Chapter 567 Weapons (17)

"Xiao Ran once troubled Lin Xiaoxian, because Lin Xiaoxian also wanted to kidnap Xiao Ran and transport her abroad, but A Yuan found her in advance, so Xiao Ran and Lin Xiaoxian did have a grudge." Yan Shaozhuang knew Many things are only known at the time.

Zhou Zhichu lowered his eyes and said nothing, of course he knew about
"You should know that I don't like your elementary school girl." Zhou Zhichu said.

"I know, it's just that what I want to help now is He Miao, that poor poor child, and I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Shaozhuang, I found out, as long as it involves your elementary school girl, you are willing to do anything." Zhou Zhichu said with a smile: "Jiugu Wenchang does have some relations with the upper class in T country, but these relations are used to find people. In fact, it’s really overkill.”

"Ah Chu, if you need funds to manage, count me..."

Zhou Zhichu raised his hand to stop what he was going to say: "Talking about money hurts feelings, you want to talk about money with me now? Besides, I look like a person who is poor in money? You said just now that we are not close, what are you talking about now?" It really came true. Okay, you have opened your mouth. If I don’t help you, won’t it appear that we have no friendship? I’ll help you find someone. "

"Really?" Yan Shaozhuang was a little surprised.

Zhou Zhichu nodded, "I naturally want you not to worry about what you are worried about, and I can't just sit idly by the person you care about. I found this person for you. But..."

Yan Shaozhuang looked at him, "Say it!"

Zhou Zhichu didn't speak, he stretched out his hand and poured the wine from the glass into the glass in front of Yan Shaozhuang, raised his head and drank it himself, then he looked at Yan Shaozhuang and said, "Take me back to Shengshihaoting tonight."

The airport in country T was in turmoil. Numerous female fans gathered at the airport, waiting at the pick-up gate, screaming and crying one after another. Excited fans blocked the pick-up gate. The airport security personnel continued to increase, just to make the trapped Passengers at the airport pick-up gate leave the lobby.

In addition to ordinary passengers, Yulingju was also trapped at the airport.

Someone leaked the itinerary of Yulingju, which attracted a large number of fans to pick up the plane. Those female fans who were crying and shouting to see their idols were exaggerating a bit too much, and screaming with tears streaming down their faces was normal .

Yu Lingju frowned, fully armed and blocked by his manager and assistants.

The agent was about to cry: "Then the media gossip is really pervasive, there must be someone selling the itinerary, why can't these people be controlled? It's just crazy!"

The assistant was panting, "When can we leave now?"

Surrounded by staff, Yulingju was afraid that fans from outside would rush in. Fortunately, the airport reacted quickly, and the security personnel were in place quickly. They used their bodies to open a passage at the airport pick-up port. Passengers walked along the passage and quickly to leave.

Yu Lingju followed behind with his head bowed, but he was tall, long, and had outstanding temperament. As soon as he appeared, there were countless screams. The crowd surged and began to crowd in the direction of Yu Lingju. Support the passage, let Yulingju leave the dangerous zone.

In the end, Yu Lingju was escorted by the airport staff, and finally sat in the pick-up car. The group of people breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally escaped!"

The manager looked at Yulingju sadly: "Big fish, I didn't say, why do you insist on taking this week off? Halfway through the filming of the show, you can finish it in one go. This is not a great award presentation." Li, it’s fine if you don’t come!”

Yu Lingju ignored him, not even a single word.

The manager muttered and complained for a long time, but in exchange for a few words from Yulingju, he himself felt bored, so he quickly shut up.

After he stopped talking, Yulingju finally said, "I have a personal matter tonight, please arrange a car for me."

The agent was shocked: "Where are you going? What are you doing? Haven't you seen your popularity in country T? May I trouble you to have a clear understanding of yourself? You are not an ordinary person, you are a star! No matter what happens in the country It is said that you are a powerful faction, but to those small fans, you are an idol and a big star!"

Yu Lingju said, "I will be careful."

"You don't have to be careful, you have to tell me where you are going and what you are doing!" The manager firmly objected, if he went to a private meeting with a young model and was photographed, his reputation would be ruined!
Yu Lingju glanced at him, "I'm going to see my uncle."

"Uncle, when did you have an uncle in country T? Why didn't I know?" The manager was shocked.

Yulingju replied: "My little aunt is married here, and my uncle is a general."

What he said shocked the manager even more, "You, you have an aunt who married a general from country T?"

"Well, everyone is here, so why not visit?" Yulingju said, "I'll give you the address later. When you arrive at the hotel, you can arrange a car for me immediately. I'll contact my aunt." .”

The manager suddenly became suspicious, "You contacted me in advance, did you come here to attend the awards ceremony, or did you have another purpose?"

He was deeply skeptical.

Yu Lingju said: "Participate in the awards ceremony and visit my aunt and uncle by the way."


He always felt that this order had to be changed!
After Yu Lingju said this, he folded his arms and closed his eyes to rest, not intending to talk to the manager at all.

The agent can be driven crazy by the way he refuses to communicate every time.

Big Yu is good at everything, but he has his own ideas about everything. No matter how hard he tries to persuade him, he can't persuade him that this matter is not good, which makes him very angry! ! !
In front of a huge black boxing signboard, the old van stopped, and He Xiaoran got out of the car first, followed by Nan Zhao and Hong King. After the red king paid the money, he quickly followed He Xiaoran.

He Xiaoran walked into the boxing ring, glanced at the fighters of the day, changed the number plates, distributed them to Nan Zhao and Hong King, and entered the boxing ring directly.

The match hadn't started yet, and there were very few people in the boxing ring. He Xiaoran gave Nan Zhao and Hong King a wink. The three quickly separated and strolled slowly. In fact, they were observing the terrain and exits separately to understand the surrounding environment.

Simply put, this approach is called stepping on the spot.

People who do bad things will do this. Knowing the surrounding environment makes it easier to escape.

He Xiaoran went to the bathroom, changing room, fighters' lounge and other places, and even went backstage, before coming out.

A few people were sparsely drawn into the boxing ring, and He Xiaoran went over to greet them, "Are there any outstanding fighters today? I got a number plate, but I don't know who to bet on."

The opponents were three men, and they took a look at He Xiaoran, "You are also here to watch the boxing match."

"Yeah, I'm very interested, and I plan to make a lot of money, you too?" He Xiaoran sat down on a chair and looked at a few of them: "I'm here for the first time, and I'm not very familiar with it, please introduce it to me. Down?"

(End of this chapter)

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