Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1135 How much does he like himself?

Chapter 1135 How much does he like himself?

Jinji helped Zhou Tuanzi close the door, and through the half-opened window, he suddenly said to Wei Xian, "It's okay, let her have fun for two days first, and later I will show her the fun of learning, and she will like it."

Wei Xian glanced at Jin Ji suspiciously, the joy of learning?So far, she hasn't seen Zhou Tuanzi showing any interest in learning.

Jin Ji said: "Let's not talk about it now, you can take them back first, and drive carefully on the road."

Then he made a phone call gesture to Wei Xian, "I'll wait for your call."

Wei Xian knew what he meant by this gesture, and he also knew that Jin Ji said he was waiting for her call, but he was actually waiting for her divorce news.

But Wei Xian always felt that what he said seemed a little ambiguous in the context of the endless, but this kind of ambiguity was unclear, if she pointed it out, it would be embarrassing.

Wei Xian could only follow his words and respond: "Well, thank you."

She turned around and hurried into the car, and left with the two children.

Jin Ji stood where he was, and turned around and walked towards his own car when he could no longer see the rear of the car.

Zhou Zishi has been extremely chaotic and indulgent in the relationship between men and women since he was a teenager. The chaotic life all the year round has made Zhou Zishi unable to do what he wants at this age.

Hua Qingyu's voice on the phone was mixed with crying, "Jinji, please help me, I can't hold on anymore, the child is sick again, no one can help me, Zhou Zishi is not at home, that bitch Yan Yao deliberately The doctor was sent away, and the doctor on duty didn't care about the child's illness at all..."

In fact, Hua Qingyu has been trying to find ways, and her natural state is close to Jinji, but it is a pity that Jinji seldom comes to Jiugu Wenchang.

The most recent visits are due to the series of memorial days after the old man's death, and Jin Ji and Zhou Chenyuan came together.

Just sitting in the car, the phone rang suddenly. Jin Ji picked it up and looked at it. He paused for a few seconds, and then he connected the phone: "Ninth Madam, what can you do?"

Jin Ji sat in the car expressionlessly, Hua Qingyu's voice came clearly from the phone, "Ninth Madam, I am outside now, even if I go back now, it will be too late. You stay in the yard and don't move. I'll arrange for someone else to take you to the hospital."

What about Hua Qingyu?Although a son was born, no one knew who Hua Qingyu's son was, let alone that the child was not healthy.

And Yan Yao is more than Hua Qingyu, she gave birth to two normal children, although not very smart, but after all she is a normal person.

Compared with Zhou Zishi's weakness and incompetence, Jin Ji, who is handsome, tall and straight, and extremely ascetic, is particularly outstanding.

She never got a chance to get close.

Naturally, no one dared to deal with her explicitly, but Yan Yao played tricks on it, and coincidences that shouldn't have happened appeared one after another, so Hua Qingyu naturally seemed to be targeted.

The managers also couldn't tell whether they should treat Hua Qingyu as the ninth wife or Zhou Zishi's concubine.

It started almost half a year ago, and the core reason was that Zhou Zishi died.

But when he called Jinji, he naturally had to speak more seriously, because only in this way could he get Jinji's attention.

Looking at the hung up phone, Hua Qingyu gritted her teeth angrily.

Moreover, Hua Qingyu and Yan Yao are rivals, and Yan Yao has been trying every means to catch her.

If something happens to the child, Jiugu Wenchang will investigate and find that she once called Jinji for help, but Jinji ignored it, then Jinji will also have to bear the responsibility.

At the beginning, Wei Xian was under the protection of Wei Shi, and she took the group to pay back her grievances in a low-key manner, let alone Hua Qingyu, a woman who had no support.

Sure enough, Jin Ji didn't say he wouldn't help her, and even sent someone to rush over in time, but Jin Ji didn't show up.

Hua Qingyu watched the child being picked up and hurriedly sent outside to the hospital, she followed behind in annoyance, Jin Ji was quite angry, and he still hated her after so long, how much did he really have? Like yourself?

She even prepared her emotions before making the call.

When did Hua Qingyu have two hearts?

After a long time, the impression Hua Qingyu left on everyone has naturally become Zhou Zishi's concubine, the same position as Yanyao, the key is that Yanyao is still a concubine recognized by Changping Pavilion, Hua Qingyu counts What?
When Zhou Zishi was away, Hua Qingyu and her children seemed insignificant.

Although Hua Qingyu is younger than Yan Yao, Yan Yao has more confidence than Hua Qingyu.

Even if it is for the harmony between Jiugu Wenchang and Caiwei Mountain, Hua Qingyu guesses that Jinji will not stand idly by.

Hua Qingyu didn't dare to take too much risk at all, so Hua Qingyu felt that today was a good opportunity for him.

It would be fine if he focused on the position of Mrs. Ninth.

Zhou Zishi is getting old and his health is failing, but Hua Qingyu is still young, so she can't bear Zhou Zishi's short range.

Although Jiugu Wenchang doesn't pay much attention to her, food, clothing, housing and transportation, including medical care for the child, are definitely positioned according to the identity of Mrs. Jiu, but the problem is that Hua Qingyu got married with Zhou Zishi soon after Zhou Zixi died. One piece, so that the position of her nine husbands was blurred.

Hua Qingyu firmly believes that there is love and there is hatred. Jin Ji hates her now because he still loves himself in his heart, but Jin Ji refuses to admit it.

She has her own selfishness, in her perception, Jin Ji is her licking dog, something she can easily get, she even feels that Jin Ji is indifferent to her now because she still resents her ruthlessness to him back then.

Frankly speaking, if Zhou Zi was not from the Zhou family, he would have been kicked away by Hua Qingyu long ago.

how to say?Zhou Zishi also has to work, and the time to come back is getting less and less. Even if he comes back, he can't stay by Hua Qingyu's side all the time. Zhou Zishi still has a covetous Yan Yao staring at him all day long.

Hua Qingyu felt that she was full of grievances, but instead of calling Zhou Zishi, she called Jin Ji.

What else did Hua Qingyu want to say, but Jin Ji had already hung up the phone, and then he called again, and arranged for others to send Hua Qingyu to the hospital as soon as possible, so as to delay the illness.

Is the child sick?I was really sick, but not so badly.

Thinking of this flower talking softly, I felt a little happy in my heart, if that's the case, it would be good.

Jin Ji has been following Zhou Chenyuan, and Zhou Chenyuan is also the owner of Caiwei Mountain. If Jin Ji is willing, he may be able to bring her from Jiugu Wenchang to Caiwei Mountain.

Thinking about it this way, Hua Qingyu thinks it is not impossible. I heard that Wei Xian is going to get divorced, and Mrs. Eleven has made a lot of efforts. From this point of view, Jiugu Wenchang is indeed a little different from the previous Jiugu Wenchang, and there is a big hug New age feel.

In Jiugu Wenchang, divorce is no longer difficult, not to mention that she is still a widow, so it should be easy to leave Jiugu Wenchang.

(End of this chapter)

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