Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 532 This Is My Son

Chapter 532 This Is My Son (6)

Zhou Shang was very upset.

He wanted to see the photo of Mi Li, but his wife wouldn't let him see it.

He managed to come to the scene, and wanted to see his eldest grandson's chubby face, but his son refused to let him see it.

What's the matter?Is his life so useless now?His wife and children don't want to see him anymore?

What did he do?

Isn't he working hard outside to buy jewelry for his wife?
Zhou Shang was full of resentment, but whether he wanted to or not, if Zhou Chenyuan didn't let him see the rice grains, he couldn't see it.

He Xiaoran pretended not to see what happened to their family of three.

how to say?

People are family, she is not.

Zhou Shang looked at He Xiaoran, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

When she separated from A Yuan, both of them knew that A Yuan was unwilling, but...

Thinking about it now, Zhou Shang still felt very sorry.

In fact, at the beginning, when they learned that A Yuan was going to marry a wild girl of unknown origin, they were unwilling.The son is his own, he is studying hard, he is called back for no reason, and he directly assigns a daughter-in-law, or is it because of feudal superstition, who will feel better?
But after getting along slowly, the child He Xiaoran is still very good.

To be precise, this girl is very good, more than enough to match Ah Yuan.

Originally, I thought that if the family background is not, their A Yuan is not short of any useful daughter-in-law who will support her or something. He likes the best, and the relationship between the two is important. Unexpectedly, they split up in the end.

How unwilling Ah Yuan was at the beginning, how uncomfortable it was when they broke up.

After breaking up for such a long time, A Yuan also accepted the reality and obediently went back to school. Unexpectedly, after the boy broke up, there was not even a female cat by his side.

When they just broke up, the couple heard people say that A Yuan went around asking people to find beautiful female turtles. They were so frightened that they thought that A Yuan was stimulated, and they didn't plan to like people in the future.It was only later that I found out that he prepared it for the male tortoise that Xiao Ran left for him.

Thinking back when Ah Yuan and Xiao Ran were together, they were quite clingy, which meant that he really liked Xiao Ran very much, and he was unwilling to break up.

It's just that the couple never expected that after the breakup, Xiao Ran gave birth to a baby. After A Yuan found out, he didn't want to bring the baby back to Zhou's house, but concealed the matter, and then held back his energy to separate the family with Jiugu Wenchang.

When A Yuan came out, he made it clear that he wanted his wife and children not to return to Jiugu Wenchang.

He used to be so virtuous when he had no children, but now that he has children, you let him try again?It is estimated that it is like killing him.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shang couldn't help sighing, so be it!
People still have to be selfish, they can't live for others all the time, can they?
Besides, how much wronged did Ah Yuan suffer in Jiugu Wenchang?Or did Jiugu Wenchang treat his son badly, or would his son not even want Lao Gen?
How many married people are so deeply involved with their families in society now?
Even if there was, after the family separated and left, they still had a good time.

Huahua's father, isn't his father-in-law a living example?
After the third master Yan was separated, not only did he not collapse, but he became better and better.

He even built his own branch into a big family, who is worse than anyone else?
It's better to be the master of your own family than to have the big and small things of your children and grandchildren always at the mercy of your family, right?
Zhou Shang thought about it all the way back by himself, so let's do it, after all, he is also at this age, so naturally his wife and children are by his side, right?
"Xiao Ran, thank you for your hard work!" Zhou Shang looked at He Xiaoran and said this.

He Xiaoran said with a smile: "Uncle Zhou was joking, giving birth to your own child is not hard at all. Auntie is also a mother, she knows best."

Yan Hua smiled at He Xiaoran: "Isn't it? I think what Xiao Ran said is right. Having your own child, why do you want to say hard work for outsiders?"

Zhou Shang: "..."

Zhou Chenyuan came out of the bedroom lightly. Although it was his first time here, he still pretended to be proficient in front of his parents: "Xiaomi has fallen asleep."

Mother Wei and Mother Diao were both busy in the kitchen. Zhou Chenyuan was worried that Xiaomi Mili would sleep alone, so he ran over to take a look from time to time.

In fact, he had only spoken to Mi Li an hour ago, but after his performance, Zhou Shang was already very envious.

He hasn't seen his grandson yet.

Both the husband and wife refused to leave, as if they wanted to stay for dinner, and He Xiaoran didn't show it. She just provided a little more food for the other's aunt, and she was not stingy.

Zhou Shang began to chat with He Xiaoran, asking about basic information such as the date of birth of Xiao Mili.

He Xiaoran said the truth: "Uncle and Auntie, to tell the truth, although in the eyes of you two, Xiaomi Mi is a child of the Zhou family, and the blood of the Zhou family is on his body, but in my eyes, Xiaomi Mi is mine. Child, whether his surname is Zhou or not doesn't matter to me."

Not only Zhou Shang looked at He Xiaoran, but even Zhou Chenyuan looked at He Xiaoran, Zhou Chenyuan was almost wronged to death, what is the surname of Xiaomi Mi or not Zhou has nothing to do with her?Doesn't it have much to do with who Mi Mi was born with?

He Xiaoran said: "When I gave birth to him, I actually thought about what to do if Kutani Wenchang found out? After all, this world is very strange. It is not small or big. I am afraid that if I encounter I can’t tell. In order to prevent Jiugu Wenchang from finding out about robbing the child, the child’s surname is neither Zhou nor mine.”

Now, the family of three looked at He Xiaoran in unison, what does this mean?

They can understand that the surname is not Zhou, but why is it not the surname of Xiao Ran?Isn't it reasonable to have the surname Xiao Ran?
He Xiaoran glanced at them and said, "Millet grains are the names and surnames on the household registration and birth certificates, and the words are words."

Everyone was stunned, Zhou Chenyuan was in a hurry: "Why is the surname Yan? Is this a surname you made up? How could it be like this?"

He Xiaoran glanced at him, "It's not made up, Xiaomi Li took Yan Shaozhuang's real surname."

Zhou Chenyuan was stupefied, who was not a good surname, why did he choose Yan Shaozhuang's real surname?
If it wasn't for being useless, Zhou Chenyuan would have wanted to lie down on the ground and show her off, how could he bully his family so much?

"Why take Yan Shaozhuang's real surname? No, it must be changed! This is my son!" Zhou Chenyuan resigned. He can have anyone's surname, but he can't take Yan Shaozhuang's real surname!

He Xiaoran's sleepy eyes: "How about this, when the senior comes back, you go back and discuss it with the senior to see if the senior agrees to change it. If the senior agrees, then I have no objection. If the senior disagrees, I absolutely disagree. Yes."

"Yan Shaozhuang seems to have picked up a son for nothing, can he agree?" Zhou Chenyuan was furious, why did he take Yan Shaozhuang's surname?

(End of this chapter)

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