Chapter 581 Weapons (31)

He Xiaoran's sleepy eyes, not only did not restrain himself, but made a gesture of wiping his neck towards the big man.

Stimulated, the big man rushed to the corner of the ring closest to He Xiaoran's private room, roaring loudly in He Xiaoran's direction.

He Xiaoran got more excited, not only wiped his neck, but also deliberately made an expression of rolling his eyes and sticking out his tongue.

Then he kept his thumbs down gesture and continued to be provocative.

A barking dog doesn't bite, the more bluffing, the more weak it is, or else, just call her!
At this time, the waiter finally reminded: "Hello, guest, please don't affect the boxer's mood, thank you for your cooperation."

He Xiaoran turned back: "If I don't affect him, can he win?"

Waiter: "..."

He Xiaoran guessed right. The second player lasted longer than the first one, which obviously made it more difficult for the defenders.

He Xiaoran rested her chin on her hand. Compared with Yulingju's state where she was facing a big enemy, she seemed much calmer, and comforted Yulingju: "Mr. Yu, don't worry, this kind of attacker is just passing the show, later The last one is the most challenging...

As soon as he finished speaking, He Xiaoran saw that Yu Lingju's face turned pale, and he was about to fall, so he changed his words quickly: "But no matter how powerful he is, he can't beat He Miao, our He Miao is really a genius! "

If Yulingju didn't support things, he probably wouldn't be able to sit still. He stared at the small figure covered in blankets, "What should I do? He Miao is too dangerous now... no, I want to stop the game, I let This game continues! This is an unfair game at all, it is not fair to He Miao..."

He was frightened here, and the people on the other side of the ring had already started fighting.

Compared with the strong man, the little figure with the black blanket covering her head was pitifully thin. If she hadn't moved fast enough, she would have been beaten into a meatloaf long ago.

Yulingju didn't dare to look at it, but he couldn't help but look at it, so his whole heart was on his back.

He Xiaoran comforted: "It's not that scary, let's see."

The sparring in the arena has become day-to-day. The little figure is so agile that it is not human. It is petite and fast, and it does not say a word between actions.

He Xiaoran explained to Yulingju: "The movement just now was the last time she participated in a martial arts competition. She learned it from the master at Caiwei Mountain, but it was originally used for physical fitness, so I removed it. The redundant movements were shortened to the current appearance, she used it very well... Ouch, poor little thing, it should have been hit on the little arm..."

Yu Lingju was dying, "Please stop talking!"

"You have to believe that He Miao can do it, don't be so fragile!" He Xiaoran reminded, "Encourage her, she will know."

"She doesn't know we're here!" Yu Lingju covered his eyes.

He Xiaoran said: "Of course you know! He Miao is very sensitive to breath, not only does she know, she also knows how many people she is familiar with here, otherwise, why do you think she is so active?"

Yulingju finally raised his head: "Why?"

He Xiaoran said: "Nine times out of ten, she has received the other party's instructions and can only do other things after work. Therefore, even if she knows that there are people she knows well here, she will complete the game."

Yu Lingju raised his eyes, "So, do you think He Miao has already been found a way to communicate with her?"

He Xiaoran nodded: "Almost. Lin Xiaoxian will definitely find a way to get He Miao to cooperate."

Yu Lingju pressed the position of his heart subconsciously, and when he heard the news from He Xiaoran, he felt very uncomfortable.

This degree of discomfort is like something that was originally owned by oneself, but one day someone else has it too.

He thought about it, and suddenly realized that his current emotions were probably emotions that he had never cared about, and never thought possible.

Putting his hand on his heart, he suddenly said, "Is it her assistant? I remember you said that her assistant also disappeared together."

"Ah? You said it was Xiaojuan? In fact, Xiaojuan's advantage is that He Miao has no offensive power against her. Xiaojuan will guess her heart from He Miao's standpoint, but when it comes to how to communicate with He Miao, in fact Xiaojuan is better than He Miao. Not for you. Looking at it now, there should be someone around Lin Xiaoxian who can communicate with He Miao." He Xiaoran rested his hand on his chin, and said in a calm tone.

Yulingju felt even more uncomfortable, that is to say, apart from He Miao's older sister and you, the preferential treatment that belonged to him suddenly disappeared.

He Miao also accepted other people's overtures to her.

Yu Lingju pursed the corners of his lips, a heavy and serious face condensed on a handsome face that drove countless fans crazy, making his face look full of extremely serious abstinence.

After a while, He Xiaoran heard him muttering angrily: "We still have to teach hard!"

His responsibility is because he has no church!
He Xiaoran almost laughed out loud, she hadn't gotten into Yulingju's heart just now, but after he muttered this sentence, He Xiaoran immediately knew why he said such a sentence.

She didn't speak, and turned her head to look at the arena again. The competition on the arena had come to an end, and the figure under the blanket was raising her feet, kicking the buttocks of the big man who fell on the ground.

When the referee saw it, he hurried forward. When the figure saw someone approaching, he shrank quickly, nestled in the corner again, and began to close his head against the wall.

He Xiaoran sighed: "My He Miao is still so cute!"

The second big man was also carried down.

Then a little girl wearing a mask ran onto the stage, brought water to He Miao, handed towels to He Miao, and squatted on the ground talking to her.

He Xiaoran said: "That is Xiaojuan."

Familiar people and unfamiliar people can still be seen.

Yu Lingju was even more worried, "Did Xiaojuan be bought by someone? Did she help those people bully He Miao? She knew about He Miao's situation, did she become an accomplice?"

He Xiaoran: "Even if she becomes an accomplice, she has no other choice, unless she dies. I hope she understands the principle of adapting to the wind, so that the contract will not suffer. After all, Xiaojuan is also implicated by He Miao. If it is not He Miao, she might still be living a carefree life with a low income."

"That's what I said, but this is not the reason for her to bully He Miao!"

He Xiaoran: "..."


On the issue of He Miao, the actor Yu has reached the point where the three views are not right and wrong!
She glanced at Yu Lingju, "Look, let's talk about it later, what if Comrade Xiaojuan is pretending to cooperate!"

"That's not an excuse for her to help those bastards bully He Miao!"

Look, look, Xiaojuan is obviously taking care of He Miao, but in his eyes he is bullying He Miao, this is too much!

(End of this chapter)

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