Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 522 What Do You Mean?

Chapter 522 What Do You Mean (2)

Yan Hua was so angry that she held her heart shut. She knew that she shouldn't have come today.

I will leave without saying a word.

How could Zhou Shang dare to let her go? He had to figure out what to say, "Hunny, you must tell me today, who is the father of the child? Otherwise, I will die with regret!"

Yan Hua looked at the man who was about to die, cast him a cold look, and nodded, "Want to know who the father of the child is?"

"Must say!"

"Your son!"

"My son..." Zhou Shang was taken aback, and looked up at Yan Hua, "My son... this child belongs to A Yuan? Then, his mother is..."

Yan Hua asked back: "Which woman do you think your son has had a good time with? Who else could it be?!"

The more Yan Hua talked, the angrier she became, and she hit Zhou Shang again.

Fortunately, she is delicate and has little strength, and it doesn't hurt to punch her body.

Zhou Shang realized that he had made a mistake, and he wanted to kill himself.

This, this is not a second child, this is A Yuan's baby, this is his grandson.

He is a grandfather!
Under Zhou Shang's great joy and sorrow, people's reactions were a bit slow.

"So Huahua, this child is A Yuan and Xiao Ran's baby?"

Yan Hua asked: "Have you realized it? Don't you want to die now? You mean I stole someone, and you think I stole someone and gave birth to a child secretly. Isn't that what you mean?"

"Huahua, I'm not, I was just being confused for a while, so I was talking nonsense..." Zhou Shang quickly admitted his mistake.

In the end, Yan Hua shook his arm away: "It's about dignity and personality, and you can solve it with an apology? You suspect that I'm not a woman, so I'll give you a cuckold, right?"

"No!" Zhou Shang almost knelt down, "Absolutely not, I know you are not that kind of person, I was just confused for a while, my brain cramped..."

He really didn't do it on purpose, he never thought that A Yuan would have a child, has he been separated from Xiao Ran for so long, who knew that Xiao Ran secretly gave birth to a child?

He really didn't expect it!
So when he saw that the baby looked so much like Huahua, he thought it was a child that Huahua had with someone else. Seeing that the baby looked so much like Huahua, he went crazy...

Who knew it was his son's baby, his grandson!
At this time, Zhou Shang wanted to look at the baby's photo again, but Yan Hua put away the photo, and he didn't dare to snatch the bag from Yan Hua's hand.

Yan Hua glanced at him, and said coldly: "Do you want to take a closer look at your grandson now? Sorry, your time to look at the photos is over. If you really want to, go and see yourself!"

Zhou Shang looked at Yan Hua eagerly: "Hua Hua..."

"Stop doing this!" Yan Hua gave him a blank look.

Zhou Shang: "Huahua, I'll go back with you this trip, let's go home and hold the baby to see, okay? By the way, what's the baby's name?"

"Millet grains." Yan Hua said lightly.

Zhou Shang paused, millet grains, this name...

"Wake up well! Wake up very well!"

The Lord who accepts passively, this name is not good at all.

Yan Hua said, "I'm afraid it won't be easy if you want to hug Mili, A Yuan has never seen this child until now."

Zhou Shang was stunned: "Why? Could it be that Xiao Ran didn't show him?"

"I've seen it all, why don't you show it to him? It's A Yuan who doesn't want to see it. Besides, any mother never said she was willing to give her child to others. How could she be willing to give the flesh that fell off her body to others?" Someone else?" Yan Hua glanced at him, "You don't think that the Zhou family can take the child back as a matter of course, do you? Guess Xiao Ran will happily agree?"

Zhou Shang said: "Why didn't you agree? Could it be that Zhou's family took the millet home and didn't want her? What's wrong with her going back to Zhou's house? She gave birth to a child, and now she returns to Zhou's house, what can the old man say? If you object, for the sake of the child, you won't stop it? You can't let Xiaoli lose his mother, can you?"

Yan Hua hooked the corners of her lips, "You think it's good, then have you thought about Xiao Ran's willingness? Is A Yuan willing? You really take it for granted and speak from the Zhou family's standpoint."

Zhou Shang looked innocent: "My wife, I am the Zhou family. I don't start from the Zhou family's standpoint, so what angle should I start from?"

Yan Hua said: "You are from the Zhou family, you are still a father, you are a grandfather! The first thing you should consider is your son! Don't you think about why A Yuan hasn't seen Xiaomi Li, his own son, Why don't you take a look? You don't want to think about why A Yuan suddenly wanted to separate from last year? The photos are thrown on your head, and you are still in the Zhou family, the Zhou family!"

Zhou Shang was stunned again, "So, Ah Yuan knew about the existence of this child since last year, but he hasn't seen the child until now?"

"He suddenly made a fuss about breaking up the family for no reason. Can the Zhou family not find a reason? How many eyes are staring at him now, how dare he act rashly?" Yan Hua said through gritted teeth, "Why is he? He just wanted to keep the Zhou family from knowing The existence of the child is to prevent Xiao Ran from being disturbed by Zhou's family. It's better for you, let Xiao Ran bring millet back to Zhou's house with a simple sentence? Do you think that Xiao Ran gave birth to a child to return to Zhou's house? Do you think so? It's so beautiful!"

When Xiao Ran wanted to leave, if she really didn't want to leave, she just had to encourage A Yuan to leave the Zhou family. At that time, A Yuan cared so much about her, as long as he could keep Xiao Ran, he would do whatever he wanted. .She really opened her mouth to see if Ah Yuan can leave!

Zhou Shang didn't speak this time, and after a long silence, he said: "Ah Yuan wants to separate the family because he wants to no longer be bound by the Zhou family in the future, and to be able to control his own marriage affairs, instead of being forced to like him. women separated from..."

Yan Hua glanced at him, "Finally figured it out? That's good, I thought you couldn't figure out the reason even if you were beaten to death."

Zhou Shang was speechless for a moment. After all, he lived in Jiugu Wenchang all his life. Jiugu Wenchang was his home, a place where he could take root and be buried in Jiugu Wenchang after his death.

Let him be separated from his family suddenly, Zhou Shang really couldn't accept it in his heart.


"Ah Yuan is still arguing with the family?" Zhou Shang asked.

"Yeah, I didn't say I opposed it or said I supported it." Yan Hua glanced at him, "As a wife, I can't encourage my own man and children to separate, right? I can't bear the infamy. A Yuan is you Son, your surname is Zhou, and his surname is Zhou. You can handle this matter yourself. I don’t ask too much. If my son is happy, I will be happy. If my son is aggrieved, I will be aggrieved. If my son can bear it, so can I. Tolerance. But, if someone bullies my son, I will strip him to the bottom. It doesn’t matter if his surname is Zhou or Yan, bullying my son will not work!”

Zhou Shang said awkwardly: "I didn't say anything, just look at it, I'm angry again."

"Who am I angry about?" Yan Hua said angrily.

Zhou Shang's voice dropped, "My fault! My fault! Huahua, don't be angry."

"I think Ah Yuan is very determined this time. You have to be mentally prepared. Don't turn around and say that your son is unfilial. He also has appeals, and he is not making trouble for no reason." Yan Hua glanced at him, "If the trouble ends in the end , the two parties can't deal with each other, if you want to tear your face, I'll be ugly first, I will definitely choose my son. As for you, you can weigh the pros and cons yourself when the time comes."

As soon as he heard Yan Hua's words, Zhou Shang knew that Yan Hua had actually made a choice, and she came here to tell him about her thoughts.

Zhou Shang didn't speak for a while, he was a little confused.

When A Yuan caused this incident last year, Zhou Shang seriously objected, thinking that A Yuan was messing around, but he didn't expect it to continue this year. Now he knows that A Yuan didn't come on a whim, he came prepared.

A Yuan knew at that time that he had a child, but he never mentioned a word to his family.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but that he knows what his parents think. To put it bluntly, A Yuan doesn't trust his parents very much when it comes to separating the family.

Zhou Shang didn't speak, and Yan Hua didn't force him.

How should I put this kind of thing, just like herself, if Ah Yuan suddenly wanted her to break up with the Yan family because of something, she wouldn't be so straightforward.People need to rely on in their hearts. For Zhou Shang, leaving Jiugu Wenchang means leaving relying.

What's more, Zhou Shang's feelings for the Zhou family are still deeply rooted in his heart. The place where he has lived all his life has suddenly uprooted him and planted in other places. He has no way to quickly adapt to such a change.

Not everyone can make a decision in a short time like A Yuan.

What's more, compared with Zhou Shang's smooth sailing, Ah Yuan's life in Jiugu Wenchang was not smooth, his marriage was not voluntary from the very beginning, and when he was finally willing, the Zhou family suddenly forced them to separate.

This kind of blow was too exciting for Ah Yuan, which made him feel unwilling, and tried his best to get rid of this shackle.

At a young age, Ah Yuan suffered pressure and setbacks from Jiugu Wenchang one after another, which had already planted the seeds of rejection of Jiugu Wenchang in his heart.

And the secret birth of Mi Li became the last straw that overwhelmed A Yuan.

His child came to this world, but he could only sneak around and dare not let others know. What does this mean?
It means that as long as he has a relationship with Jiu Gu Wenchang, his future will always be out of control.

He knows better than anyone else that Xiao Ran left the Zhou family back then, and now he will never go back.

If the Zhou family knew of the existence of the child, it meant that the child and Xiao Ran must be separated.If the Zhou family really wants to grab the rice grains, the final result is that the Zhou family will definitely win, but the process must be a loss for both sides.

He was really disappointed with the Zhou family, but that was his family after all, the place where he was born and raised, he didn't want to destroy Jiugu Wenchang, the best way was for him to break away from Jiugu Wenchang and get the freedom he wanted.

After the separation, the Zhou family can no longer contain him. What kind of girl he wants to marry, what kind of life he wants to live, how many dolls he wants to have, whether it is a boy or a girl, this is their business. Not even qualified to wipe hands.

As for Xiao Mili, that was his and Xiao Ran's child, except for him and Xiao Ran, no one else came to point fingers at their baby.

After Zhou Shang calmed down, he naturally thought of these.Yan Hua glanced at him, but didn't rush him, and gave him time to calm down.

She brought the words and conveyed the meaning. As for what to do next, it's up to Zhou Shang himself.

Zhou Chenyuan didn't know about the quarrel between the couple. He went to see Jiugu Wenchang and Zhou Zhichu.

"Uncle Eleven." Zhou Chenyuan sat down next to Zhou Zhichu, "Aren't you busy recently? I thought Uncle Eleven was always busy."

"No matter how busy you are, there are priorities." Zhou Zhichu looked at him and said with a smile, "The old man came to see me again this morning."

Zhou Chenyuan lowered his eyes, "Uncle Eleven has worked hard for my affairs, and I know what Uncle Eleven and Grandpa mean, but I have made up my mind, and I have to trouble Uncle Eleven to communicate more with Grandpa on this matter. Although some things didn’t work out for a while, the ending was destined.”

Zhou Zhichu smiled, "Ah Yuan, in fact, you don't have to leave to solve the problem. I also explained to the old man, the old man, you know that it is difficult for him to change his mind for a while, and you have to give him time to adapt. Here, the third brother and the third sister-in-law also have to undergo an acceptance process. You are so impatient that I wonder if you have done something bad, and you don't want to be punished to kneel down in the ancestral hall, so you are going to split the family."

Zhou Chenyuan replied: "I'm not making trouble, I'm just putting forward my own ideas. As for my parents, I will talk to them. Uncle Shi also knows that they are quite open-minded. Moreover, even if they don't want to, they are actually right. My influence is not too great. I don't want to force them to make a choice. If they are unwilling in the end, I am willing to leave the Zhou family on my own, even if I deprive my surname. I don't care. I have the same surname as my mother."

"A Yuan!" Zhou Zhichu frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry." Zhou Chenyuan said: "But this is my sincere words. I don't want to embarrass my parents, nor do I want to embarrass my great-grandfather and Uncle Eleven. I have also fully considered the position of the family. But, I have made up my mind. No matter how many times Uncle Eleven talks to me, my thoughts have never changed."

"You never thought of this before, but ever since He Xiaoran came to Jiugu Wenchang, you have made trouble because of her. Could it be because of her this time?" Zhou Zhichu asked, "Ah Yuan, if you really like her, Kutani Wenchang can make concessions..."

Zhou Chenyuan looked up at him, "Uncle Eleven, it's my own decision to leave the Zhou family, and my parents can't control it."

In other words, don't talk about other people.

Zhou Zhichu nodded: "I understand you, I just hope to have a deeper communication with you, let me know what you think..."

"Uncle Eleven, I've told you frankly what I think." Zhou Chenyuan said, "I said the same thing when my grandfather wanted to see me. For me, the Zhou family is an irreplaceable existence. Then I am the backer behind me, but even if we are separated, I am still a child of the Zhou family. I don't agree with the various ideas of the Zhou family, nor do I think there is anything wrong with the Zhou family, but I want a world of my own, that's all .”

Zhou Zhichu lowered his head and laughed. He had an intuition that A Yuan must be hiding something, which made him so eager to speed up the process.

(End of this chapter)

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