will be no end to this cycle, and it will eventually become entangled in a state of nothingness, which is not what Chizhou wants.

Chizhou suppressed the joy in his heart, as if he was learning when, his eyes looked ahead, and his expression looked very calm.

After when was kissed, she moved her lips and made a baji baji sound, which was a little different from the feeling of Mi Li kissing her.

Chizhou's heart suddenly moved, "Then on the premise of not being sure whether my sister agrees with our dating, can we try dating first? Trial dating means making appointments for couples. During this period, we can date, but we will not cross the line and miss each other. But it doesn't disturb the confrontation, we can care about each other without annoying each other."

A sincere and pure apology will make Rang mistakenly think that she is rejecting Chizhou.

Where is this a beautiful vase?

After saying this, when suddenly turned to look at Chi Zhou, stared at his ear and asked, "I just found out, why are your ears so red?"

At this time, you must never ask when, can you kiss her, if he asks, when will definitely follow his question and ask new questions.

Then she didn't dare to answer, she didn't dare to answer a word about the business of Caiwei Mountain.

Shi Shi nodded, "I heard from the Smith family that you seem to be doing pretty well."

Chizhou was overjoyed after a meal, "Okay!"

Chizhou couldn't help sighing and said, "How should I put it? At that time, I was fine at home. My parents fought for me, and they fell in front of me twice in three days. When they got together, they quarreled upside down."

When he came into contact with her for the second time, he discovered that this beautiful girl was actually an extremely dangerous person.

In her seemingly chaotic and extremely casual style of acting, she is full of rigorous logic. She uses one seemingly unintentional accident after another to wash away her role in the island owner's wife incident. killer role.

When's expression looked like he was thinking, he seemed to agree with Chizhou's words, but he had his own concerns.

But Chizhou's mouth has no saliva, so after the kiss, there will be no trace left on it.

"Although we are talking about friendship now, we have the same temperament, the same three views, and quite similar perspectives on things. Even if there are disputes with each other, we can use the best way to resolve conflicts and get along very harmoniously. This is a lover. Foundation."

When looked at him in surprise and asked, "What are you shy about?"

Chizhou was a little shy for a moment. He put his hand on his forehead, looked at Shi Shi with a smile and said, "According to their understanding, what I did should be okay."

When did he imitate Chizhou's appearance just now, and kissed him on the mouth, "Here is the congratulatory gift for you."

Chizhou was silent for a few seconds, then said, "Maybe it's because I like you."

When immediately clenched his fists, looked at Chizhou with bling eyes, and cheered him up, "Come on!"

When didn't look at him, just said lightly: "It's okay, my arms and legs are a little sore, but my ears are still healthy."

Chi Zhou paused, "Uh, I do have something to tell you, but I think it's too late today. Are you tired?"

"Then without knowing whether my sister agrees, are you willing to associate with me?" Chizhou asked again.

Mi Li's small mouth was wet and soft, and she would wipe her face with saliva. She was a little disgusted, but she didn't want Mi Li to be sad, so she secretly wiped her mouth when Mi Li was not paying attention.

When she bowed her head in silence for a few seconds, her brows were furrowed, and she suddenly said, "But, isn't that what we are doing now?"

After saying this, when did he return to the way he was just now, staring at the front without saying a word.

"When are you okay? Why are you coughing?" Chi Zhou hurriedly stretched out his hand, submissively picked it up from Shi Shi's back, quickly unscrewed the water prepared here, and handed it to Shi Shi, "Come on, drink Drooling smoothly."

Chizhou: "..."

This is clearly a carefully designed and crafted weapon with a gorgeous coat!
When looked into the distance, holding the bottle of water in his hand, he suddenly said, "You've been staring at me, do you have something to say?"

No, can this girl be so sensitive where she shouldn't be?
So when did I ask again: "Are you cold?"

Why does he feel like every question he asks, when he asks, makes it so difficult for him to answer that?

When to say: "Need, if my sister doesn't like you, I can't like you either."

Chizhou took the initiative to ask: "When did you think there was a problem with what I said? If there is a problem, you can point it out for me. I think even in terms of love, we can discuss and learn from each other to find the best way to do it. "

When He Xiaoran heard someone come over and say that there were guests, she froze for a moment, what kind of guests?
Don't someone from the Zhou family come to ask her to do something, right?

"No matter how much my parents want to interfere, they won't be able to interfere at all. The bigger the business I talk about, the less my mother can interfere. After all, no matter how much money a person has, no one is willing to spend money in front of them. Unwanted."

"When, if I confess my love to you, do I need your sister's consent?"

He couldn't take his eyes off his face, there was no way, people always yearn for beautiful things, such a young and beautiful young girl like When is full of extremely dangerous attractiveness.

But when she asked him, her eyes were absolutely innocent, as if every question she asked was extremely normal, and it would be abnormal if he didn't answer.

Chizhou decided to adjust his thinking to deal with Shi's extreme sincerity and frankness.

Some people's ears will indeed turn red after being cold, but even though the weather is cooling this season, will it really be so cold that the ears turn red?
Chizhou said: "Of course it's not because of the cold, no matter how cold I am, I won't have red ears. Do you really want to know why my ears are red?"

When to say, "Not bad for being a friend."

"Later, I really had no choice but to find something to do for myself, at least not to stay at home and listen to their nagging, but no matter what I did, my parents could interfere. In the end, I used a pseudonym in the guild Registered a job number and worked on my own.”

Chizhou was taken aback, and then he smiled at her and said: "Yes, we are like this now, but we are now based on a very harmonious friendship with each other, but we have not surpassed the boundaries of friends. I hope our relationship We can go one step further and become each other's lovers."

Chizhou: "..."

When nodded: "Yeah."

Shi Shi waved his hands in a hurry: "Well, I'm fine, don't be nervous. So you've been working for yourself for so long?"

But who is this guest?After He Xiaoran went out, he discovered that the guest who came was actually Chizhou.

She froze for a moment, Chizhou shouldn't be here, what's his purpose in coming to find her?Could it be because of when?

Thinking of this, He Xiaoran raised his face and walked towards Chizhou, "Isn't this Mr. Chi? I'm very surprised, why did you appear here?"

Chi Zhou looked at He Xiaoran with a respectful and humble attitude, completely different from the attitude he had when he first met He Xiaoran, like a reserved and shy boy.

He said to him, "I'm here this time because I want to discuss something with Miss He."

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