Chapter 559 Weapons (9)

The figure jumped skillfully in the grass, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He Xiaoran sighed, threw away the branch in his hand, raised his feet and ran up the slope.

Five minutes later, the little man who had just escaped had one arm broken and limped ahead to lead the way.

He Xiaoran held a rope made of bark in his hand, and tied the other end around the little man's neck, just like walking a dog, and the two walked forward one after the other.

The little man had a mournful face, and after a leg was broken, he no longer dared to act like a demon.

As He Xiaoran walked, he urged, "Hurry up, what do you want to do? You don't want that leg anymore, do you?"

The little man dared not speak out, dragged his injured leg, and accelerated his pace as much as possible.

When it was almost noon, He Xiaoran almost ate the dry food found in those bags.

There wasn't much food in the first place, and she didn't treat the boy who led the way as a human being, so she didn't leave it for him at all.

She was well fed, but the little one was hungry and thirsty, and felt that she was dying.

He Xiaoran walked and chatted with people, "You really don't know the location of Liuli Island? Then you have heard of Lin Xiaoxian, right? If you dare to say that you haven't heard of it, don't even want your other leg gone."

"Listen, I've heard..." The little man hurriedly replied, they said they couldn't see such a high-level person.

He Xiaoran snorted coldly: "Hurry up, are you doing this on purpose?"

"No!" The little man was very scared, for fear that He Xiaoran would get upset and break his other arm and leg.

"You haven't seen him, have you? Unexpectedly, unexpectedly. The bare-faced dog is actually a legendary figure in the minds of you. Have you ever heard of him? When he was in other countries, he was People stripped all the birds for a walk?" He Xiaoran asked enthusiastically.

The little man trembled: "No, it's impossible!"

He Xiaoran was very keen on destroying Lin Xiaoxian's image among the scum, so he happily told about Lin Xiaoxian being stripped naked in public for a walk.

That's called a vivid and vivid voice, the picture is about to come out.

The little guy doesn't want to hear it at all, who knows if it's true or not?
But what He Xiaoran said was really exciting, the little man didn't want to listen to it, but he had to listen, Mr. Lin was really stripped in public?Isn't it a little unlikely!

He Xiaoran said: "You don't believe me? Wait a minute..." He Xiaoran took out his mobile phone and showed the video to the little man. See? Bareback! That's why I call him a bareback dog!"

The little man: "..."

After reading it, he was stunned. Is this a real thing?

Mr. Lin is so many people's dream idol, how could...

He Xiaoran didn't care whether he could accept it or not. He put away his cell phone and began to ask him: "Have you heard that Lin Xiaoxian brought a girl with her when she came back from Cong? That girl likes to wear a helmet. Her hair and skin are all white. Have you heard it?"

The little man whispered: "I've heard of Mr. Lin coming back, but we don't know what kind of girl he brought with him. Only the bosses at the top know about these things..."

These bottom-level characters simply don't have the opportunity to get in touch with more.

He Xiaoran said: "Since you don't know, then quickly bring me to someone who can contact me!"

As he spoke, he kicked the opponent's ass.

The little man staggered a bit, almost fell to the shit, dragged his broken leg, and hurried a few steps.

After several hours of trekking, He Xiaoran finally appeared and saw the mountain ahead.

"Abina took a few people to bury the corpse, and he hasn't come back yet, so he must have sneaked somewhere to play!"

"When they come back, we must teach them a hard lesson!"

Several people in the room were muttering, and the doorman suddenly knocked on the door.

The knock on the door was neither fast nor slow, very strange.

The people in the room looked towards the door, and someone went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, the person who opened the door was kicked away and hit the cabinet heavily.

The people in the room were stunned for a moment, then reacted, and began to touch their guns one after another. He Xiaoran jumped up and kicked all the way without touching the ground, kicking away the guns that those people were holding.She flew over and grabbed the one sitting in the first seat, causing the other person to roll his eyes.

He Xiaoran turned around, stood behind that person, and asked other people present, "Call out the boss of this district."

A group of people immediately chattered and asked in surprise and fear: "Who are you? How did you find this place? You are not from our place..."

"Me?" He Xiaoran smiled and said, "I have lived here for three months, you don't know me, but I know this place."

Liuli Island is the core, and this place is just one of the screening points for sending suitable weapons to Liuli Island.

The choked person desperately pointed backwards, which meant that the boss was behind.

He Xiaoran directly picked up a gun from the ground with his feet, lightly held it in his hand, and pressed it against the man's head, "Don't be dazed, lead the way!"

Walking to the door, there was a sudden movement from behind. He Xiaoran didn't turn his head back, and fired a shot at the place where the sound was heard. A guy holding a gun responded to the sound, and the others fell silent instantly.

The gunshots alarmed the surroundings, and people began to surround this place. He Xiaoran grabbed the new hostage and said as he walked: "The sooner you find your boss, the faster you can get out, or you will die."

When the hostage heard this, he shouted desperately to the surroundings, not to shoot.

He Xiaoran dragged the other party all the way, and when he was about to enter the building built along the mountain at the foot of the mountain, the hostage beside him suddenly fell to the ground, and He Xiaoran turned over to avoid the hidden gun of the sniper.

At this time, more people rushed towards her, He Xiaoran looked at the number of bullet bags, "Damn!"

Two, enough for what?
The crowd gathered around, she moved a little ahead of time, and greeted her in response.

In the surging crowd, her figure rose and fell invisible, and her movements were quick and sharp, which made it impossible for the snipers who were waiting for the opportunity to attack. He Xiaoran also took advantage of the crowd, fighting and moving all the way, and successfully dodged the sniper's bullets. Entered the mountain building.

On the big screen, the woman's cultivated figure is like a leopard hunting, and the strangulation is fierce and swift, without any muddling.

An old man in the lead looked at the people in the video and couldn't help but hurriedly said, "This is what a qualified killer should have. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer seedlings like this now!"

"Mr. Louis, that woman is coming towards us, do you think it is necessary to send...?"

Louis reached out to stroke his beard and waved his hand, "No, let her come to see me."

Everyone looked up at the ghostly figure, who is this woman?

At this moment, the woman's face suddenly stopped under the surveillance camera. She took a step back and stood still so that her face was completely exposed to the camera.

Louis narrowed his eyes slightly: "She is..."

(End of this chapter)

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