Chapter 579 Weapons (29)


This was Yu Lingju's first thought, "I don't think it's necessary to take such a risk."

"No risk," He Xiaoran explained: "Because no matter what, I will definitely go out for a walk in the end. Lin Xiaoxian is very good at making stunts. If He Miao comes out, he will definitely not show his face directly. In case he finds someone else What if someone pretends to be He Miao? I will only know if it is He Miao after I have tested it."

"Besides," she glanced at Yulingju, and said, "The minimum bet is 1000 million, so let's set the lowest price. Why do we have to bet 5000 million?"

Yulingju: "..."

I found out that He Miao's sister is very obsessed with betting one to win ten. If she is not allowed to do so, she may have to talk about it until the start of the game.

For this reason, Yulingju recalculated the account, thinking that he should be able to afford the money, but if he lost, he would have to start all over again.

But it's not impossible, after all, He Miao's assets up to now are still a bunch of red envelopes, so it's a big deal to work hard with her.

"What's the rate today?" he asked.

"The market is not good recently. I just saw that it was [-]:[-] on the big screen outside." He Xiaoran looked at him expectantly.

Yu Lingju didn't speak, he felt that he needed to calm down before making a decision, "I'm going to the bathroom."

He Xiaoran raised his chest immediately, "Yeah!"

After going out, Yu Lingju took a deep breath in the bathroom. In case the loss was not small money, he had to be cautious.

Such aggressive betting is not his style. He has played many roles, including those who go astray or the prodigal son turns back. He knows that these people come with the mentality of getting rich overnight. This kind of mentality makes people sink deeper and deeper.

He doesn't like to gamble, he prefers to be down-to-earth, and he doesn't believe in the good things of falling in the sky.So he is very cautious about this bet.

He turned on the faucet and was washing his hands slowly when someone came in from outside. After entering, he reached out to close the door without saying a word, then grabbed Yu Lingju's arm and dragged him into the cubicle.

Yulingju: "...Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Chenyuan responded: "Mr. Yu, is He Xiaoran in the same private room as you?"

Yu Lingju nodded silently, he wanted to ask why Xiaomi Mili's biological father came?I was completely unprepared, so I am still in shock.

"How is she?" Zhou Chenyuan asked, paused, and added: "I'm talking about mood."

"It's very good, and the mentality is also good." Yu Lingju said truthfully that He Xiaoran's mentality was better than his.

"Do you still want to bet and make a fortune?"

Yulingju was surprised, "How does Mr. Zhou know?"

Zhou Chenyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, what's the point?As far as her stinking virtue is concerned, he knows best.

He glanced at Yulingju, "The rules here are different from other places. Since you share a room with her and she wants to play, you can let her play. If you win, it's hers, and if you lose, it's mine."

Yulingju: "..."

Glancing at Zhou Chenyuan, "She wants to play with ten times the winning rate. If she loses, she will have a gambling debt of nearly [-] million..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Chenyuan took out the check, wrote the number with a pen, and reached out to pat him the check, "Let her play, and if I lose, it will be mine."

Yulingju: "???"

Zhou Chenyuan said: "It's rare for her to want to play once, just let her play."

"We are here mainly to find He Miao!" Yulingju reminded.

Zhou Chenyuan nodded: "I know, it doesn't matter, just take He Miao home tonight."

Yulingju: "..."

He now somewhat understands why He Miao's sister is so courageous, it is because behind her there is a rice grain father who pampers her!

Yulingju reached out to take the check, "Just don't regret it."

He was going to open the compartment door to go out, Zhou Chenyuan reminded: "Don't tell her that I'm there."

Yu Lingju didn't understand what the two wanted to do, so he nodded, "Got it."

Put the check away, "I'll go first, Ms. He is probably still waiting for me to go back and place a bet."

Zhou Chenyuan responded, and the two walked out of the compartment one after another.

Unlucky, Yulingju went out first, and a waiter came in from outside, the same waiter from their private room, saw Yulingju coming out of the cubicle, followed by a man, this...

Waiter: "!!!"

He backed out quickly, and said something in his mouth: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, guest!"

Yulingju: "...don't get me wrong, I didn't bother you!"

Zhou Chenyuan: "???"

What's the meaning?Misunderstanding what?Who are you bothering?

The waiter hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I'm the one who disturbed you two!"

Zhou Chenyuan felt that the other party was sick, so he couldn't understand.

Yu Lingju stretched out his hand to rest his forehead, and when he looked up, he found Zhou Chenyuan was washing his hands.

Not only did he wash his hands, he also used hand sanitizer very pickily, and washed his hands carefully.

Waiter: "..."

Turning around, he walked shyly in small steps and ran away.

Yu Lingju chased after him for two steps, "Hey, it's not..."

The waiter disappeared in the blink of an eye, and Yu Lingju held his temples and remained silent for a long time.

Zhou Chenyuan raised his head: "Is that man sick?"

Yu Lingju: "No, T's national style is open, he may have misunderstood."

Zhou Chenyuan wondered: "What's the relationship between open folk customs and misunderstanding?"

Yu Lingju was silent for a moment before saying, "It's okay, it's just my slip of the tongue."

With that said, he hurried back to the box.

Zhou Chenyuan stood there inexplicably, frowned, and left with a wave of his hand, what a mess!

He Xiaoran was still waiting for Yulingju to come back in the private room, when she heard the door knock, she looked back and saw Yulingju come in.

Yu Lingju said: "If you want to play, bet on it. The upper limit is [-] million, no more."

He Xiaoran's eyes lit up immediately, and he ran to the door to call the waiter in, saying he wanted to place a bet.

The waiter gave He Xiaoran a sympathetic look, she definitely didn't know what happened to her man with another man in the bathroom just now.

The waiter confirmed their choice again and again, and both of them were very sure.

Yu Lingju sighed, if he loses at that time, he and Zhou Chenyuan can only bear it together, the right should be for He Miao.

The waiter carefully handed them the betting voucher, and He Xiaoran held it in his hand and stuffed it into his pocket, triumphantly, "Mr. Yu, don't worry, I will guarantee to win back He Miao's dowry tonight. "

Yulingju: "..."

At seven o'clock in the evening, accompanied by a deafening gong, the host of the night of the boxing match came on stage. A bearded man with a ponytail, exaggerated eye shadow and lipstick, wearing a skirt in his eyes, I don't know if it was a transvestite or It's a gimmick, but the shape is very weird anyway, and the people in the private room can clearly see the scene on the ring, no matter the height or the position, there are 360 ​​degrees without dead ends.

He Xiaoran sat in the private room with his hands on his chin, keeping his head down as low as possible.

Yu Lingju sat on the other side, staring at the ring, waiting for the other party to introduce the candidates for today's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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