Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1137 No one wants to be single.

Jin Ji's eyes fell on the divorce certificate held in Wei Xian's hand, "Is it done?"

Wei Xian nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, it's done."

She stared at the small book in her hand, and couldn't help feeling: "It feels like a dream!"

If it wasn't for Xiao Ran, if it wasn't for A Yuan, how long would she wait for this day?

Jin Ji frowned slightly, as if dreaming?How could she really be reluctant to part with such a man who had hardly appeared in her life?

Jin Ji lowered his eyes, looked at her face, and suddenly asked: "Reluctance?"

Wei Xian was taken aback, reluctant?What are you reluctant to do?

Of course it’s not that she is reluctant, it’s just that Wei Xian feels that he has nothing to say to Jin Ji about these words. This gesture of pursuing her is to confuse Kutani Wenchang to ensure Wei Xian's personal safety.

Under such a premise, the relationship between her and Jin Ji would be somewhat embarrassing.

Once it comes to pursuit between men and women, whether it is true or not, it will appear a little ambiguous.

Wei Xian opened his mouth, glanced at Jin Ji, and said, "You won't regret leaving."

Whether she has that husband or not doesn't really make any difference.

Jin Ji withdrew his gaze, "How did you get here?"

Wei Xian pointed to the parking lot, "I drove here. What about you?"

She didn't forget that Jinji helped her draw up the financial compensation for the divorce. Wei Xian felt that it was really necessary, and thanked Jinji.

If it wasn't for him, maybe I wouldn't be able to get so many things at all.

Although it is true that money can be earned by itself, having a heavy amount of money in her hand will still increase her courage and confidence.

Although the money is not worth mentioning to Jiugu Wenchang.

But for myself, it is too many to count.

As long as she lives an ordinary life, she can ensure that Tuanzi lives happily by her side, and her work will reduce the pressure of supporting the family, and she can do the work she likes as she pleases.

"I sent the driver back."

The implication is that he does not have a car now.

Wei Xian pursed his lower lip, and then plucked up the courage to say: "Mr. Jin Ji, actually I have always wanted to express my gratitude to you, but I am too embarrassed to disturb you before the divorce, lest others might misunderstand."

"Now that I have obtained the divorce certificate, even if I treat Mr. Jinji to dinner, other people's gossip will not be able to talk to you. If you have nothing urgent right now, I would like to invite you to dinner to express my gratitude to you , is it convenient for you?"

Jin Ji was taken aback, turned to look at her and said, "Naturally it is convenient, but I need to trouble you to give me a ride."

Wei Xian immediately breathed a sigh of relief, she is relatively timid and rarely takes the initiative to do anything, it is rare for her to muster up the courage to invite Jin Ji to dinner to show her gratitude.

Before speaking, she likes to look forward and backward too much, and she is too sensitive to think about the other party, for fear that her invitation will cause unnecessary trouble to the other party, or disrupt the other party's original work plan.

So before she decided to speak, her inner world was extremely complicated and disturbed.

She worried that she would be rejected and would be embarrassed.I was also worried that the other party would consider her for her, so I was too embarrassed to refuse.

When the double pressure is superimposed on her body, she will behave extremely unnaturally.

Unexpectedly, Jin Ji immediately agreed to her invitation, and Wei Xian secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Does Mr. Jinji have any taboos?"

Jinji replied: "No. You can arrange it, I can do it."

Wei Xian replied again, "That's good. Before, Tuanzi told me that Ah Yuan once took him to a gourmet restaurant, and Tuanzi recommended it to me. Would you like to go to that gourmet restaurant?"

Jin Ji nodded again: "You can like the dumplings, the taste should be good, and the dumplings are very good at eating."

When it came to dumplings, Wei Xian's nerves were obviously relaxed, and even the corners of his lips showed a little smile: "Well, she is naughty when she slaps a small mouth, and she is not good when she eats. In order to let her eat well, I took a lot of money I have put a lot of thought into it, and now seeing her growing up day by day and her condition is very stable, I feel much more at ease."

Jin Ji leaned back, "You are a good mother, Tuanzi is very happy to have a mother like you."

Wei Xian felt a little embarrassed in an instant, she could accept others to praise the little ones, but she would feel a little shy if they praised her directly.

"Thank you."

Wei Xian drove the car seriously, she was a very well-behaved driver who strictly followed the traffic law, even when she was talking, she kept her eyes on the front.

Because she was a little nervous, her hand holding the steering wheel was a little tight. Her fair and beautiful fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly, and her knuckles turned white from the force.

"Have you bought the car not long ago?" Jin Ji said, "The car drives very steadily."

Wei Xian was a little shy here, "Thank you. Xiao Ran helped me choose it. I don't know cars, so she chose one that suits me."

Jin Ji chuckled, "Ah Yuan asked me about choosing a car before, I thought he was going to buy it for Miss He, but I didn't expect that he was helping Miss He choose a car, and Miss He was actually helping you choose a car." car."

Wei Xian was stunned for a moment, what do you mean, so her car seems to be chosen by Xiao Ran for her, but Jinji actually chose it for her?

Wei Xian asked in surprise, "Is it such a coincidence?"

Jin Ji said: "Well, it's just such a coincidence to look at it this way. It's worthwhile for me to think about it. After all, the comfort of sitting on it is good, and the driver is also driving very well."

Wei Xian blushed, "I didn't expect you to choose the car, thank you."

Jin Ji smiled lightly: "Maybe this is also fate?"

Wei Xian didn't dare to speak. For some reason, she felt flustered. She was clearly a few years older than Jin Ji, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart. She always felt that some of her emotions seemed to be controlled by Jin Ji. This feeling made her a little nervous. Panic also made her a little scared and a little uncomfortable.

The atmosphere in the car was silent for a short time, which was a bit embarrassing, but at this moment Jin Ji's cell phone rang suddenly.

Jin Ji opened it and saw that it was Zong Tang calling, he reached out and pressed it to hang up.

As a result, 2 minutes later, Zong Tang called again.

Wei Xian couldn't help asking, "Mr. Jinji, won't you pick up? Maybe I have something important to do with you."

Jin Ji pursed the corner of his lower lip, reached out his hand to connect, "Hello?"

"Brother, why did you go? I'm waiting for you to have a meeting, where are you?"

Zong Tang was a little distraught, and the secretary called Brother Jinji, but it turned out that the phone was blocked, and no one answered no matter how hard he called.

He used his mobile phone number to call him, but he answered it, which means that there is no problem with his phone number. If others can't get through to him, it can only be blocked or blocked by him.

Jinji's cell phone was close to his ear, "Can I go bankrupt without leaving me? Whoever is there will take care of it. I have something to do now."

"What's the matter with you? Why didn't you tell me in advance? It's a meeting, brother!"

Jin Ji was impatient: "It's time for dinner."

Zong Tang went crazy: "Brother, we waited until eleven o'clock for the meeting at 10:30, and you said it's time for dinner? Are you sick? Come back to the meeting immediately!"

Jin Ji: "You can't do this little thing well? What do you want?"


Jin Ji closed his eyes, "The rules of the meeting, you open my computer, I'll tell you the password, you go in... I'm a little tired now, I just want to rest, it's best not to call me again!"

Wei Xian didn't dare to breathe while driving beside her. She was very panicked now. Could it be because she invited Mr. Jinji to dinner that he delayed his important affairs?

Jin Ji hung up the phone and said, "I wanted to take a vacation a long time ago. Just because I like work doesn't mean I can work endlessly like a machine. Those boys just want to be a free labor force, and occasionally they have to be lazy."

Wei Xian pursed his lips and asked worriedly: Is it really all right if you don't go back? "

Jin Ji smiled: "Leaving, I won't go out of business. They can be lazy, why can't I?"

Wei Xian didn't dare to speak again, but he felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have invited Mr. Jin Ji to dinner today.

Jin Ji seemed to know what she was thinking, and took the initiative to change the topic, "Is it almost there? Have you figured out the budget for treating me to dinner?"

Wei Xian was taken aback and hurriedly said, "Eat as much as you can, don't save for me."

She said: "Thanks to you, the Zhou family is still very generous to me."

Jin Ji didn't say anything, is the Zhou family being generous to her?It's really hard to say.

Compared with ordinary families, the Zhou family is indeed not stingy, but for a family like Jiugu Wenchang, the little assets allocated to Wei Xian are nothing to worry about.

Of course, from the perspective of Zhou Zishi's personal ability, the money is indeed suitable.

Hua Qingyu wanted to leave Zhou's house, she thought it was too easy.

Her situation is different from that of Wei Xian. For Jiugu Wenchang, the Zhou family actually owed Wei Xian to a certain extent. It is equivalent to saying that Zhou Zhichu admitted that Wei Xian had been wronged by Zhou's family for so many years. He owed something, so he was willing to give Wei Xian some compensation.

But what about Hua Qingyu?
To put it bluntly, her existence blatantly messed up the Zhou family's backyard. If Hua Qingyu were to let such a woman leave Jiugu Wenchang, it would make people think how chaotic the Zhou family was in private.

The Zhou family of Jiugu Wenchang and the Zhou family who left Jiugu Wenchang all represent the past or present face of Jiugu Wenchang to some extent. How could Jiugu Wenchang let Hua Qingyu live her chaotic life outside?
Hua Qingyu wanted to leave Jiugu Wenchang, but it was not so easy.

The car stopped in the parking space, and when Jin Ji got out of the car, he suddenly asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

Wei Xian was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I've made up my mind, work hard, and raise my two children well."

Jin Ji chuckled, "I'm asking you personally."

Wei Xian was puzzled: "I'm talking about myself."

Jin Ji squinted his eyes and didn't dwell on this problem, but looked up and saw the name of the gourmet shop, "Oh, it's this place, then this place is really the right place, the food is good, I like it very much."

Zhou Chenyuan received a complaint from Zong Tang on his mobile phone, and Zong Tang said angrily: "A Yuan, take care of Brother Jinji, he has been lazy not once or twice, I don't know what to do, he doesn't hold meetings!"

Zhou Chenyuan raised his head and glanced at Zong Tang with sleepy eyes, "Ah, I know this, and I allow it."

Zong Tang was taken aback, "Why?"

Zhou Chenyuan: "Because no one wants to be single."

Zong Tang: "..."

Here we go, here we go again!It's endless, isn't it?

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