Chapter 563 Weapons (13)

"In the near future? So, she will be in the boxing market soon?"

"Indeed. You must know that Mr. Lin doesn't have much time to consume. He said that he is a top businessman who hopes to get his money back quickly. It is rumored that the girl has a unique ability, which can perfectly copy the opponent's moves. See the trick This is a very rare talent. We are all waiting for where she will appear in her first show, and many industry insiders have analyzed that she may appear in Medler's underground boxing ring. The bet should set a new record!"

While talking to the other party, Louis glanced at He Xiaoran, and after hanging up the phone, he asked, "Now you should know where to wait for your sister."

He Xiaoran nodded, "I do know where to wait. But you'd better not lie to me, if you lie to me..."

Before he could finish speaking, He Xiaoran suddenly rushed in front of Lu Yi, and directly attacked Lu Yi's face.

Louis stretched out his hand to fight back, and the two of them lied to me in just a short moment and made more than a dozen moves.

After all, Louis is old, but He Xiaoran is just young. What's more, He Xiaoran's strength is not inferior to men, even surpassing most men.


With a punch, Louis' nose bleeds everywhere, and he backed up with a bruised nose and swollen face, barely stopping his figure.

Louis looked up at He Xiaoran, "813, you really hit an old man so hard!"

He Xiaoran grinned, "Otherwise, how could others believe that you were forced to make that phone call? Uncle Louis, I'm helping you!"

The next second, He Xiaoran's leg kicked towards Louis' stomach, with a "click", his ribs broke, and Louis couldn't help but let out a painful cry, "Enough..."

He Xiaoran said: "I think everyone in Liuli Island knows what kind of person you are. Do you really think this is enough? Are you afraid that they will suspect that you are acting?"

Before he could speak all the way, he kicked out again.

Louis fell heavily on the table, clutching his stomach, spat out a mouthful of blood, and didn't get up for a long time.

Only then did He Xiaoran slowly withdraw her feet, she reached out and grabbed the gun on the table, and "slapped" two shots at Louis' legs and shoulders without looking back, then opened the door and walked away.

Louis lay on the ground and wailed, and then he heard the sound of chickens flying outside, vehicles roaring, and driving out quickly.

Not long after, someone broke in from the outside, "Mr. Louis, that woman just stole our car...Mr. Louis!"

Louis lay dying in a mess.

He Xiaoran drove away from the mountain, not far from Meiyi Village, she parked the car in the grass, and then slowly re-entered Meiyi Village like a person walking around.

Just like when she first came, no one paid attention to her.

She went back to bed to rest and catch up on sleep. When the others left the next day, she temporarily reported to leave with the car.

Halfway through the car, He Xiaoran got off the car early, and when he stopped the car on the spot to go to Medler City, his cell phone rang suddenly.

She picked it up and looked at Yan Shaozhuang's phone.

He Xiaoran looked at the beating name on the phone, she hung up the phone without saying a word, and then dragged Yan Shaozhuang into the blacklist.

Yan Shaozhuang was stunned, he was standing at the door of his residence, and there was no one at home.On the day before He Xiaoran left, he asked him to go back to Yan's house to accompany him for the time being, not to come here for now.Let him know when she gets home.

But Xiao Ran never notified.

Yan Shaozhuang rang the doorbell and no one opened it. After taking the key to open the door and entering, he found that no one had come back from the house for a long time. Compared with the bustle of the past, it was now bleak, which made him feel a little depressed.

He frowned, and he hasn't come back yet!

That night Xiao Ran said to pick up He Miao and would come back soon.

It's been many days, she hasn't had a phone call, she hasn't had a text message, the family is scattered, even his lovely rice particles have been sent to Zhou's house, he hasn't seen the child for many days.

He feels empty every day now, not knowing where to go.

He was worried and wanted to call Xiao Ran, but the result was good. After the phone rang several times, he was hung up, and he couldn't get through again.

Yan Shaozhuang couldn't accept it for a while, what happened?Xiao Ran is silent, what did she do?Always tell him.

Said to go to He Miao and come back soon, how many days has it been?People haven't come back yet!

Just when Yan Shaozhuang was in a daze and didn't know what happened, someone behind him suddenly asked, with a respectful and gentle voice: "Mr. Yan?"

Yan Shaozhuang looked back and found that it was their neighbor.

The famous actor named Yulingju.

"Mr. Yulingju?" Yan Shaozhuang confirmed.

Yulingju pulled off his mask and nodded.

He wore a hat and a mask on his head, and there was a suitcase at his feet, and he looked like he was returning.

In fact, they both know each other. Yulingju knows that Yan Shaozhuang is Xiaomi Li's uncle, and Yan Shaozhuang knows that Yulingju is He Miao's friend and takes good care of He Miao.

But they are not familiar with each other.

Yu Lingju is not the kind of person who is willing to take the initiative to make friends with others, even if he meets occasionally, he mainly nods.

Like He Miao, he is the kind of person who avoids all unnecessary social interactions as much as possible.

The two people who had never had a serious communication before, unexpectedly got together and said hello at this moment.

"Why did Mr. Yu come back to live? I heard they said that you need to join the filming team for work, so you won't come back for the time being."

Yulingju nodded, "It's true that I didn't come back. I haven't been able to contact He Miao for some reason these two days. It happened that the crew was on vacation, so I stopped by to see what's going on. Mr. Yan, do you know where He Miao is going?" Where is it?"

Yan Shaozhuang glanced at him, "Mr. Yu came back to look for He Miao? Is there something urgent?"

Yu Lingju shook his head: "There's nothing urgent, but He Miao usually contacts me every three days, but in the past two days, she hasn't heard anything from her, and she doesn't reply to my messages or answer my phone calls. I'm a little worried that something happened to her."

Yan Shaozhuang kept his composure: "Her sister once promised her that she would take her out to play. In the past two days, Xiao Ran had time, and Xiao Mi was also sent to his father's side, and they went out. After two days We'll be back together."

Yu Lingju was stunned for a moment, he didn't believe it.

He didn't doubt Yan Shaozhuang, he said he didn't believe it.

Aside from that, He Miao's elder sister would never ask He Miao to ask for leave to take her out to play on Monday.If sister He Miao forced her to go to school to read and write, it was still possible, but sister He Miao took He Miao out to play.

Yulingju didn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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