Chapter 514 The Battle of Millet Grains (23)

Millet Li lay in grandma's arms, clutching grandma's clothes with her small hands, turning her head to look at the many unknown people in the room, with a dazed expression on her face.

Diao's mother's eyes fell on Xiao Mili, and those cold eyes instantly turned cold, "This is really the young master's baby!"

At a glance, you know it must be, because they look so much alike!
Mother Diao stretched out her hand carefully, with a look of love and joy on her face, as if she really saw her grandson, "Master..."

He Xiaoran: "...his name is Xiaomi Mili."

"Master Millet!"

He Xiaoran: "..."

How does this make her feel good?

Xiao Mili was suddenly hugged by a stranger, persisted for a while, curled her mouth, and cried aggrievedly, stretched out her small arms to hug He Xiaoran, "Mom...hug..."

He Xiaoran took it over and coaxed: "Grandma, who likes you, don't be afraid!"

Xiao Mili groaned and groaned to death, with big teardrops hanging from her long eyelashes, she grabbed her mother's clothes and would not let go.

He Xiaoran said to Diao's mother: "After he was born, there were a few people around him. You just came here, and he is not used to it. It will be fine in a few days."

"It's okay, babies are like this, just get used to it and get familiar with it." Diao's mother reached out and patted Mi Li's back lightly: "Master Mi Li, you will recognize me in the future."

Mi Li twitched and hummed twice.

He Xiaoran said: "He's going to sleep, I'll put him to bed first, Auntie, you and Mama Diao and this auntie sit down for a while."

"Go ahead, we're not in a hurry!"

After He Xiaoran coaxed the millet grains and fell asleep, he went to the living room to take a look, and found that the living room had been tidied up and looked brand new. Mother Diao and Mother Wei were disinfecting the floor tiles bit by bit with professional towels.

He Xiaoran: "..."

She knows Diao's mother loves to be clean, but she doesn't know that she moves so fast, isn't it just 10 minutes before and after?
Why does the living room seem to have changed the environment?
The millet toy was taken into the bathroom by Wei's mother to be cleaned and disinfected, and Diao's mother went into the kitchen, closed the door and started cleaning.

He Xiaoran didn't speak for a long time.

Yan Hua smiled and said: "Both of them are old people who have been with me for many years. I am very satisfied with their tone and work. Don't think they are too dirty. Even if they return to Jiugu Wenchang now, they will Clean my private kitchenette, it's an occupational disease, don't mind."

"I don't mind. Help me clean up. How can I mind? It's too late to be happy." He Xiaoran said, "Auntie, thank you for thinking about Xiaomi."

"It's me who should thank you. I should have suffered a lot for the sake of millet. I can't believe it even if a woman gives birth to a child and passes through the gate of hell..."

He Xiaoran: "..."

If she told her ex-mother-in-law that she gave birth to millet grains in a "pia ji", would her tears of emotion shrink back on the spot?

When He Miao and He returned home in the evening, Yan Hua had already left, Diao's mother was in the kitchen, and Wei's mother was washing all the clothes of Xiao Mili.

When He Miao saw so many people at home, he was about to suffocate on the spot, and was dragged to the bedroom by Ji Ji.

When to ask: "Sister, what's the situation?"

He Xiaoran glanced at her, "Sit down, let me explain to you."

When was sullen, "Why is Diao's mother here? Is it the Zhou family..."

"No." He Xiaoran denied it immediately: "It was your ex-brother-in-law's mother, who is also Xiaomi Mili's grandma. My ex-mother-in-law came here. She thought it was hard for me to treat Xiaomili by myself, so she arranged for me Two people came here to help us take care of the millet grains."


"She promised to help us hide the matter of the millet grains, and promised not to let the Zhou family disturb us." He Xiaoran said: "I believe her, she is a very remarkable woman, and she is also a person who keeps her word .”

When He pursed his lips and looked at He Xiaoran without speaking.

He Xiaoran put his arms around her shoulders: ""Don't show such a worried expression, things are not as complicated as you think.Aunt Yan really wanted to help me, because your brother-in-law didn't want the Zhou family to know that she was not for us, but for her son.So, don't worry, millet grains will always be the baby of our family.No one can take it away! "

Shi Shi reached out and hugged He Xiaoran's waist, "Sister, if they bully you, you must tell us!"

"I have no one else to tell except you!" He Xiaoran said: "Whoever bullies me, I will tell you, otherwise I am wronged by myself, how sad? There are too many people, so it is easy to share."

When to nod: "Yes!"

He Miao hid in the bathroom and yelled, "Sister! Sister!"

He Xiaoran went to look for her: "What's wrong?"

He Miao said aggrievedly: "There is a strange aunt at home!"

He Xiaoran coaxed her, "That is specially made to take care of the millet grains. From today on, the stinky poop and dirty clothes of the millet grains will not need to be touched by Miao Miao. From then on, Miao Miao will be the cleanest and cleanest." Fragrant girl!"

When He Miao heard this, she was a little happy, but also a little unhappy, and finally she decided to be a little happier, "Yeah!"

He Xiaoran is most concerned about her studies: "Did you go well in school today?"

He Miao nodded: "Super smooth!"

"How is it smooth?" He Xiaoran was curious.

"No.1 in running, No.1 in bunker jumping, No.1 in horizontal bar..." She said a bunch of No.1s in a row, and she didn't know if she was with PK. Anyway, some of them were not what she wanted to practice. She reported it all.

He Xiaoran gave a thumbs up: "I knew Miao Miao is so good!"

He Miao pinched her waist, almost so proud that her nose grew long: "Hmph!"

He Xiaoran discovered that Nanzhao and Hongking were the happiest people after Diao's mother and Wei's mother came. Originally, they had to run back and forth every day, and they were almost too busy.

But now, they don't need them to cook at home, and they just pick up He Miao and Shishi in the morning and evening, which is much lighter at once, and they can have more time to work in the company.

The red king knows nothing about business, but he is a good vase.Because she is young, beautiful and has a good figure, people often pay attention to Nanzhao's side more easily than before, especially when bidding, it is very useful.

As long as the red king has a little aggressiveness, she might be able to catch a wealthy son-in-law, but the current red king is different from before. Under the torture of when and He Xiaoran, she has been taught a lesson and no longer wants to find a good man. Men don't do this kind of thing, but focus on their careers.

Although she still doesn't know how to get money for the business of not fighting and killing.

After He Xiaoran explained the identities of Diao's mother and Wei's mother to them, everyone quickly accepted the existence of these two aunts.

In particular, the presence of the aunt will not take away their room. Some people still do housework, and some people even bring rice grains. Everyone is very happy.

In June, He Xiaoran successfully passed his thesis defense and officially graduated.

He Miao was very envious, and wished she could graduate now, because going to school was too fun, but her sister said that she still had a long time to graduate, so He Miao could only envy and hate.

Fortunately, her favorite summer vacation is here again!
(End of this chapter)

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