Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 520 He Miao's Date

Chapter 520 He Miao's Date (6)

Yulingju prepared some fruits that are suitable for babies. "Yesterday, I accepted your kindness. Today I also want to come here to express my gratitude as a neighbor. I know that there is a baby at home and they are eating complementary food, so I prepared some fruits for the baby. some fruit."

He Xiaoran was pleasantly surprised and said: "Wow, our millet is blessed, and today we can eat a gift from my uncle. Millet, thank you."

Xiao Mili sat on the ground, held the toy in his hand and raised his head, grinning, and said "thank you" in a milky voice. He didn't know why he said thank you.

When Yulingju saw the millet grains, he remembered what his manager said, "He's still a fat baby!"

Not a fat baby, fat and cute and beautiful.

"He Miao was a guest last night, and it seems to have caused you trouble." He Xiaoran said apologetically, "I thank you very much for accommodating her, but you are a public figure, and I don't even know how to help you solve it." Get rid of this trouble."

Yu Lingju shook his head: "It's not troublesome. As a public figure, such things are easy to happen. Therefore, for us, any normal meeting of friends will be misunderstood."

He Xiaoran said to Xiaomi Mili: "Mili, go ask Auntie Xiao Miao to come out, and say that she has a good friend to visit!"

After hearing this, Xiao Mi Li really got up, swayed towards the house, and shouted as she walked, "Meow... Meow... One by one..."

Looking at the cute figure of the little guy, Yu Lingju couldn't help saying, "My sister's baby is one year older than him, and a baby this big is the cutest."

He Xiaoran nodded: "I think so too."

Looking at him, I really want to tell him that if you feel embarrassed, you don't have to forcefully find a topic.

However, He Xiaoran still said: "I haven't seen your management team clarification, do you think the timing is wrong?"

"No, I want to wait for the heat to subside a bit before making clarifications. I am worried that clarifications now will bring about greater controversy." Yu Lingju said.

He Xiaoran glanced at him, "Why don't you take a photo together, friends gathering, let everyone not think too much."

Yu Lingju didn't say anything, he was worried that He Miao would be involved. To him, He Miao was really a girl who was pure to the extreme, and he didn't want such a pure and clean girl to be tricked by people into scheming green tea and other things. An ugly hat.

He Xiaoran said: "This is what He Miao did, at least let her take some responsibility!"

Xiaomi Li held He Miao's hand, and He Miao was dragged by Xiaomi Mi Li's hand in one hand, holding the big helmet in the other hand, and poked his head from the corner: "Big fish!"

Yulingju probed: "He Miao, good morning."

He Miao was stunned, she didn't even say good morning!
Quickly correct the mistake, "Good morning!"

Staring at the rice grains again.

Millet: "???"

He Miao continued to stare.

Millet: "!!!"

He Miao stared again.

Xiaomi Li: "... woo... ok."

He Miao finally stopped staring, and Xiaomi Li also sighed cutely, the baby is so tired!

He Xiaoran's teeth are white when he smiles, it's true, Xiaomi Li has more eyes than his father, it's amazing that he can quickly get what Auntie Miao wants under the threat of Auntie Miao at such a young age!
He Miao walked over, and He Xiaoran said, "Come on, let's take a clarification photo first, and then go to Dayu's house to take a few photos. Good neighbors start with escorting gifts!"

Soon, several photos were posted on the Internet. In the photos, everyone else was coded, but Yu Lingju showed his face without makeup.

This shows that Yulingju is a public figure, and other people are ordinary people, so others have coded.

There is a self-media clarification: Yulingju clarified that the so-called dating photos turned out to be the actor Yu Yu moving to a new home and exchanging gifts with his neighbors.

Afterwards, the media continued to come out to clarify: Yumiao CP’s banner fell, Yulingju clarified dating rumors, moved to a new house to entertain friends...

Most of the content is that Yulingju and He Miao have a good relationship. When they moved to a new house, He Miao was invited to the other's house as a guest. Besides He Miao, there were other friends there.

Seeing that the popularity of public opinion had finally subsided, Yulingju's agent breathed a sigh of relief, and then called Yulingju again: "Be careful in the future, if you want to meet people of the opposite sex, you must go through my head. You decide who you meet with, you know?"

Yu Lingju held the phone: "What do you mean, who should I report to you?"

"No, what I mean is, some women really want to use your light to rub your heat, you know? You have to have a sense of distance from the outside world. You have been out for so long, when did you have an affair with someone? You see Look at what is being passed down on the Internet now..."

"I don't have anything to rub against myself, so don't worry. As for He Miao, you've seen her before. That girl is just a piece of paper. Please don't think so badly of such a simple girl." Yu Lingju said: "If you have nothing to do, don't call me, okay? It's agreed that I have a month's vacation!"

As soon as the manager heard it, he knew he was unhappy, and quickly said: "It's okay, I won't bother you anymore, I'm not..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone was hung up.


Zong Tang let out a scream in his busy schedule, and then he picked up his mobile phone and rushed to Zhou Chenyuan, "Ah Yuan, look, He Xiaoran is cuckolding you!"

Zhou Chenyuan took it over calmly and looked at it, his eyes almost popped out, "Who is this person?"

"You don't know this person? Yulingju, he's a movie star, he's quite popular."

"I'm not asking you to watch this movie star, I'm asking you to watch this man with a mosaic face, can you see it?" Zong Tang asked, "This is clearly He Xiaoran!"

Zhou Chenyuan said angrily: "You want to tell me? You think I didn't see it? Hurry up and check it out for me, what's going on!"

Zong Tang nodded immediately: "Okay!"

Jin Ji glanced at Zong Tang, is this kid crazy?He doesn't do business every day, but only reads random news on the Internet. If this is found out, he will definitely be punished!
Zhou Chenyuan fell back and muttered: "I really want to see Xiao Ran and Xiaomi Mi!"

It's a pity that he hasn't seen the millet grain until now. It's been a year, and he hasn't even touched the millet grain with his little hands.

I don't know how ugly his son is, but Xiao Ran gets so angry when he mentions it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chenyuan became even more sad. No, he has to cheer up and work hard to make money. When he earns a lot of money, I believe there will be girls who like money and are willing to be Xiaomi Li's daughter-in-law for the sake of money. of!
For this reason, he has to work very hard to make money, so the top priority is that he has to break up with the Zhou family in the shortest possible time, otherwise, how can he help Xiao Mili save money for his wife!

(End of this chapter)

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