Chapter 587 Take Money Quickly (2)

"He Miao, if you don't look up again, I'll be angry!" Yulingju shouted, "I won't cook any good food for you in the future, and I won't let you go into the cabinet!"

He Miao was shocked. She immediately raised her head with her head in her hands, and locked onto Yu Lingju's face accurately through the dark helmet mask, then lowered her head and closed herself.

She had already looked at him!

Yulingju got what He Miao meant in a second, and was so angry that he almost fell over, just take a look?

Because of He Xiaoran's arrival, Xiaojuan's role in front of He Miao disappeared in an instant, and Xiaojuan looked at the person who urged her with trepidation: "She, she can't listen now..."

With a "slap", Xiao Juan was slapped on the face again immediately, "Damn bitch, can't we handle this matter? What's the use of you? If you can't be called anymore, I'll sell you to a brothel at night Be a chicken!"

Xiao Juan's eyes were covered with tears, her whole body was shaking, she didn't do it on purpose, He Miao is not so easy to communicate, she can't drag He Miao into the closet...

"Useless stuff!" The other party said, walked up to He Miao, and urged: "Hey, idiot, get in quickly, do you hear me?"

He Miao squatted on the ground, bowed his head and hugged his knees, motionless.

The man got angry again, and the above said that he must take this monster out of this place immediately, or it will be too late if he doesn't leave!
"I'm talking to you, did you hear me?" This man dared to act unscrupulously because he knew she couldn't understand.

If you can't reach out and touch her, this thing will go crazy and beat people, but it's fine if you don't touch her, and you can't understand it even if you scold her. This is a fool.

He didn't dare to reach out, so he forced Xiao Juan to drag He Miao into the cabinet. Of course Xiao Juan couldn't drag He Miao, let alone she couldn't drag He Miao, even if she dragged He Miao, she couldn't reach out and drag He Miao, how could He Miao allow it Someone touch her?Oh, as if her sister was allowed to touch.

Xiao Juan didn't stretch out his hand, the man directly raised his slap, and when he was about to slap it down again, he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, and then his whole body was kicked out, and in the blink of an eye, he hit something hard, and his eyes went black , lost consciousness.

"Miss He!" Xiao Juan cried bitterly, and threw himself into He Xiaoran's arms regardless, "Sister... I'm so scared, why did you come here?!"

He Xiaoran was suddenly embraced by Xiaojuan, and she didn't speak for a long time. If she remembers correctly, although Xiaojuan has a baby face, he is older than her, right?

Poor girl, it seems that she was beaten a lot during her kidnapping.

He Xiaoran patted Xiao Juan on the shoulder, "Okay, I'm here to take you home, don't cry."

After Xiaojuan cried and cried, his emotions were vented and resolved, and he gradually regained his composure, sobbing, "He Miao seems to be throwing a tantrum..."

He Xiaoran said: "I know, don't worry. Let me see, ouch, this face is swollen, it's okay, when I go back, I will give you a raise!"

Xiao Juan said, "Can I still do this job?"

She doesn't want to do it anymore, her life is almost gone, so how can she do it?

He Xiaoran: "Of course you can. You said that if you resign when you go back, then your crime will be in vain? You should at least earn compensation from He Miao, right?"

Xiaojuan thought about it, and found it very reasonable, "That's right! I'm going to strongly demand a salary increase!"

"Yes, I'll find her when I get back." He Xiaoran supported.

Then she walked to He Miao, squatted down, "Miao Miao, what are you doing?"

He Miao turned his head with the big helmet, "Hmph!"

He Xiaoran moved to the other side, "Are you angry?"

"Huh!" He turned to the other side.

He Xiaoran pushed her, "My sister is wrong, my sister apologizes to you, my sister shouldn't have hit you so fiercely just now, my sister apologizes to you."

He Miao: "..."

"The big fish is here too, but he can't come out now." He Xiaoran said: "My sister just went to wash her face. After washing her face, let Miao Miao take a look at her beautiful face and let Miao Miao know that her sister is not fake. It's true. But my sister is really angry, my sister is so worried about you, but you are running here."

"Go to work!" He Miao was angry, and stretched out his hand to push the mask away, and took out a stack of red envelopes from the big helmet, "Make money, buy delicious food for Xiaomi!"

He Xiaoran: "..."

I wanted to cry, but I was also a little happy, "Are you here to work and buy delicious food for Xiaomi? This is all earned by Miao Miao?"

He Miao nodded proudly, and He Xiaoran opened it to see that there were two hundred-dollar bills in the red envelope.

The bastard lied to her family's little He Miao, and with such a small amount of money, he tricked little He Miao into the ring, what a shameless thing.

He Miao also said, "A lot of money!"

"Is this a lot of money?" He Xiaoran asked.

He Miao nodded.

He Xiaoran became even more angry. Her poor big helmet didn't know money, so she sent away the two dollar bills.

She opened it and saw that there were a lot of red envelopes inside, and there were a few US dollars in them. Her little He Miao didn't know how many billions she had made for those bastards, and they even used two hundred dollars to trick the little fool every time.

He Xiaoran almost grinds his teeth.

When He Miao heard it, she was worried that her sister would get angry, and she was afraid of being beaten again, so she said, "I'm not angry anymore."

"Aren't you angry?" He Xiaoran said, "Then let's go find Big Fish, shall we?"

He Xiaoran took He Miao's hand and led her upstairs, while Xiao Juan hurriedly followed behind, afraid that he would not be able to leave if he was one step behind.

When the people not far away saw her, they hurried over to stop her, "What are you doing? You can't take her..."

Before he finished speaking, He Xiaoran had already stuffed the shoe into his mouth. When he stretched his legs, half of the teeth of the man caught in the sole of the shoe fell out. He Xiaoran tilted his head and asked, "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly. What can't I do? Huh? What can't I do?"

"woo woo woo woo……"

He Xiaoran retracted his legs, rubbed against the man's clothes, and led the two of them towards the private room.

As soon as the door opened, Yu Lingju leaped up, "He Miao!"

Holding the big helmet, He Miao tilted his head and looked at Yulingju: "Big fish!"

Yu Lingju rushed in front of He Miao, feeling a bit at a loss as to what to do. His sister was still beside him, and he was afraid that he would be too excited to scare He Miao. At the last second of embracing He Miao, he stopped the car and changed his behavior. Speech: "Did they bully you? Did they beat you? Did they starve you?..."

He Miao shook his head, "No!"

Yulingju doesn't believe it, how does He Miao know what bullying is?After starving her for three days, and suddenly giving her a meal, she didn't feel hungry.

So, Yu Lingju looked at Xiao Juan, "Has He Miao been beaten up in these days? Has anyone bullied her? Is there anything she won't eat?"

With a red and swollen bun face, Xiao Juan looked at Yulingju and complained: "Yuyingdi, although I like you very much, you can't open your eyes and talk nonsense. He Miao is still fine until now. My face has been covered by others." It's swollen!"

People don't dare to hit He Miao, so just keep hitting her, okay?
She was not killed, it was her fate!

Yulingju breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good!"

Xiaojuan: "???"

What does that mean?Her face is like this, what's so good about it?
(End of this chapter)

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