Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 517 He Miao's Date

Chapter 517 He Miao's Date (3)

He Xiaoran left without hesitation, and before leaving, he said to He Miao: "Miao Miao, the big fish is working, you have to help, you can't be lazy by yourself."

He Miao was unhappy holding the big helmet.

He Xiaoran waved her hand: "Become a hardworking genius Guoguo!"

He Miao was stunned, and when her sister left, she held a big helmet and looked at Yulingju, "I want to help!"

Yu Lingju asked: "Really?"

He Miao nodded, Yulingju went to the kitchen and brought over two heads of garlic, "Then can you peel off the garlic skin for me?"

As he spoke, he dragged the trash can over, broke open the garlic cloves, and peeled off a clove of garlic in front of He Miao, "Have you learned it yet?"

He Miao nodded, and then she squatted next to the trash can and began to peel garlic like Yu Lingju.

Yu Lingju brought a small plate over, "Put the peeled garlic cloves on the plate, and bring it to me later."

"En!" He Miao nodded vigorously.

When He Xiaoran returned home, everyone stared at her and asked, "Where is He Miao? Why didn't you bring it back?"

"He Miao is a guest at our neighbor's house." He Xiaoran sat down, Xiaomi Li ran to his mother, stretched out his small arms to hug him, He Xiaoran hugged him on his lap and sat, seeing that they were still staring at him, Said: "Our new neighbor is Yu Yingdi, he treats He Miao to dinner at home. He Miao won't come back for dinner at night."

"He doesn't know what He Miao can eat and what he can't eat. What if he eats something that shouldn't be eaten?" Nan Zhao frowned. He cooked for He Miao and knew that He Miao's diet should be paid special attention to.

He Xiaoran said: "I think he should know."

When I watched Nanzhao, "When I was doing the show, I could see that he was still a careful person. He even asked his doctor friend about the diet of albino patients. Another thing is that He Miao was trained by his sister since childhood." , She won't eat what she can't eat. Don't worry!"

Originally, I thought when was the most anxious person, but I didn't expect that she was the calmest among all the people.

Diao's mother came out of the house, "Miss He Miao is not at home for dinner?"

"Well, she's a guest at the neighbor's house next door." He Xiaoran nodded.

Diao's mother didn't speak, but turned around and went back to the kitchen not long after and brought out a tray with a covered dish on it, "Send this dish over, it's just a little bit of our kindness, the main thing is that Miss He Miao can eat it." of."

He Xiaoran glanced at the three people who were about to move, and she said to Shi: "You send them there, and you are not allowed to say anything. If you let them go, come back, otherwise Yulingju will think that we will take turns to see him." .It will make people feel uncomfortable!"

When she answered, she brought the plate over, put the plate at the door, reached out and knocked on the door, before anyone opened the door, she had already slipped away quickly.

When Yulingju opened the door, they saw a tray outside the door, and there was a plate of covered dishes on the tray, and small notes were pasted on the cover with transparent glue: Please enjoy!A gift from the neighbor next door.

Yu Lingju looked around but saw no one, so he reached out and brought the food in: "Miao Miao, your sister sent us a plate of food, tonight we have four dishes and one soup!"

He Miao was still squatting on the ground peeling garlic, "It's delicious!"

After returning home, he turned to He Xiaoran and said, "Sister, I secretly squatted by the side and peeked at it. The actor Yu is good-looking, not worse than his ex-brother-in-law!"

He Xiaoran rolled his eyes, "Is your daughter peeking at others like a thief?"

"How can you talk about being a thief? I just took one more look at the celebrity!" He was so happy, he bowed his head and kissed Xiaomi Mili, and then ran away.

Xiao Mili was stunned by the kiss, then woke up, and was frightened belatedly. She curled her mouth and cried aggrievedly.

How could the sound of little aunt kissing the face of rice grains be so loud, woo woo woo...

A group of people immediately coaxed around Mili, "Let's not cry, Xiaoli, it's too much for Auntie to kiss us, it's too much!"

"Don't cry, rice grains. Let's kiss my aunt secretly later to scare her, shall we?"

The millet grains were pumping, and they held on to their mother's clothes aggrievedly, He Xiaoran sighed, "Okay, don't cry, you still cry when you know that little aunt loves you?"

Mi Li said aggrievedly, "Auntie... Dear..."

"Auntie kissed you? Auntie kissed you because she likes you." He Xiaoran said with a smile: "Stop crying, let's make Auntie be gentle next time, okay?"

After coaxing the rice grains, He Xiaoran involuntarily glanced over there while eating dinner, when he picked up his mobile phone, he suddenly said, "Huh? He Miao is live streaming!"

He Xiaoran raised his head: "How does she eat?"

"I asked her to use her mobile phone to live broadcast. I told her the account number and password, and she can use Yulingju's mobile phone to live broadcast."

"No, she can do it?" He Xiaoran asked.

"Yes, I taught her."

He Xiaoran quickly took over his mobile phone to see that He Miao was really broadcasting live. He was sitting at the table with five bowls of rice piled high in front of him. There is soup in it.

The plates are beautiful, and the dishes are well presented, so that the live broadcast looks quite decent.

When I prepared food for He Miao, there were no such beautiful plates. When I caught the plate and used it, how could I prepare a whole set of food plates for her like Yulingju.

He Miao held a big spoon in her hand. She pressed the rice hard with the spoon, then scooped up a tall little three and stuffed it into her mouth.

He Xiaoran: "..."

During He Miao's live broadcast, did Yu Lingju sit opposite her?Therefore, Yulingju must have seen her eating like a big mouthful, right?
He Xiaoran stretched out his hand and patted his forehead. Poor little He Miao, he must have terrified his date during the first dinner date!
It was the first time for He Miao to adjust the live broadcast by herself, using Yulingju's mobile phone. Her own mobile phone could not broadcast live, and could only answer calls, but it didn't work.

Seeing her bulging cheeks, Yulingju couldn't help reminding, "Eat slowly!"

He Miao looked up, "If you eat slowly, there will be no more!"

You have to grab to get more delicious food!
Yu Lingju shook his head, "No, I have done a lot, and you will have a lot if you eat slowly. You can eat slowly."

He Miao tilted her head, her dark red pupils were full of doubts, then, she scooped up a spoonful of rice in a weird slow motion, put it into her mouth like in slow motion, and began to chew slowly.

Yulingju: "..."

Did she show him slowly on purpose?

"He Miao!" Yu Lingju stared at her, He Miao tilted his head, "Sloths eat like this."

"You are not a sloth, you are a genius Guoguo." Yu Lingju said, "So you don't have to compete with others for food, and you don't have to eat like a sloth. Aren't you a genius Guoguomiao? You have to use the genius Guoguomiao method Have a meal."

This baffled He Miao, how did the genius Guoguomiao eat?
(End of this chapter)

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