Chapter 536 Must Divorce (3)

The old man sat in a wheelchair and was silent for a long time before he looked at Zhou Zhichu: "October, then you can decide on this matter. If Ah Yuan lives in another place, it's not impossible, is it?"

Zhou Zhichu nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's perfectly fine for Ah Yuan to change his environment. Young people have young people's ideas, and Jiu Gu Wenchang is not unreasonable. Naturally, he respects the choices of young people."

The old man nodded. He felt that if it was just a place to live and a nest, that would be fine.

The descendants of the Zhou family who are away have moved to another nest, and their roots are still in Jiugu Wenchang?
The difference between Ah Yuan and them is that the others have to leave Jiugu Wenchang and move temporarily because they are in other places.A Yuan lives in Nancheng, and he insists on moving out. Since he wants to move out, let him move out.Anyway, it is right that people are still from Kutani Wenchang.

Both Yan Hua and Zhou Shang heard something wrong in the old man's words. What do you mean they just moved a nest?Changed place?

The move that A Yuan mentioned was not as simple as moving a nest or changing a place.

All the projects and accounts of the family with them must be thoroughly settled.

But Zhou Chenyuan retorted as if he didn't hear it, and neither Yan Hua nor Zhou Shang spoke.

After Zhou Du'an got the old man's words, he immediately said, "Fifth Young Master, when you need to move, just tell me."

Zhou Chenyuan nodded towards Zhou Du'an: "Thank you, Uncle Du'an, when the time comes to count the things in the room, there will be Uncle Laodu'an."

There are a lot of treasures in Tianxi Garden, and everything is registered in the register. Since the family is going to be separated, some things must be clearly counted and clearly divided.

Zhou Du'an said: "It should."

The old man was actually a little surprised. Originally, he was surprised that Ah Yuan's family separation would not stop so soon. He didn't expect that he was just moving out instead of separating. If I had known this, I wouldn't have to wait until now, just let him move out.

The matter ended smoothly, Zhou Zhichu pushed the wheelchair to send the old man back, and when he came out, he looked at Zhou Duan, Zhou Duan said: "The third master and the fifth young master have already asked people to pack their things."

Zhou Zhichu nodded: "Don't let the old man hear the news over there. At his age, I'm afraid he won't be able to accept a family separation. But A Yuan has made up his mind. The twisted melon is not sweet, so we can only Follow his will."

While they were talking, they went back to the Changping Pavilion, and a little boy ran out of the Changping Pavilion. The little boy didn't look very smart, and he stood at the door stupidly, and seemed to be petrified when he saw people.

Zhou Du'an hastily stepped forward and picked up the little boy: "Master Shiba, why are you here? Where is the servant?"

Zhou Zhichu glanced at the little boy: "Where's Yu'er's mother? There's nothing else to do here on weekdays, and let him go out to take care of a child?"

Zhou Du'an carried Zhou Yu into a courtyard: "Madam Ninth? Young Master Eighteen almost ran out."

Not long after, Hua Qingyu rushed out of the room with disheveled hair, "Yu'er, where did you go? How could you run around? Didn't I bring you something to eat?"

After Zhou Yu was born, everything seemed fine, but his reaction was very slow, not as smart as other Zhou's children.

After the examination, the medical team said that the child had this reaction when it was born in the mother's womb. It should be caused by the mother's body being stimulated by drugs during pregnancy...

The Zhou family attached great importance to this incident, and hated and strictly prohibited certain messy drugs.Otherwise, the rest of the children will have problems, and the Zhou family will be finished.

Zhou Yu's birth involved most of Hua Qingyu's time, and even the news of Zhou Zixi's death didn't have much impact on her.

At the beginning when she married into the Zhou family, she was aiming at the position of Mrs. Ninth, because Zhou Zixi was there, and she still had someone to protect her name. As a result, Zhou Zixi died not long after she married, and her reputation was naturally gone. .

Yan Yao went to Hua Qingyu many times to stimulate her, and finally, in order to gain a foothold in Zhou's house, Hua Qingyu turned around and hooked Zhou Zishi into bed.

Originally, Zhou Zishi was greedy for Hua Qingyu, but after that incident happened, he lost his mind. Unexpectedly, after Zhou Zixi died, Hua Qingyu blocked him from throwing himself into his arms. Hua Qingyu's life can be said to be visible to the naked eye. Seeing the bottom, the beautiful little widow is right in front of you, it's no wonder that Zhou Zishi is indifferent, this is the pie that fell from the sky, if you don't eat it for nothing, don't eat it!

The two quickly got into the same bed, and when Yan Yao found out, Hua Qingyu had already held Zhou Zishi in his hands.

Hua Qingyu is younger and more beautiful than Yan Yao, and the two have never stopped tit for tat. As for Zhou Zishi, as long as the two of them are not too much, he is also happy to enjoy the contention between the two women.

On the contrary, his real wife, Wei Xian, whose greatest pleasure every day is to help Zhou Tuanzi with his homework, has no reaction to the struggle between Zhou Zishi's concubine and his lover at all.

When Zhou Yu was sent back by Zhou Du'an, Zhou Zishi was lying in Hua Qingyu's bed. Hua Qingyu hugged Zhou Yu, thanked Zhou Du'an in a hurry, and closed the door with the child in his arms.

Zhou Du'an moved his nose, walked back, and said to Zhou Zhichu: "Master Qi is a bit ridiculous, in broad daylight, and Mrs. Ninth..."

Zhou Zhichu didn't speak. He glanced into the yard and said, "I can't take care of them for the time being. Let's wait a moment. Later, there are some rules of Jiugu Wenchang, which must be changed."

Zhou Du'an seemed to understand the meaning of his words, and nodded, "Isn't it? The seventh lady has suffered a lot in her life!"

Is it more than suffering?It's just bitter to the heart of the earth.

How old is Mrs. Seven?Ever since she gave birth to Miss Thirteen, she has been alone.The whole Jiugu Wenchang knew how miserable Seventh Madam was.

Such a woman has never made a single mistake, has never done anything wrong to the Zhou family, and has worked hard to take care of Miss Thirteen with all her heart. Such a woman stayed in Jiugu Wenchang, and it was Jiugu Wenchang who delayed her.


If Eleventh Master can really change some rules, it will be a great thing for Seventh Madam!
Zhou Zhichu looked at Zhou Du'an in surprise, what does he have to do with Seventh Sister-in-law if he wants to change the rules?
"Meow... Auntie!"

The recording of He Miao's program has come to an end and he is going home.

Yulingju came back with her.

As soon as Yulingju got out of the car, he saw someone walking around outside his courtyard door. Seeing that he was about to open the door to enter, the other person immediately came over and asked, "Hi sir, are you the owner of this house?" ?”

Yu Lingju nodded: "I am."

"It's like this. I have a friend who likes your house very much and wants to buy it. The price is negotiable. When do you think it is convenient to do the transfer?"

Yulingju: "???"

He thought there was something wrong with his ears: "My house is not for sale."

Just kidding, he has just been renovated, and he has just moved in for a month. What are you selling?

Not for sale!

(End of this chapter)

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