Chapter 550 Some secrets can't be kept (12)

"Because I am too focused and immersed in my own world, it helps to refine and improve certain skills. For me, I really don't know what else I can do besides acting. In this world Everyone's career needs to get along with people, but I don't like dealing with people the least. Being an actor gives me a chance to be myself. What I play on TV is someone else, and the real me is left behind the camera of myself."

Yu Lingju said: "Of course He Miao is not suitable for the entertainment industry, but she needs to adapt to this world. She has a special way of thinking and a special way of getting along with people. For most ordinary people, seeing her is like Seeing her brave self. He Miao has done things that most people can’t do, and things that they dare not do because of looking forward and backward. She doesn’t know the rules of this world, and she doesn’t understand some People represent power, and she only does what she wants to do and what she doesn't want to do. This makes many people think that she is the ideal world self, who laughs when she is happy and cries when she is unhappy."

"Those things that most people would compromise, He Miao doesn't know how to compromise. It is because she is different that people like her. People who are surrounded by love will have a strong sense of security in their hearts." Yu Lingju Looking at He Xiaoran, he said: "The reason why He Miao is like this is because you gave her a sense of security, Ms. He, and made her feel that if she listens to her sister, she will protect her. On this point, you really did Very good."

He Xiaoran didn't say anything. She didn't give He Miao a sense of security. If she really felt so secure, she would be like Zhou Tuanzi, not He Miao.

"Miss He, you can properly take He Miao's work on Saturdays and Sundays, so that she can maintain a constant exposure, and at the same time let her continue to adapt to the state of getting along with people normally."

He Xiaoran looked at Yulingju, and suddenly burst out laughing, "So in Mr. Yu's heart, He Miao is like this!"

Looking at He Xiaoran's expression, Yu Lingju felt a little uncomfortable, "Am I meddling in my own business? I'm sorry, I just think that He Miao can make progress at work, which in itself is a good thing."

He Xiaoran nodded: "Thank you. I think Mr. Yu's suggestion is very good, and I am willing to follow it. If the opportunity is right, I will let He Miao work on Saturday and Sunday, so that she can maintain the feeling of getting along with others."

Yulingju heaved a sigh of relief: "That's good. Some programs that are suitable for He Miao can still let her participate. Of course, don't put too much pressure on her, as long as it helps her grow."

"I think so too, and I'm especially grateful to Mr. Yu," He Xiaoran said with a smile, "Because Mr. Yu taught He Miao a lot of things that I didn't teach. In fact, as a sister, I didn't realize many things. , but Mr. Yu taught He Miao, and He Miao also taught us, and now I also ask Xiaomi to sit at the table when eating and go to bed when sleeping."

Yulingju couldn't help laughing, "Miss He didn't blame me for being nosy, I'm very grateful."

"We are neighbors, so you don't need to be so polite. I know Mr. Yu is a few years older than me. If you don't think my name is ugly and rustic, you can call me Xiao Ran. Everyone with good intentions is like a family member, not to mention, Mr. Yu has a benevolent heart!"

Yulingju paused for a moment, then nodded his head: "How come? Xiao Ran's name is very nice, and it's easy to think of what kind of person you are."

"Thank you!"

Zhou Chenyuan looked at He Xiaoran and Yulingju from the side, with a suspicious look on his face, but he heard that the content of their conversation was all because of He Miao, so he just looked a little vigilant, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing Mi Mi was bored in He Xiaoran's arms, he hugged Mi Mi and played with him beside him.

He glanced at He Xiaoran and Yu Lingju from time to time, resisting his silence.

Leaving Yuling's home, Zhou Chenyuan walked behind holding Xiaomi Li's little hand, "Xiao Ran, do you really plan to let He Miao work in the entertainment industry? I don't think she is suitable."

Letting a person with severe social anxiety deal with people every day, wouldn't it kill her.

He Xiaoran said: "Anyway, she is idle when she is idle. Mr. Yu has said that she has made progress, which shows that when dealing with people, you can work hard to overcome the fear in your heart. Mr. Yu's suggestion is very important."

Zhou Chenyuan's mood was a little low, and he entered the room silently.

He Xiaoran looked at him suspiciously, "You just stayed for a moment, what happened?"

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at her, "A little sad."

"Why are you so sad?" He Xiaoran was curious.

"I can't help you with anything." Zhou Chenyuan felt that he should help He Miao and when should he do so, but he was not as good as an outsider who could help He Miao, and he was sad immediately.

He Xiaoran: "Oh, you have been so kind to He Miao and when, and you have helped them a lot, you should give others a chance anyway. Otherwise, you are the only one facing them, then they will also It's so pathetic."

Zhou Chenyuan frowned, feeling a little comforted, "Yes, yes."

He Xiaoran reached out and patted his shoulder, "When you were brother-in-law, you were a very good brother-in-law."

Zhou Chenyuan whispered: "Then I still want to be..."

He Xiaoran heard it, but she pretended not to hear it, "Mizi, you call uncle and say you miss him, and ask when he will come back."

Xiao Mili understood, lifted her little butt, stood up, grabbed her mother's cell phone from the table, handed it to her, and asked her to call his uncle for him.

He Xiaoran dialed Yan Shaozhuang's video call, and the call went through quickly, "Xiao Ran?"

Millet: "9999..."

"Rice grains?" Yan Shaozhuang's voice was filled with surprise, "You miss uncle, don't you?"

Millet: "99...back..."

Yan Shaozhuang felt that his heart was going to be broken, the little baby must be missing himself, "Uncle will go back in a month, when the time comes, uncle will bring rice grains to play, okay?"

Millet said loudly: "Okay!"

"Is mom around?"

Xiaomi Mi took the lead to look at her mother, He Xiaoran looked at him with a smile, Xiaomi Mi held a big mobile phone in her small hands, turned around hard, and let her uncle see where her mother was.

Yan Shaozhuang saw the figure swaying for a while, and guessed it should be Xiao Ran. The next second, Zhou Chenyuan's big head popped out again, "If you don't want to come back, don't come back. It's good for me to take the rice grains away."

Yan Shaozhuang said with a cold face, "Mi Zizi misses me, I should go back. I didn't go back for you."

Zhou Chenyuan was so angry that he looked up at He Xiaoran: "Xiao Ran, did you hear that? Did you hear that? This is his true face!"

(End of this chapter)

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