Chapter 543 Some secrets can't be kept (5)

"So, you regard the person next door as He Miao's property?" Zhou Chenyuan asked tentatively.

He Xiaoran looked at him ferociously, "What possessions? From when's perception, Yulingju was already her second brother-in-law. When you let Shi know that you are going to buy the room next door, she will be so mad."

Zhou Shenyuan: "..."

How can there be such a domineering sister?

It is estimated that the boy does not know what is going on. In the eyes of their sisters, they are already a family.


"Xiaoshi didn't see that he was so overbearing!" Zhou Chenyuan said.

"When has always been like this, but she hides it well." He Xiaoran said: "However, she still respects you very much, because she thinks that you are sincerely good to her and He Miao."

Zhou Chenyuan's heart felt a little better immediately, it was not in vain for him to treat the two little girls as his sisters, it seems that they still have a bit of conscience.

"Then I won't buy the house next door, is that okay?" Zhou Chenyuan just wanted to buy a house closer to the grain of rice.

In the next room, He Miao was hiding in the closet with a small ball of millet in his arms. The two of them hid in the closet, the older one holding the younger one, waiting for Yulingju to call He Miao out for dinner. , opened the cabinet door, only to find that both of them were asleep.

Because He Miao likes to drill into cabinets, Yulingju had people install four-sided cushions in each cabinet at home, so that she would not bump her head when she got in.I have also tried my best to replace the small cabinet with a larger one as much as possible before He Miao didn't know it. If it couldn't be replaced, I deliberately stuffed things into it, otherwise she would force it into it.

Now that the small cabinets have become bigger and there are still soft things inside, He Miao finally accepted these spacious cabinets.

Yu Lingju looked at the large and small nestled in the cabinet, and stretched out his hand to open He Miao's helmet to prevent her from being suffocated by closing it too tightly.

He paused under the cabinet and called softly, "He Miao? He Miao!"

He Miao didn't wake up, Yu Lingju stretched out his hand, wanting to take away the millet grains in her arms, He Miao woke up suddenly, and glared fiercely at Yu Lingju with the attitude of a fierce little beast, waiting for her to recognize the grain of rice in front of her. When it was time to find out who it was, his expression quickly relaxed, and his arms around Mi Li also let go.

"We are going to send rice grains home. Some of the rice grains in our food are inedible. Let his mother feed him supplementary food. Do you know?"

He Miao nodded.

Millet still sleeps like a pig.

Yu Lingju carried Mi Li back home, and Diao's mother waited at the door, "Mr. Yu, thank you, Mi Li likes to run around now, and I like to come to your house the most, so I will cause you trouble."

"No trouble, he is obedient and cute, I like it very much. Auntie, be careful!"

Diao's mother carried the millet back home, and Yulingju called He Miao out to eat.

He Miao took out his mobile phone again and began to broadcast live. This time, Yulingju had experience, so he carefully avoided the camera and switched to silent.

"I'm going to shoot tomorrow, and I'll ask you to go with me." Yulingju glanced at her. He Miao had already taken off his helmet, brushed the hair sticking to his face, and was about to eat.

Yulingju stretched out his hands to his forehead, and wore a helmet every day, his hair was crushed a lot and stuck to his face.

He stood up, went to his personal cloakroom, opened the drawer, took out two rubber bands, took a comb, went outside, and began to comb He Miao's hair.

He Miao had already started to eat. He squeezed the rice and stuffed it into his mouth, his face bulging, and he ate.

As for someone combing her hair, she didn't feel it at all, except that her hair hurt a little from being pulled, and she was a little impatient, "Mmm!"

"Be patient, or your hair will be eaten into your mouth again." After all, Yu Lingju was not too familiar with the girl, she was very unfamiliar, and he was afraid of hurting her, so he could only be as careful as possible.

In the end, he clumsily braided He Miao's hair, and finally prevented He Miao from eating his hair while eating.

Here, He Miao was broadcasting live, and when was she already watching with her mobile phone, staring at the screen of the mobile phone, she always felt that there seemed to be someone standing behind He Miao, and occasionally saw He Miao's long white hair shaking, looking Like braiding.

Shi Shi immediately called He Xiaoran: "Sister, when He Miao comes home, remember to see if there is any difference in He Miao's hair."

"What's wrong?" He Xiaoran asked suspiciously.

"I suspect that King Yu tied He Miao's hair, but I have no evidence. If you see changes in He Miao's hair, then there is evidence."

He Xiaoran: "..."

When He Miao went home to sleep at night, the two sisters sat on the sofa together, and they saw that He Miao's hair, which was originally in the clothes, was taken out and combed smoothly, and the hair under the big helmet was divided into two strands. Not one ponytail, but two.

When pursed his lips, he quickly looked at He Xiaoran.

He Xiaoran was startled by the ghostly expression on Shi Shi's face, "Restrain yourself!"

"I'm happy." When He whispered, "You must not let the actor Yu escape! Sis, what else is there to eat at home? I'll send some to the actor Yu!"

"They will be filming tomorrow afternoon, and no one is at home, what are you sending there?"

He Miao has obediently gone to take a bath, and after taking a bath, she will take the initiative to apply fragrance to her face.

When Shi was watching from the side, he went to He Xiaoran and said, "Sister, did you notice? He Xiaomiao has a lot of good habits now! You see, she loves to take a bath, and she can also put on incense by herself, and she has to eat at the table. She won't make a fuss about getting into the closet when she sleeps... A lot of it is a good habit! If she was asked to do these things before, she would be very resistant, you see now..."

He Xiaoran said: "It shows that Yulingju's tutoring is better than ours, and he has indeed done a good job in teaching He Miao."

He Xiaoran was thinking, watching when: "When, I have to remind you that you can think in your heart, but you are absolutely not allowed to say it. We can't force others to do some things. If they are willing to treat He Miao well, maybe It is sympathy, or it may simply be liking He Miao. There is no other meaning. Many things will be better if they go with the flow. What's more, He Miao's situation is special, and Yulingju's situation is even more special. We cannot morally kidnap, let alone force Buy strong sell. Remember?"

It's not that she looks down on her sister, it's because many things are hard to explain verbally.

Yulingju's identity, social status, and professional nature are all here, what about He Miao?If she was a completely healthy girl, she could still fight for many things, but He Miao was not.

Health is the primary issue, and the health of children in the future is even more important. They should not bully others too much.

Shi Shi rested his chin on his hand and glanced at the neighbor next door, "Sister, I know!"

That's why she tried hard to buy Yulingju with small favors!
I just hope that Yulingju can treat He Miao better for the sake of their sisters and sisters.

Don't people get along with each other?They get along well, after a long time, maybe?
(End of this chapter)

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