Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 424 What Should Come Will Come

Chapter 424 What should come will always come (15)

After hanging up the phone, He Xiaoran let out a breath slowly.

During the break at noon, seeing that He Xiaoran hadn't gone back, A Ma Gan was a little worried, and was about to tell the supervisor to go out to look for it, but he didn't expect He Xiaoran to come back by himself.

She looked refreshed, not tired at all.

Armagan hurriedly stood up and waved to her, "Ran, this way! It's our lunch time, I think you must be hungry too. Minnie has prepared food for us!"

Minnie had already prepared, she prepared food for Armagan and He Xiaoran.

He Xiaoran was sitting among a group of miners eating food, and people around him kept looking curiously at this foreign woman who was obviously different from them.

The miner next to him joked with Armagan, saying that this was the woman he kept outside Minnie behind his back.

Armagan looked at He Xiaoran nervously, and said to them: "Don't talk nonsense, Ran is an important guest of our family, she is very honorable, you can't make jokes like this, and she can speak our local dialect and understand what you are saying what."

This statement made a group of joking miners almost froze their smiles, and a foreign woman actually knew what they were talking about.

He Xiaoran obviously didn't care, but asked them, "I heard that there is a very interesting person in the first mining area, why don't you have one here?"

The miners immediately chatted about this topic, and He Xiaoran asked them about Zhou Zixi intentionally or unintentionally.After eating and resting, the miners went back to work, and He Xiaoran walked away again.

This time she walked in the direction of the third mining area, walking slowly with a camera in hand, knowing the local language was an advantage, allowing her to ask people at any time, and quickly familiarized herself with the route.

He Xiaoran took a rough look at the topography of the first mining area and the third mining area before returning to Amagan.

"All the miners live in villages. Why are there people living on the mountainside in District [-]?"

Armagan replied: "We live in the village over there, but the inspectors here live at the foot of the mine, where there is a new big house built last year. The food and vegetables are transported by special personnel, and they don't need to be like us. It’s also a long way to go. As for the halfway up the mountain, that strange young master lives, and he hasn’t left the mining area since he came here.”

He Xiaoran nodded: "That is to say, you are the only ones who want to leave the mining area at night, and there are still people living at the foot of the mountain and halfway up the mountain."

"That's right, they don't need to leave the mining area, and there are people on duty at night, patrolling with guns. After all, no one here is a beast."

He Xiaoran asked, "When are you on duty?"

Armagan replied: "I will be next month, because I just finished my shift two days ago, but do you know that we have a holiday tomorrow? Tomorrow we can take you to the summer festival in the main city. You must find it very interesting then." , that is a very grand and grand festival here, and large-scale celebrations are held every year."

He Xiaoran raised his eyes: "To observe the summer festival? So will all of you have a holiday tomorrow?"

"Yes, all of us have a holiday tomorrow. Our Mr. Yan won it for us. Miners didn't have such a holiday. We are all very grateful to him. This holiday is so important to us!"

He Xiaoran said, "Tomorrow I'm afraid I won't have time to go to the main city with you, because I have an appointment with a friend, and I have to meet my friend then, thank you for your invitation."

Armagan felt it was a pity, but he couldn't force it, "If you have time after meeting your friends tomorrow, you can go to the main city to find us. The celebration will last all day until eight o'clock in the evening. If you go there in time, you will see lively scenes.”

After work, Armagan took He Xiaoran back to the village. Minnie had already prepared dinner and was waiting for them to go back to eat. The two children were a little more courageous than yesterday, and they didn't like He Xiaoran. So reserved on the first night, I started showing her a cute and shy smile.

The red envelope He Xiaoran sent to them last night was too big, which made them a little flattered, and Minnie was shocked by the two big red envelopes.

Minnie tried his best to serve He Xiaoran with the best food at home, and even borrowed a lot of vegetables from neighbors, hoping that He Xiaoran could eat fresh food.

After dinner, He Xiaoran chatted with Minny alone and told her that he was leaving tomorrow.

Minny froze for a moment, "Didn't you come here to find friends to play with?"

He Xiaoran said yes, "I'm done seeing you, and my wish has been fulfilled. So I'm leaving here, and it has nothing to do with you anywhere I go next. If anyone asks you because I stayed for one night What are you talking about, please keep in mind that I am here, I am leaving, and the rest has nothing to do with you."

Minny looked a little puzzled, "Ran, are you doing something I don't know about?"

He Xiaoran shook his head, "Minnie, I trust you."

"But you don't want to tell me the truth."

He Xiaoran replied: "I don't want to cause trouble for you. Minnie, for the sake of the two children, don't ask anything, don't say anything. I met you, saw your husband's work place, and learned a lot. Being in the mines and touching the stones is enough for me."

Minnie looked into her eyes, "Burn!"

He Xiaoran smiled, "Minnie, live a good life with Armagan and the children, and never ask questions that should not be asked."

Minnie thought for a while, then she nodded: "Well, I listen to you, because I know that you will never harm me, never before, and never now. If you don't want to tell me, then it must be because There is no need to tell me!"

In the early morning of the next day, Armagan did not go to work, and the two children were still sleeping.

He Xiaoran woke up early. She ate the Armagngan and prepared food. She took two fruits and bid farewell to Minnie.

At that time, the sky was dim and the morning in the mountains was still cool. He Xiaoran was wearing Minnie's clothes and said to her, "I'll take the clothes away."

Minny nodded, "Ran, I don't know what happened, but I hope you understand that no matter what happens, I'm always by your side."

He Xiaoran threw her and waved his hand, "I know, don't wake up A Ma Gan and the children, let them have a good rest! By the way, I won't go to today's celebration!"

"Ran, will we never see each other again?" Minnie asked her.

He Xiaoran thought for a while, and she said: "I don't know. Maybe we will never see each other again, or maybe one day, we will meet again."

Minni sent He Xiaoran to the entrance of the village, and He Xiaoran walked all the way towards the entrance of the village. She left very suddenly, just as she appeared suddenly.

He Xiaoran left very resolutely, without even looking back at Minny.In a hurry, he quickly disappeared from Minny's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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